"There are from twenty to thirty instruments to be patented in Keely's system of sympathetic vibratory physics. Months of valuable time are lost, which might have been occupied in preparations for the taking out of patents, had Keely's generous proposition been accepted as promptly as it deserved to be. The spiro-vibrophonic system alone requires eight or ten patents; the resonating system five or six more; the vitalizing six, which must be preceded by the setting up of a vibratory dynamo that would take weeks to construct and graduate. The sympathetic transmitting system will require months, with its adjuncts, to get into a patentable condition; and the sympathetic governor of course must be patented if the other instruments are." Some Truths about Keely

See Also
Figure 15.02 - Keelys Hydro-Pneumatic-Pulsating-Vacuo Engine operated with etheric vapor
Keely Motor
Keely Patents
vibratory dynamo
See Also
Figure 19.07 - Another view of Globe Motor with a different kind of Dynamo
Keely Patents
vibratory disintegrator
vibratory transmitter