I. K.Taimni
"Consciousness generates the triad sat-chit-ananda, and Force – tamas-rajas-sattva. Although this division into three parts resulting from the second differentiation is not generally considered polar, it is based on the opposition of two opposing principles, and in a broad sense can be considered polar in nature. This polar nature is further manifested in such facts as the interdependence of opposites present in every three, i.e. sat-chit and tamas-rajas. The elements of these opposites cannot be completely separated, they cannot be detected individually. And when the two extreme opposites disappear, the third element of the trinity, which is the connecting link between these two, disappears simultaneously with them." [I. K.Taimni. Glimpses into the Psychology of Yoga. Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House, 1973]
See Also
Figure 16.09 - Triple Streams of Electricity
Figure 13.08 - Triple Streams of Electricity
electric triple stream
electric stream
triune polar stream
sympathetic triple stream
triune streams
Table 15.02 - Triune Polar Streams
Figure 13.12 - Triune Polar Stream Characteristics
triune sympathetic celestial stream
sympathetic terrestrial streams
positive electric stream
13.11 - Triple Currents and Streams
16.25 - Magnetic Attraction caused by Dominant Current of Electrical Stream