
transformation of a cell

Dr. Bearden responds:
I do not know of any other reference to electromagnetic inversion of cells than my papers.
In biology, the transformation of a cell into a previous or "more primitive" state is called decifferentiation. Changing a "forward" cell or into a "more specialized" state is called "diversification". This is how it is known to change the shell to a more primitive state or a more specialized state.
Another area involved is cell regeneration. Robert Becker's work is perhaps the best and most advanced example of the latest technology in the study done on the "cellular regeneration system", particularly in terms of causing change in it with electromagnetic means. Becker was causing the phase coupling phenomena, but during much of his work (earlier, the 1960s) no modern phase coupling had yet to be born. It finally started after Russian researchers briefed US researchers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory about a curious US wave in reactions that would restore and "restore order" to disturbance processes. Even then, it didn't really start until 1979 or 1980, except for a handful of American researchers like Yariv and Fisher.
So Becker's work used ordinary EM electromagnets, without the coupled phase of theory - but his work showed some of the results. It was certainly able to stimulate regeneration or partial regeneration of limbs in certain types of test.
As another problem, even today the electromagnetic coupled phase does NOT deal with the inversion of the mass of energy itself, so the mass is "chronically reversed". On the contrary, it only concerns forming a chronically inverted copy of an incoming wave (such as in mixing 4 waves). The beauty of the process is that the two opposite "pump" waves add energy to the coupled phase copy wave that responds to the stimulus wave (called a "signal wave"). Therefore the occurring chronological reverse wave may have more energy than the way of the stimulus it responded to. But some of the features are very interesting. The stimulated time-reverse wave will “travel” or reappear through space above the exact path, point-by-point, that got the stimulus or input wave when it came in. emitted wave of regrowth time and forward, etc. ).
Here’s the point: We can consider the energy on a regular EM wave fluctuating at a plane (the wave front) traveling at the speed of light). In short, energy exists in two dimensions in its talent, but the entire "level aircraft carrier for talent" is moving. [Bearden]

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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday October 10, 2024 22:20:30 MDT by Dale Pond.