My Dear Cornelia,

For more than two weeks I have been compelled to stop all writing - even to the Doctor who has charge of Lilian, and to Mrs. Blathway who has charge of the two attendants. I will send you one of her letters that you may see how great is the improvement in this short time.

I would be willing to live through all that I have had to endure since on Sunday, August 4th, while on board the Nourmahal I agreed to go with Mr. Astor and the Electrician who invented the dynamo plates a patent for which he has taken out and was about forming a company when he read my article in the July number of the N.S.R. (New Science Review) and decided to see me if possible before doing anything in that direction. When we meet I will tell you more for I think there was still behind him a moving power from somethings that he has told me.

Can you not come to Newport for a week when Lady Clerk leaves? She is to sail on the 31st in The Umbria. I long to see you, and to tell you all. Now I can only say that Mr. Sammuels has given up electricity and is going to study Keely's system under Keely's instruction, thoroughly convinced after witnessing the operation of drawing force from space, the action of the test mediums and the levitation and suspension of the weights in the jar.

CSJ Bloomfield-Moore
circa 9/1895

See Also
