
protoplasm of music

"It is not by one pulse of the air in a second of time from a vibrating string that we hear a sound. Our ear waits till the vibrations are somewhere about 32 in a second, and then there begins to be heard a very low and not very distinct sound of little service as yet in the musical range. It is when the vibrations become more numerous that the sounds ascend and take their place within the horizon of music. Vibrations are the protoplasm of music. As the nebulous mists which hang in the depths of space are, perhaps, the protoplasm of planets; and as the all-prevading ether is, perhaps, the protoplasm from which our so-called chemical elements are built up; and as the living cell is the organic protoplasm out of which all living tissues are differentiated for their proper functions and special ends, so these vibrations of the air are the protoplasm of music." [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 19]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday September 22, 2020 03:52:30 MDT by Dale Pond.