

That this tremendous pressure expresses itself silently requires no special comment. That, as a high-grade air, this product of transformation has a more beneficial effect on the environment and development generally than the waste matter of explosive processes, also goes without saying. That this high-grade product of transformed air does not smell, is without doubt. In this way what was striven for has been achieved, namely a far higher exploitable pressure than is produced by any form of petrol (gasoline). Moreover, it is an incombustible pressure-creating substance that neither (stinks nor creates a din, and its beneficial effect can be raised to any desired level, so that in practice the smallest quantities are enough to achieve any desired effects. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday November 13, 2022 03:32:26 MST by Dale Pond.