

noun: a complete change of physical form or substance especially as by magic or witchcraft
noun: the marked and rapid transformation of a larva into an adult that occurs in some animals
noun: a striking change in appearance or character or circumstances

"All motion consists of two components. One component serves inwardness (internalisation) and the other outwardness (dispersion). Both preconditions for motion regulate the eternal flow of metamorphosis (panta Rhei)[1]." [Schauberger, Implosion Magazine, No. 57, p.5.
[[1] panta Rhei: process of change, everything flows

individualities and while similarities occur, identicalities never do. This fact alone suffices to show that any rigid conformity to law or dogma-derived process is just as impossible as an identically formed product, for the form and type of the product of synthesis is determined by a process of constantly changing change. It was Heraclitus, who long ago stated that one cannot bathe in the same water twice, because it is in continual motion even when apparently still, and is thus in a constant state of metamorphosis. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

See Also


Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday December 31, 2022 03:43:09 MST by Dale Pond.