
mental alchemy

The Mystic Knows
The mystic knows only too well the value and danger, the goodness and the evil, that lies in the power of mentally creating. We know that if we hold in our minds a picture and give it the vibrations of living possibility, and if we prophetically proclaim that it is to be or will be, we bring it about; we create it in the world of actuality, by transferring it from the world of reality to material manifestation. W know that as each hour of the day passes, the things which we have held in our imagination and which we now allow to pass into the chamber if mental alchemy are likely to be crystallized immediately in earthly form. We must, therefore, be pure minded. We must be pure and holy in our imaginary concepts. We must keep the chamber of mental alchemy so clear and so wholesome and of such a high standard that no evil thought, no evil admission, no unholy concept of our earthly imagination may take form there and grow and be born in the world of actuality. [Rosicrucian Manual]

Harvey Spencer Lewis
“It is a metaphysical fact that for each minute of time we spend in thoughts of unfavorable impressions, unkind criticism, or hate toward any person, there will be hours of physical and mental suffering as a reaction. The first thing to do, then, in considering the relief of any mental or physical condition is to analyze your mental self over a period of time preceding the condition and discover what thoughts, attitudes, and conditions of mind you have held or expressed, and immediately eliminate this attitude by reversing your opinions, thoughts, and holding thoughts of love and kindness instead. In other words, the poison from the mind that has been eating at the very heart of every cell in your body must be eliminated before any treatment can be given to relieve the ultimate and outer manifestations. Any other process is merely treating the outer manifestations as though giving them a drug to nullify the senses without removing the actual cause.” [Harvey Spencer Lewis]

Carl Jung
Only as a secondary consideration does he hope that some benefit may accrue to himself from the transformed substance as the panacea, the medicina catholica, just as it may to the imperfect bodies, the base or "sick" metals, etc.
His attention is not directed to his own salvation through God's grace, but to the liberation of God from the darkness of matter.
By applying himself to this miraculous work he benefits from its salutary effect, but only incidentally. He may approach the work as one in need of salvation, but he knows that his salvation depends on the success of the work, on whether he can free the divine soul.
To this end he needs meditation, fasting, and prayer; more, he needs the help of the Holy Ghost as his paredroz ministering spirit.
Since it is not man but matter that must be redeemed, the spirit that manifests itself in the transformation is not the "Son of Man" but as Khunrath very properly puts it, the filius macrocosmi.
Therefore, what comes out of the transformation is not Christ but an ineffable material being named the "stone," which displays the most paradoxical qualities apart from possessing corpus, anima, spiritus, and supernatural powers.
One might be tempted to explain the symbolism of alchemical transformation as a parody of the Mass were it not pagan in origin and much older than the latter.
The substance that harbors the divine secret is everywhere, including the human body. It can be had for the asking and can be found anywhere, even in the most loathsome filth. [Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy]

See Also

Alchemy - Most Sacred Science
Chapter I - The Mental Dynamo
Chapter IV - Mental Magic in Animal Life
Chapter V - Mental Magic in Human Life
Chapter XII - Mental Atmosphere
Chapter XVI - Mental Suggestion
Chapter XXV - Mental Therapeutics
Chapter XXVI - Mental Healing Methods
Chapter XXVII - Mental Architecture
Figure 14.04 - The Alchemical Light
Fundamental Forces
high mental plane
Mental Being
Mental Magic
Mental Manifestation
Mental Matrix
sympathetic mental

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday March 24, 2023 03:58:35 MDT by Dale Pond.