
inverse relations

It is in their inverse relations that the major and the minor are equal. Every note, chord, and progression in the one has its reciprocal or corresponding note, chord, and progression in the other. This is the Law of Duality. And this general law of Nature is so deeply rooted in music, that is the numbers which represent the vibrations in the major system be made to represent quantities of string, these quantities will produce the minor system (beginning, of course, with the proper notes and numbers); so that when the quantities are minor the tones are major, and when the quantities are major the tones are minor.1[Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 44]

The middle Fig. is the same, the central D's being made a pivot point on which to turn the minor down against the major in an inverse relation, setting the dual notes in file. The multiplying primes are set over the roots. The arrows point out the notes so found. The two D's are here seen right opposite of each other, because the intervals between C D in the major and E D in the minor are equal. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 103]

See Also

Figure 12.13 - Some Multi-Dimensional as Inverse and Direct Reciprocal Relationships
grand fugue
inverse chirp z-transform
inverse process
inverse progression
Inverse Square Law
Multiplicative inverse
Ramsay - Nature's Grand Fugue - The System of Musical Vibrations
Ramsay - Nature's Inverse Process for the Minor Genesis
Ramsay - PLATE I - Nature's Grand Fugue

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday December 20, 2020 04:30:14 MST by Dale Pond.