
verb: impinge or infringe upon ("This impinges on my rights as an individual")
verb: advance beyond the usual limit
verb: to strike, hit, or dash (on, upon, or against something)
verb: to touch (on or upon); have an effect: an idea that impinges on one's mind
verb: to make inroads or encroach (on or upon the property or rights of another)

In considering the operation of my engine, the visitor, in order to have even an approximate conception of its modus operandi, must discard all thought of engines that are operated upon the principle of pressure and exhaustion, by the expansion of steam or other analogous gas which impinges upon an abutment, such as the piston of a steam-engine. My engine has neither piston nor eccentrics, nor is there one grain of pressure exerted in the engine, whatever may be the size or capacity of it. [Keely, see Keelys Accomplishments]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Monday November 21, 2022 00:56:49 MST by Dale Pond.