"Great areas of Earth can literally be frozen or fried at will by controlling the movement of air masses, particularly near the poles, where most of the Earth's weather originates in the form of high or low pressure air masses." ['MICROWAVE SATELLITE HEATERS' by Bernard Eastlund 2001]
"Within the next 30 years there will be a Global Weather Control System that could influence the weather through the use of contrails (condensed water vapour produced at high altitudes by aircraft), a fleet of solar reflectors orbiting the Earth, wind turbines and microwave energy from satellites". [Dr. Ross N. Hoffman 2003]
Antony C Sutton 'The View From 4-Space'
"The most advanced etheric technologies, weather engineering and cloud-busting, use somewhat different methods and assumptions but are similar in principle. The basic idea is to utilize flowing global currents of etheric energy to control weather. These currents are north-south and east-west and vary by time of day and month. You won't find this in any text book, so don't bother to check." Antony C Sutton
"For some reason this technology raises the most hostility and the most denial. Rejection by Government and academic science in the face of world drought disasters is a sad commentary on a sick world. The State of Malaysia is the only nation that has officially used these techniques and only Greece, Israel, Namibia, Eritrea, Cyprus and Singapore have officially acknowledged operations within their country. Not a single Western world industrialized country has even recognized the technique. This author once discussed the possibility with South African Government officials but the project was not pursued." [Antony C Sutton]
"This technology can not only induce rainfall (to control drought and forest fires) and limit rainfall but also control smog (at minimal cost) and floods. There is a probability that cyclones and hurricanes can be at least partially controlled." [Antony C Sutton]
"Dr. James DeMeo based in Ashland, Oregon, and founder of the Orgone Biophysical Laboratory, uses the classic Reich cloudbuster technique for reversal of desertification by encouraging adjustment to normal weather patterns."
"Trevor James Constable has introduced electronic controls and Steiner etheric ideas and married them to Reichian ideas on biological energy, and has now extended seabourne and land operations to successful air trials." [Antony C Sutton]
"One remarkable aspect of De Meo's work is a series of drought abatement experiments in Greece, Namibia, Eritrea and Cyprus, desert greening experiments in the US and elsewhere and pollution experiments in Germany." [Antony C Sutton]
"The other operator is Trevor James Constable, whose operation is weather engineering by manipulating etheric currents. The orgone energy of Reich and De Meo is the same energy under a different name-the life energy 'orgone' = 'chemical ether'
The Work of James DeMeo
The years 1988 to 1991 were abnormal in the Eastern Mediterranean (Greece, Turkey, Egypt and Israel), as these countries experienced extended and severe drought. So severe was this drought that on Cyprus in early 1992 water delivery was restricted to two (2) hours PER WEEK. In early 1991 a group of American orgonomists, including Dr. Walter Hoppe, Dr. Richard Blasband, who had previously worked in Israel, got together with Dr. James De Meo to establish a program that would reinforce the natural tendencies towards rain in late 1992." Antony C Sutton
"A 'small but powerful cloudbuster' was built in an Israeli machine shop. The weather by November 15 had 'developed into a hardened desert-like character. In coordination with the Hellenic Orgonomic Association in both Greece and Cyprus, operations began. By November 17 rain began in Greece and by November storms generated in the East Mediterranean moving towards Israel. Rain started to fall on November 27th and by December 7, accumulated rainfall was something like 200%-400% of normal."
"On February 15 the news reported: "Its official. The current and far-from-over winter is the wettest in a century in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, there hasn't been so much rain since records were first kept in 1904."
"De Meo has since repeated this type of operation in Eritrea and Namibia, quietly and without publicity, and at no public expense. The operations are entirely privately financed." [Antony C Sutton]
The Work of Trevor James Constable
Trevor James Constable came through the Reich school of orgonomy and was for a time its Director of Research. Constable moved away from pure orgonomy to incorporate Steiner and Wachsmuth anthroposophic principles coupled with various electronic devices. Constable technique is engineered with far more reliability than cloud seeding and chemical assault. Both De Meo and Constable methods are non-polluting." [Antony C Sutton]
"Etheric weather engineering uses bio geometric translators, simple juxtaposed geometric shapes based on Golden Proportions. The translators dam up the etheric flows and force water discharge. Simple, yet extremely effective." [Antony C Sutton]
"For over ten years Constable and his group have conducted tests in the Pacific Ocean and Far East. Many tests used the Matson Lines Container ship SS MAUI and many are recorded on video tape. The most dramatic video is an artificial storm generated by Constable translators and which accompanied the ship on its track across the Pacific (the so-called "Moses effect.").
"While difficult to describe in writing-the dramatic effect of etheric procedures is brought to life by radar and video. The Constable volume, The Loom of the Future, is crammed with photographs, radar reproductions and other graphic representation of the various programs and operations."
"All Constable operations in the US are reported to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on NOAA Form 17-4, so there is no question that the Federal Government is well aware of the potential for these devices. It is beyond this authors understanding how the Federal Government can allow atmospheric disasters to ruin citizens and yet take no action."
"For political and legal reasons Constable has suspended operations in the United States......and we spend something like $400 Billion a year on 'national security." [Antony C Sutton]
Operation PINCER II
TJC-ATMOS Inc. Singapore Trevor James Constable
Trevor James Constable
The Cloudbuster of Wilhelm Reich
Orgonomic Related Websites
The Breakthroughs of N. A. Kozyrev
Miscellaneous significant subject matter
http://volh.org.ru/content/art-62.html Russian
See Also
Antony C Sutton
Engineering Scalar Forces
space weather
Sutton article on Sound
Tesla on Controlling the Weather