


Thing noun â–¸an object, or an item. This word is used when you cannot or do not want to refer to the object or item in a more specific way â–¸the objects that belong to a particular person or that are used for a particular purpose â–¸an object that you are not familiar with or do not know much about â–¸used when you are angry, or used for referring to an object you do not like â–¸an action, or an activity â–¸a situation, or an event â–¸a fact or a condition related to a particular situation, activity, person, etc. â–¸used for referring to a particular aspect of a situation that you are making a comment about â–¸all of the aspects of a particular situation â–¸used for talking about life in a general way â–¸an aspect of life â–¸an idea, a comment, or a piece of information â–¸used for referring to other examples or details, especially when you cannot or do not want to refer to them in a more specific way â–¸a young person or animal that you like. This word is used for saying something nice to them or about them

See Also

1.18 - The Origin of Things 18.06 - Thought as a thing - Cayce 18.07 - Thought as a thing - Hubbard Faith by Science - The Dawn of a New Order of Things Figure 2.6 - Non-Point nothingness becoming All that Is Figure 4.15 - From One Comes all seeming things through Refraction or Differentiation Object Substance Sympsionics

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday September 18, 2012 03:41:07 MDT by Dale Pond.