
The Evening Herald January 31-1899


J. R. Bridge, of Boston, Had "Ocular Demonstration of the Tricks."

Boston, Jan. 31.–
J. R. Bridge, of this city, whose name appeared in connection with that of Charles S. Hill in an alleged expose of the Keely motor secret, and who was accused in a statement issued by T. B. Kinraide, who was supposed to be the sole possessor of the late inventor's secret, of breach of faith, yesterday made a reply to Mr. Kinraide, in which be stated that the knowledge of the fraud was imparted to him without solicitation or request, and that he made no promise of secrecy and was under no obligation to keep silent. Mr. Bridge says:

"In addition to the evidences of fraud which I saw in Mr. Keely's laboratory in Philadelphia I also have seen since Mr. Keely's death the most important of the experiments performed by Mr. Kinraide himself. Mr. Kinraide told both Mr. Hill and myself that the plain evidences of fraud covered every experiment done by Mr. Keely, and as we had had ocular demonstrations of the tricks we could not doubt the statement.

"I have been besieged by people who wanted to buy Keely motor stock and by others who wished to unload their stock, until I finally decided that I was coming dangerously near condoning a fraud, and I urged Mr. Hill to let the whole story go, and he consented."

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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday October 31, 2013 04:54:40 MDT by Dale Pond.