This zero universe of equilibrium demands two opposed conditions in order to simulate that which our senses interpret for motion and change. These two needed conditions are plus and minus equilibrium; positive and negative electricity. (Fig. 17)

Plus zero means a credit of pressure borrowed from the universal equilibrium to compress a large volume into a small volume. Minus zero means an equal expansion to balance the borrowed compression.
A thousand dollars borrowed from a bank is a plus condition of credit which is balanced by an equal debit of one thousand dollars. The central zero represents the bank. The extended zeros represent credit and debit. Both are equal but opposite. A credit of one thousand dollars equals zero. When the credit is paid in part or in full the debit is proportionately voided simultaneously with the credit.
These two opposite conditions of credit and debit correspond with the two opposite conditions of compression and expansion in Nature upon which motion is dependent. When an equilibrium pressure is divided into opposite conditions from the zero from which both are extended, motion between the two becomes imperative. They must interchange with each other to void their unbalanced conditions. This is the principle of the electric current.
Fig. 18 represents a room of equal pressure. Two tanks in it are connected with a tube and petcock. By pumping all the air out of one tank into the other, the two plus-minus conditions have been established which make motion imperative. Nature always borns each opposite from the other in this manner.

By opening the petcock an outward explosion will take place in the plus tank. An inward explosion of equal potential will take place in the evacuated tank. The plus tank will discharge part of its compressed condition to charge the minus one. The electric battery is the same in principle. (Fig. 19)

In Nature the discharged radiation which explodes outward from the sun simultaneously explodes inward as gravitation. [Walter Russell, The Secret of Light, pages 230-231]