For centuries man has been searching for the life principle in germs of matter. He might as well cast his nets into the sea to search for oxygen.
There is no life in matter, nor is there death, for matter is but motion. Motion begins and ends, to begin again, but life is immortal. It has no beginning. It has no ending. It cannot die.
Man has long believed his body to be his Self, the Person, the Being. Man's body is but motion. It can have no Being. God dwells in man. The Person, the Being in man, is immortal. Life in him is God in him. The body of man manifests God in him by manifesting life in life-death-resurrection sequences, as all creating-decreating-recreating things in Nature likewise do.
The body of man must be forever reborn unto the endless end to manifest God in him. There is naught but birth in this cyclic, pulsing universe. There is no death.
The idea of man is a part of the One Whole Idea of Creation. All Creation is but an expression of that One Idea, part by part, each being a part of the Whole. God gives an eternal repetition of bodies to all parts of His Idea to manifest that idea in wave cycles of the divided light of His thinking. One half of each cycle unfolds the idea into the form of that idea and gives it action for producing that form. The other half of the cycle refolds the idea to give it rest in the Light of its Source for the purpose of repeating the manifestation in a repetition of that body.
A return to rest in the Light is not death; it is a return to Life for the purpose of rebirth to again manifest Life in a renewed body.

We do not say that man is dead when he rests in sleep to partially renew his body. We know that he will awaken with new parts of his body to replace those which have served their purpose and disappeared.
When man's whole body wears out and needs replacement, he likewise rests in a longer sleep. Man's body is but patterned waves of light in motion. Waves disappear into the ocean's calm but they reappear.
The ocean is a part of the idea of Creation. Waves express the idea of the power of the ocean but the power and the idea are in the calm of the ocean whether expressed by waves or not.
The turbulence of the ocean springs from its calm just as the movement of the lever springs from its still fulcrum. All motion is a two-way extension of stillness.
We do not think that the ocean is dead while it is at rest in its calm, for we know that it will again manifest its power by waves of motion when desire is strong enough in it for manifesting it by motion.
Waves of light which give transient form to a man's body are but his body. They are not the man, nor the man-idea. The body of the man is an extension of other waves of father-mother light in the sun, and the idea of man exists in the still Light which centers the sun.
Man can never die for he is omnipresent Light and he exists everywhere. Likewise man's body cannot die for man's body manifests immortal man, and immortal man always has a body in which to manifest.
This body which extends from the earth disappears into the heavens and the earth, but that which disappears to sensed man of earth has not ceased to be, for its pattern has been recorded for repetition. It still IS and will reappear.
The senses of man are not attuned to the rest of the cycle of man's bodily journey from disappearance to reappearance but man's knowing reaches out over the entire cycle and man can know eternal repetitiveness of his body when he knows God in him.
When water disappears beyond the senses as water vapor and gases, we know they will reappear as water when they have completed their cyclic journey. As man knows the Light in him he will as surely know that he will return for aeons to complete the purpose of manifesting his Creator as one part of the Whole Idea. That purpose cannot be completed in one life cycle, nor in ten times ten million life cycles. Man has but begun to express the man-idea on this planet. He still has a long way to go, and the body he needs in which to manifest will return to him as surely as the light of day reappears from the darkness of night into which it has disappeared. [Walter Russell, The Secret of Light, pages 196-199]