
New Concept - XXXV - Unbalanced Atomic, Solar and Stellar Systems Wobble


62. When a top spins swiftly enough upon its axis to maintain an angle of 90-degrees from the ground, it spins without wobbling on its axis, for it is in balance with gravity. Its axis points directly toward the earth's center.

When spinning slows down, its center of gravity is divided. The top then wobbles. We say that it is out of balance. Scientifically expressed, we should say that its balance is divided.

To divide balance, its one center of gravity must be extended to two foci instead of one. We exemplify this effect.

63. Two children play seesaw by alternately lengthening opposite ends of their lever. That divides gravity by throwing the lever off center from its fulcrum. The fulcrum seemingly moves toward the short end of the lever to counteract balance.

When the reversed motion takes place, the fulcrum seemingly moves to the other side of its own center to again counteract balance. That develops two seeming extensions of the fulcrum in its own center. The fulcrum has not moved, however, the fulcrum is gravity. It has but seemed to move to two east-west points. It has seemed to make gravity oscillate between two extended balance points.

64. These two east-west extensions of gravity are east-west magnetic poles for they extend as such only for the purpose of keeping this universe in balance in its every effort. When the seesaw returns to its level, these two east-west foci withdraw into their fulcrum and cease to be - because unbalance has ceased to be.

When the spinning top slows down, it leans away from its vertical axis. It has become unbalanced with its north-south vertical axis which points directly toward the center of the earth.

That leaning describes a circle around its perpendicular axis. North-south is seemingly divided into an extended pair which seems to cause gravity to oscillate.

65. Those seeming oscillations are east-west extensions of balance which counteract and control any unbalance which threatens to upset the balance of north-south extensions.

66. The above paragraph is fraught with meaning which must be clarified. The relation of balance to gravity is so little understood that it should be made clear.

We see a man on a tightrope extending a balance pole east and west from his south-north direction to counterbalance any unbalance he may create.

We relate that fact to gravity in a far too vague way of thinking. It should not be vague. We should KNOW its meaning dynamically.

67. Its explanation is given in two steps. The first step is to reduce it in principle to utter simplicity. The second step will be to amplify that simple fundamental.

First Step

68. We must first realize that Creation is but the electric thinking of Idea expressed by moving body forms imagined in the Mind of the Creator. The moving body forms are created in the image of the Creator's imaginings. The body forms are not idea; they but simulate idea.

When man creates thought forms for his ideas, his conception expands from the zero point of its beginning. He builds a complete mental three-dimensional form for his idea and creates a body to simulate that idea. He then fatigues from thinking that idea and rests for an interval before again thinking it into further form. The thoughts which he extends to cause body forms to appear he now retracts and they disappear.

Body forms of matter appear when Mind concentrates by thinking idea. They disappear when Mind decentrates to rest from thinking idea.

Mind of God and Mind of man are one. The Creator thinks idea as man does - by extending it in waves of electric thinking and withdrawing it by reversal of extended thinking.

Briefly, then, we may define Creation as a Mind imagined electric extension from a point and its retraction to that point.

Second Step

69. ''This universe is the sum total of electric actions and reactions expressed in thought-waves of
two-way motion.''

Every action is an outward radial extension of balance from one balanced condition to create two opposite equally-balanced conditions.

Every action is, therefore, an outward radial extension of balance from a centering point of universal balance.

70. The extension of infinite radii from a dimensionless point brings into being a three-dimensional radial universe. It has length, breadth and thickness. And it has form, the sphere.

Also it has measure - the measure of the energy which desire for extension gave to it. The desire to divide and extend one condition of rest into two intervals of motion are marked throughout the universe by the Magnetic Surveyor and Controller of balance.

71. North and south poles are measured out to limit the extension of form from its wave axis to a sphere of balanced curvature.

East-west polarity resists north-south extension of matter beyond the form of a sphere. Its office is to return the sphere to its wave axis. North-south polarity resists that change.

72. In radial universe of varying pressures, the change in pressure is only in the inward-outward direction. There are therefore only two directions of changing pressures in this universe.

73. The inward one is the direction of multiplied pressures. Gravity means multiplied pressure. Gravity is north. North is positive.

74. The outward one is the direction of divided pressures. Radiation means divided pressure. Radiation is south. South is negative.

75. North-south is the direction of dynamic action. The piston of the universal heartbeat is north-south. Cyclones, tornadoes, lightning, rains, and all other dynamic effects of motion are north-south. Their potentials all multiply in the direction of north - and divide in the direction of south. Solidity of matter is north. Emptiness of space is south.

76. North-south represents the divided universe of pairs of equal opposite conditions - the condition which we call gravity and the condition which we call radiation. Briefly stated, north-south is the direction of motion and time, for sequences are north-south reversals which born time.


77. East-west poles are measured intervals of extensions on planes of rest. They represent the undivided universe of unchanging balance and potential condition.?

78. North-south poles are measured intervals of extensions on planes of motion. They represent the divided universe of changing balance and potential condition.?

79. North-south polarity divides the universe into two equal and opposite conditions by extending balance dually and dividing it into pairs.

80. East-west polarity resists that division and sets up two counterbalancing east-west poles to control the balance of the two conditions on their return to the one condition of rest.


81. A true sphere sun is in perfect balance. It has but one focal center of gravity because its radii are of equal length. The moment the sphere oblates, its radii are of unequal length. Their potentials vary because the equatorial extensions of mass out-balance the polar extensions. Two east-west balancing poles then extend from the center of gravity to control the unbalance of potential now set up in the sphere.

A section of the sun, cut through upon the plane of its equator, would be circular. The radii of a circle are equal. A section cut through the poles would be elliptical. The radii of an ellipse are unequal.

82. A sphere has but one focal center but an ellipse has two. During the prolation of elliptical spheroids to spherical form, the two east-west foci draw closer to the center of gravity as north-south foci extend away from that center. As spheres oblate to elliptical spheroids, the east-west poles extend away from the center of gravity as depolarization draws the north-south poles closer together.

83. The sun is practically a true sphere. Its equatorial ring of hundreds of millions of miles is a gyroscopic wheel. Its shape is circular at its equator but its pressure directions are spiral. The planet Mercury is practically a true sphere. It is an equatorial extension of the sun. If it were still a part of the sun's body, it would revolve around the sun's axis as an integral part of the sun's body.

84. Even though it has separated from it and has an axis of its own upon which it must turn, it must still revolve around the sun's body as well as its own.

85. Mercury is also a gyroscopic wheel. Its ring extension coincides with the ring extension of the sun. They are on the same plane: therefore their poles of rotation are parallel. If the pressures of the ring were equipotential circles, Mercury would describe a circular orbit around the sun, but they are not - they are spiral, therefore they are perihelion and aphelion foci which balance and control the extension and retraction of its orbit around the sun.

This same thing is true of the four inner moons of Jupiter and the inner moon of Mars.

86. Our earth is not located upon the plane of the sun's gyroscopic ring. It has broken away from it to an angle of 23-degrees. Its gyroscopic disc is so greatly out of balance with that of the sun that it has to revolve around the sun below the sun's gyroscopic disc for one-half of the year and above it for the other half, instead of keeping on the same plane with it as Mercury does.

That puts the earth in the same predicament that the tightrope walker finds himself in when he leans out of balance with gravity, or a spinning top is when it leans off center.

87. The angle of their leanings is the same in principle as the leaning of the earth's axis. It makes the earth wobble on its axis to describe circles around its plane of gravity, while it reaches out for two counter-balancing foci just as the tightrope walker reaches for two counter-balancing foci.

88. Science has been retarded in discovering this fact of counterbalance of polarity by misinterpreting the action of the tightrope walker, the interpretation being that the extension of a balancing pole is to counteract the weight of his unbalance by extending an equal weight upon the other side of his balancing equator.

89. That is true but the conception of weight is not true. By reading my chapter on weight, this will be clarified by the true conception of weight as the potential of resistance to strains and stresses set up by any departure from a balanced condition.

90. When the earth "stood up straight" it had no need of extending its balance pole, but the moment it leaned, it needed those counter-balancing foci as much as the tightrope walker needed them. [Walter Russell, A New Concept of the Universe, pages 101-108]
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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday February 11, 2022 02:57:14 MST by Dale Pond.