
New Concept - Misconception of Energy

Misconception of Energy

3. Failure to recognize that this universal body of moving matter has been created by some power outside of itself has led science to conclude that the energy which created matter is within itself. Even more erroneous is the conclusion that energy is a condition of matter, such as heat.

This fallacy has led to the conclusion that Creation will disappear when heat energy "runs down". The first and second laws of thermodynamics are built upon this obviously wrong conclusion. The universe will never "run down". It is as eternal as God is eternal.

This universe of matter-in-motion is a Mind-conceived, Mind-creating body. As such it is as much a product of Mind as a pair of shoes, a poem, a symphony, or a tunnel under a mountain is a product of the Mind which conceived it, and motivated the action which produced it as a formed body of matter.

The poem is not the poet, however, nor is the symphony its composer. In a like sense this universe is not its own Creator. Whatever qualities or attributes there are in any product - whether it be an adding machine or a universe - have been extended to that product by their creator to manifest qualities, attributes and energies which are alone in the creator of that product.

Nor is the IDEA which matter manifests within matter. IDEA is never created. Idea is a Mind quality. Idea never leaves the omniscient Light of Mind. Idea is but simulated by matter-in-motion.

IDEA never leaves its invisible state to become visible matter. Bodies which manifest IDEA are made in the image of their creator's imaginings.

Every creation, whether of God or man, is an extension of its creator. It is projected from him by a force which is within its creator and not in the projected product.

All of the knowledge, energy and method of creating any product are properties of Mind alone.

There is no knowledge, energy, life, truth, intelligence, substance or thought in the motion which matter is. [Walter Russell, A New Concept of the Universe, pages 6-7]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday December 11, 2021 04:09:36 MST by Dale Pond.