
New Concept - A New Concept of the Universe

Special revised edition of
Walter Russell

Once in a while, in long century periods, some vast new knowledge comes to the slowly unfolding race of man through cosmically-inspired geniuses, or men of super-vision who have an awareness of the reality which lies beyond this universe of illusion.
This new knowledge is of such a revolutionary nature in its time of coming that whole systems of thought, even unto entire cosmogonies, are rendered obsolete.
When each cosmic messenger gives such new inspired knowledge to the world, the whole human race rises one step higher on that long ladder of unfolding which reaches from the jungle of man's beginnings unto the high heavens of ultimate complete Cosmic Consciousness and awareness of unity with God.
Thus it is that man has ever been transformed by the "renewing of his mind" with new knowledge given to him since his early beginnings, through the Mahabharata and Bhagavad-Gita of the early Brahmic days, through such ancient mystics as Laotze, Confucius, Zoroaster, Buddha, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Epictetus, Euclid, Mohammed, Moses, Isaiah, and Jesus, whose cosmic knowledge utterly transformed the practice of human relations of their day.
Then dawned a new day of the gathering of so-called "empirical knowledge," which is gained through the senses by research and observation of effects of matter-in-motion rather than through the Consciousness of inspired Mind in meditation, which is the way that mystics and geniuses acquire their knowledge.
Since the days of Galileo this undependable method of gaining knowledge through the senses has served to multiply man's reasoning powers by teaching him HOW to do marvelous things with electricity and the elements of matter, but not one great savant of science can tell the WHY - or the CAUSE - of his familiar effects.
If asked what electricity, light, magnetism, matter or energy is, he frankly answers: "I do not know".
If science actually does not know the WHY - or WHAT - or CAUSE - of these essentials, it necessarily follows that it is, admittedly, without knowledge.
It is merely informed - but information gathered through the senses is not knowledge. The senses sense only EFFECTS. Knowledge is confined to the CAUSE of EFFECTS.
The senses are limited to but a small range of perception of the EFFECTS which they sense, and even that small range is saturated with the deceptions and distortions created by the illusion of motion.
It is impossible for the senses to penetrate any EFFECT to ascertain its CAUSE for the cause of illusion is not within effect. For this reason the entire mass of so-called empirical knowledge which science has gained by reasoning through the senses is invalid.
Let us examine some of these conclusions which form the basis of scientific theory and see why all present theory is invalid, and why its entire structure has no resemblance to either Nature's laws or its processes. I will now enumerate some of these unnatural theories. [Walter Russell, A New Concept of the Universe, pages 1-3]
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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday December 8, 2021 04:13:54 MST by Dale Pond.