
Members Only

SVP Global Membership

SVP Global Membership (click to enlarge)

This page is for posting notices and news of interest to members and subscribers.

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11/14/18 - Download Atomic Suicide in PDF format with hyperlinks to svpwiki. 10/04/18 - Posted Physics of the Ether, a significant work on Ether. Wikied for members only. 7/3/18 - Finished wiking Atomic Suicide - the book Wikied for members only. This massive effort is to reveal What Tesla told Russell to bury for 1000 years. Enjoy! 5/27/18 - For some time now members receive a permanent 15% discount in the SVPbookstore. 5/18/17 - Began adding The Evolution of Matter - the book for members only. 5/13/17 - Added members access to Russell - Keely Storyboard.

FREE DOWNLOADS: http://www.svpwiki.com/pdffiles/

There are approximately 800+ pages of wiki materials reserved for members that are not available to the general public. As a general rule the page titles beginning with numbers are those reserved pages, plus others without numbers. There are a few admin only pages which are construction and editing materials. These are to be released, on whatever date, to members or public as determined by admin.

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday November 14, 2018 02:01:56 MST by Dale Pond.