Agreement between Bloomfield-Moore and Keely

"I saw the following documents executed:

Agreement made between Mrs. Bloomfield-Moore and Mr. John Ernest Worrell Keely:

Being fully convinced in my own mind that I can better serve the interests of the stockholders of the Keely Motor Company's shares by following out the programme [sic] mapped out for me by Mrs. Bloomfield-Moore in the autumn of 1888 (since which time I have learned more of the laws governing the operations of the force that I have discovered than in the twenty years preceding), I hereby bind myself not to give any more of my time to the construction of a commercial engine until my experimental researches have given me such mastery of the principle as to make the construction of a patentable engine possible.

Here followed the signature of Keely, duly witnessed.

In consideration of the above agreement I hereby pledge myself to furnish Mr. Keely with the funds which he needs to pursue his researches up to the time of the building of the engine for the Keely Motor Company, when that company must resign its responsibilities, or make such terms as shall be satisfactory to me and to Mr. Keely.

Here followed the signature of Mrs. Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore. The document was executed by them both in my presence, on April 5, 1890. [from Keelys Secret - He Explains His Mystic Force]

Also this agreement:
"I, Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore (widow of Bloomfield Haines Moore) of Philadelphia, Pa., United States of North America, now temporarily residing at No. 12 Great Stanhope street, Mayfair, London, England, hereby declare and publish the following as a codicil to my last will: I give and bequeath to John Ernest Worrell Keely an annuity of $3000, payable in advance in monthly installments, as long as he needs the money to continue his researches; and up to the time that he gains sufficient control of the unknown force that has discovered, to enable him to construct a patentable engine, machine, or instrument, in the interest of the Keely Motor Company, the stockholders of which have had their interest sacrificed hitherto, in my opinion, by the action of its "managers" in requiring the building and operation of unpatentable engines to exhibit the same for speculative purposes in part and to raise money for the support or the enterprise.

Furthermore, I direct that, in addition to this bequest, all bills for instruments made for Mr. Keely's experimental researches shall be paid by my executors as long as he receives no pecuniary assistance from the Keely Motor Company.

A pen having been found on Keely's desk with which she could write - like most men who write a good deal he had a vile lot of pens around him - Mrs. Bloomfield-Moore then and there, on the top of the siren itself, executed this codicil to her will and had lt duly witnessed and signed by two of the little company, one of the attestants being Dr. Leidy himself. [Keelys Secret - He Explains His Mystic Force]

See Also

Clara Jessup Bloomfield-Moore
Keely Chronology
Moore's commitment to support Keely

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday December 15, 2024 23:02:24 MST by Dale Pond.