

"Science admits that nature works with dual force, though at rest she is a unit. "Nature is one eternal circle". Keely's discoveries prove that the doctrine of the Trinity should be set down as an established canon of science - the Trinity of force. All nature's sympathetic streams - cerebellic, gravital, electric and magnetic - are made up of triple currents. The ancients understood this dogma in a far deeper sense than modern theology has construed it. The great and universal Trinity of cause, motion and matter - or of will, thought, and manifestation - was known to the Rosicrucians as prima materia. Paracelsus states that each of these three is also the "other two; for, as nothing can possibly exist without cause, matter and energy - that is, spirit, matter and soul (the ultimate cause of existence being that it exists), we may therefore look upon all forms of activity as being the action of the universal or Divine will operating upon and through the ether, as the skilled artificer uses his tools to accomplish his designs; making the comparison in all reverence." [True Science]

Harvey Spencer Lewis
"All Rosicrucians are, or should be, loyal to their country ... but neither our loyalty or respect to and for our country and our flag shall make or permit us to shed the blood of another. It is strictly forbidden by our oaths and obligations. This obligation should present no difficulty to the peace-loving Rosicrucian, however. Our watchword has always been, through the ages, "Peace Profound"; and we most certainly refuse to shed another brother's blood while remaining loyal to our country. Should the Peace-loving Rosicrucian find himself selected to defend his country against the enemy, or drafted to take arms and participate in the warring activities of his country, he is not bound by any law to take arms and go forth to destroy others. He may and shall consistently refuse to do this, as against the sacred principles of our Order. But he shall not refuse to do humanitarian work and take such part in the war as will help to bring about peace and happiness." [Dr. Harvey Spencer Lewis, F.R.C., 1917]

Harvey Spencer Lewis
“A true Rosicrucian usually becomes a walking question mark and gradually begins to analyze all past knowledge and belief.” [Dr. Harvey Spencer Lewis]

Cecil A. Poole
"Among the many purposes of life, there is a need for man to have ideas to uphold and to seek a unity of knowledge that will make these ideas purposeful. Human endeavor should be directed toward a goal that will make it possible for man to relate himself intimately with all the existing forces that exist in the entire universe. The universe is an extension of the source that caused it to be. This is particularly stressed in the concept of pantheism, which we have discussed in earlier chapters. As such, man is a part, then, of the expression of the force that has brought about his creation, has brought about the basis of his expression. While man cannot summarize or define on the basis of mathematical certainty the purpose of life, it still must be to be a walking question mark, to concern himself about the universe of which he is a part, and to develop ideas to which he can subscribe that will be suitable to uphold him in his journey through life." [Cecil A. Poole, The Eternal Fruits of Knowledge]

Frater Albertus
“Quoted from his lecture, "The Basic Rosicrucian Concepts":
“1. The Origin of the Universe is Divine. The Universe is a manifestation of, and an emanation from, the One Absolute Cosmic Being. All manifestations of life are centers of consciousness and expressions
of the One Life within the framework of its material limitations. There is but One Life in the Universe-the Universal Life. It saturates
and fills all forms, shapes, and manifestations of life.
2. The soul is a spark of the divine consciousness in the Universe. As a drop of water is a part of the ocean and all water, so is the soul manifesting in material expression, a part of the One Soul in the Universe. In the human being it develops the personality and the
individual expression.
3. The soul-force possesses potentially the powers of the divine principle at work in the universe. The function of life on earth is to afford the opportunity of developing these potentialities in the person- ality. Since one incarnation on earth cannot possibly be sufficient, the personality must return again and again in order to achieve the
maximum development.
4. The moral law is one of the basic laws of the universe. It is likewise called the principle of Karma, the result of cause and effect,
or action and reaction. There is nothing vindictive about this principle. It works impersonally like any law of nature. As the fruit is contained in the seed, so the consequences are inherent in the act. This principle guides the destinies of both men and nations. Knowledge of this
principle gives man the power to control his own destiny.
5. Life has a purpose. Life is not meaningless. Happiness is a very
real thing and is a by-product of knowledge, action, and living.
8. Man has free choice. He has tremendous powers of both good and evil, depending upon his conscious realizations.
7. Since the individual soul is part of the universal soul, man has access to powers he does not know, but which time and knowledge and experience will gradually reveal to him.”
Hermetic philosophers have taught the very same fundamentals even as philosophers of the future will do, for that which constitutes truth will remain truth. It cannot be changed.
But the theories of men and their opinions, which are incorrectly given by some as truth, are subject to change. Because one calls himself a philosopher does not necessarilv make him such. Only he is a philosopher who has a sincere love for the wisdom that manifests universally and who strives as sincerely to apply it in his daily life.
Wisdom is acquired through righteous living. It is understanding applied. The acquisition of a degree of Doctor of Philosophy, as conferred upon graduates in institutions of higher learning, does not make one a philosopher, as much as those in possession of such a degree may believe in their right to such a title.
To be acquainted with the history of philosophy, the lives and teachings of those called philosophers, is only a study and knowledge of their universal concepts and what has been derived from them.
To be a philosopher, therefore, means to understand and live according to that understanding, knowing well that only by giving unhesitatingly and unselfishly will our belief in mankind be justified. When this
has been realized, then only will Alchemy become something real.
Transmutation always takes place on a higher plane, and in the physical world laws cannot be adhered to or violated without producing karmic manifestations. Beneficial karma, if it is permissible to use a term, because karma is impartial, is brought about by harmonious applications of natural laws.
These natural laws must be adhered to if, according to predestined results, we wish to obtain what nature has decreed. If the foregoing even in its very condensed form has made any sense at all to the student of Alchemy, it must be apparent then why that alchemical gem, which all alchemists desire to produce, has been called the Philosopher's Stone. How often it is that we use words and attach no meaning to them, only because we fail to understand.” [Frater Albertus, “Introduction to Alchemy”]

Daniel Mögling
"There is a building, a large building, in which there are no windows or doors, a princely, imperial palace, visible everywhere, but hidden from human eyes, decorated with all kinds of divine and natural things, the contemplation of which in theory and practice is granted to every person free of charge and for a reward, but few people pay attention to it because the building seems bad. worth little, old and well known to the mind of the crowd, which is always careless and looking for something new;
But the building itself is so precious, so gracefully, artistically and wonderfully constructed, that there is not a single wealth, gold, jewel, money, goods, honor, power or reputation in the whole world that can be named that cannot be found in this highly respected palace.
It itself is so strongly fortified by God and nature and protected from the onslaught of the ignorant that even if all the mines, cannons, rams, firecrackers and other similar recently invented military devices were used against it, all human effort and labor would be useless and in vain. This is Collegium ad S.S. The Rosicrucian Brotherhood is a royal, even more than imperial palace, which the brothers mention in their Fama, in which untold treasures and riches are hidden - let this be a clear enough description of it.
Oh, how many people, without knowing or understanding anything, pass through all the rooms, all the secret hidden places of this palace, unseeing, ununderstanding, worse than a blind man, or, as they say, like a donkey on bagpipes, because they are not sufficiently prepared and worthy. He who has ears, let him hear." [Speculum sophicum rhodo-stauroticum, by Daniel Mögling (1596-1635)]

See Also

Harvey Spencer Lewis
Rosicrucian Manual
Rosicrucian Order AMORC

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday January 13, 2024 21:39:10 MST by Dale Pond.