Keely Out On Bail

NOVEMBER 21, 1888,
Page. 4/7


PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 20.- John W. Keely, the inventor of the Keely motor, who was committed to jail by Judge Finletter on Saturday last for contempt of court, was released on bail to-day by three Judges of the Supreme Court of the State. Keely's counsel, Wayne MacVeagh, Charles B. Collier, and J. Joseph Murphy, were in conference this morning from shortly after 9 o'clock until about 11. At that hour Mr. MacVeagh went into the private room of the Supreme Court Judge, and was closeted with Judge Paxson, Williams, and Starritt for about 20 minutes. Then he was joined by Lawyers Collier and Murphy. Shortly before 12 o'clock the application was formally granted and the writ issued. An officer was at once sent to the county prison with the writ, and before 1 o'clock Keely arrived in a carriage and was conducted at once before the Judges.

The proceedings before the Supreme Court Judges this morning were what are termed in the law "certionari." The writ was issued on Saturday upon the application of counsel, and under it the record of the entire case will be carried to the Supreme Court for review. The habeas corpus writ issued to-day was simply to get Keely before the court and to give him opportunity to have a time fixed for the hearing of his case, pending which, an application was made for his admission to bail. Mr. MacVeagh conducted the proceedings before the court, while Mr. Keely sat on a chair with Messrs. Collier and Murphy on either side. Mr. VacVeagh addressed the court, stating that he presumed that the hearing upon the writ would probably be before the court in banc, and that the certiorari at the same time, which had been issued on Saturday, would be discussed before the court. Mr. MacVeagh added that he presumed the case would not come up until the first Monday of January, when the court assembles in Philadelphia, Judge Paxson, who presided, said that would be the proper course, and asked if there was any objection to the admission of Keely to bail. Mr. MacVeagh repiled that he had notified Mr. Shapley, counsel for the plaintiff in the suit, of the taking out of the writ, and that that gentleman had no objection to the admission to bail, providing it was a sufficient sum. Mr. MacVeagh also informed Mr. 11/21/1888 - Shapley that the court had suggested the amount of ball as $1,000. Judge Paxson then gathered together the papers in the case and proceeded to write upon them the order of the court, adding:

"We have made an order to the effect that this case be heard on Jan. 12, 1889. We think the case can be given better attention then, as there will be a hurry and rush of business upon the first week attending the opening of court."

Judge Paxson then read the order of the court for the bearing of the case and affixing the bail at $1,000. The Rev. Francis J. Collier, a brother of Lawyer Collier, and B. F. Wood, were offered as the bondsman of Keely and there being no objections they were accepted. The bond was drawn up and Keely and his sureties signed it. After all the proceeding had been wound up in the Supreme Court room Mr. Keely left with his lawyers. On south Penn-square he stopped into the hack which brought him from prison and was wheeled away to his home, where he found his wife ill from worry and excitement caused by his imprisonment. (The New York Times) 11/26/1888

See Also

Keely Chronology
Law Suit

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