
law of might

“Man is made up of these two characters: might and science, so that all laws to the natural man are arbitrary and overbearing, but as might or law is right man must submit. Although he may see the error, he cannot correct the evil. Now what is right and wrong and how came such a standard in the world and is it needed for the happiness of man? This was the question in the days of Jesus. He called these two powers the law and the gospel. The law was might and the gospel was Christ or Science, so that what the law failed to do was left for science to accomplish. Science or Christ in Jesus entered into the world of might and introduced a higher law that put an end to the law of might.” [Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, Article: Right and Wrong II, Printed Page: 490, Kindle Location: 16575]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday March 8, 2023 04:18:01 MST by Dale Pond.