
The Hermetic Tetractys

Hermetic Tetractys

"The Tradition of those who preceded us on the Way of Wisdom, tells us that all things proceed from the Four Elements, and that these Four Elements are the foundation of all. They are Earth, Water, Air and Fire respectively. The Alchemists knew how to draw two Principles from these Four Elements, male and female respectively, and a third – Neuter – Principle.
These are Philosophical Sulfur, Philosophical Salt, and Philosophical Mercury. Thus, by means of a simple and salutary Operation, the Masters tell us, the Four are reduced to three. But Philosophical Sulfur, Mercury and Salt only constitute an intermediary aspect of the evolution of our Elements. From their production are born two Principles, superior to all the others. These are Wise Sulfur and Wise Mercury. Here are in reality our two supreme Arcana of the Art, and it is in their ultimate copulation that the Chrysopage will finally be born.
This Tetractys was well known to the students of Pythagoras the Wise and the Holy Saints of God, Who poured out the knowledge, nor were they ignorant of the use of His Holy Names.
Such that it comprises the whole of the key of our Alchemy." [Practical Kabbalah by R. Ambelain]

See Also

Hermes Trismagistus
Hermes Trismegistus
hermetic seal
The Hermetic Tetractys

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday September 4, 2024 06:32:39 MDT by Dale Pond.