

Franz Hartmann
Magic. Wisdom; the science and art of consciously employing invisible (spiritual) powers to produce visible effects. Will, love, and imagination are magic powers that every one possesses, and he who knows how to develop them and to use them consciously and effectually is a magician. He who uses them for good purposes practices white magic.
He who uses them for selfish or evil purposes is a black magician. Paracelsus uses the term Magic to signify the highest power of the human spirit to control all lower influences for the purpose of good.
The act of employing invisible powers for evil purposes he calls Necromancy, because the Elementaries of the dead are often used as mediums to convey evil influences. Sorcery is not Magic, but stands in the same relation to Magic as darkness to light. Sorcery deals with the forces of the human and animal soul, but Magic with the supreme power of the spirit. [Life of Paracelsus (1493-1541) by Franz Hartmann]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday January 18, 2025 07:51:35 MST by Dale Pond.