Interesting fact.
Did you know that blood through the veins of humans or animals can be replaced by sea water? (NOT Literally)
The discovery was made by René Quinton - the man who replaced blood transfusion.
This person saved thousands of lives, including small children.
His discoveries could save thousands more nowadays, yet everything goes as if this man never existed.
All of this is confirmed and thoroughly investigated by a scientist. The academic community mocked him claiming it undermines their intelligence.
Quinton was a true scientist and had hard evidence of everything.
He served seawater to many dying patients. For them it was the last chance. Isotonic sea water pulled them out of the claws of death! Quinton in Paris hospital for a moment, found out that a patient with abdominal major in terminal coma is there and will probably die during the day. The hospital willingly handed over a patient to Quinton as he couldn't be saved anymore. At 11 p.m. Quinton gave him intravenous 700 cm3 of isotonic sea water. He warned the nurses that the sick would regain consciousness and want to drink and maybe even eat. He then left announcing he'll be back around pm.
Everyone looked at him as haunted.
When he came in the evening, the patient was sitting on the bed talking about the nurse.
He was still dying this morning and in the evening he lived and was doing well!
Just one of many examples.
In 1906, cholera epidemic broke out among children and all children who were given blood survived.
Today we hear that there is no blood for those in need or blood is contaminated... Maybe it's worth going back to the methods very thoroughly documented and confirmed years ago?
Y ' all have to realise that most of the invention, medicines and great treatment methods were discovered a long time ago, but it was either forgotten or deliberately hidden. The real bloom of invention and ideas of all kinds has been going on since 1900 You know what's sad? We are not discovering anything new today. It's all just a reminder of old discoveries, or in short ?? secretion ". Many doctors don't even know about such innovative methods where such ways would effectively save human lives. I feel like the times of great open mind inventors are long gone.
I will say it again... Most medicines and invention were discovered a long time ago but it was forgotten and even deliberately hidden.
Quinton has discovered a lot more things. To this day, the so-called ?? Quinton Marine Plasma ?? is used.
He also discovered a way to fight cancer.
He also believed that fever in the human organism is the best defense mechanism mother nature invented. It killed cancer cells by raising the temperature in a given place to a maximum of 44 degrees. He realized that only a healthy cell can survive in such an environment.
Most importantly, he had evidence for everything and there is no theories here. This is a fact...
The photos below show the effects of sea water treatment. Malnourished, sick, or infected people. Look at the effect of sea water... Shock.
Why aren't such great methods used largely? What is this world all about? Is it really about our health or our artificially created bill?
You know what scares me the most? If you want to live then you have to pay hard... Money decides your life... It's sad...
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