Field, inert Nature, Cosmos, Nature of God
Creation begins in the Yunasai, the central point of all creation, with the spontaneous creation of the first partiki within the body of Source. Partiki 1 was created out of the desire to create, and Source then created a second partiki that also included the intention to create. This second partiki emerged from the very center point of the first partiki. A spark that is held eternally at that center point functions like a door that opens both ways and allows consciousness to flow from Source into the creation (which is contained within the wholeness of Source), and also allows consciousness to flow from the creation back into the eternal and infinite body of Source. As all of creation is based on the encryption (vibrational encoding) of the first partiki, which holds the Krist code formula for eternal life creation, each and every aspect within creation shares the Krist code encryption. A crucial part of this is that tiny spark in the center of the first partiki, that is replicated on every level of creation. This is also called the ManU window, and it exists within the center point of each atom and each cell, and within the center flames that set each level of creation in motion by bringing in new flows of consciousness/energy
The dynamic by which the consciousness or energy within the creation can return to Source is called backflow. When the partiki units phase and split into particum and partika units, and these units then fuse back together to re-form the entire charge and energy of the partiki they emerged from, this energy can return towards Source via backflow. Each level of creation has the inherent ability to create this backflow of energy, which moves back towards Source into the level of creation next up or in towards Source, ultimately flowing all the way back into full reunion and At-One-Ment with Source. Source creates the backflow return, receiving and doubling the quantum (amount of charge/energy/consciousness), and sending the renewed flow into creation for rebirth. [anon]
See Also
Japasutram - The Science of Sound
Kutastha Chaitanya
Omniscient Love