

"Words of Hermes in Poemander
When at one time I was thinking about essences, and with my mind elevated, my bodily senses now very tired, as if oppressed by sleep, satiety from food, or bodily labor, I seemed to see someone of immeasurable greatness, calling my name and saying to me: “What do you want to hear and see? And what in your mind do you want to learn and understand?” I said, “Who are you?” He replied, “I am Poemander, the Mind of the one who is the Lord. I know what you want, and I am with you everywhere. Say what you want to understand, and I will teach you.” I said, “I want to understand the nature of beings and know God. How?” He said, “Keep the mind within you, and you will know and understand everything you wish to learn.” [Philosophia reformata by Mylius Johann Daniel, c. 1622]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday July 20, 2024 05:12:19 MDT by Dale Pond.