

Bianca-Jade Brown
Phyllotaxis is the study of the way leaves are arranged along a stem and other plant features, like flowers, seed heads and fruits.
The Fibonacci sequence is the key to Phyllotaxis. The numbers representing the orbital relationships of Earth and Venus, 5 and 8:13 are found throughout the plant world. The most common phyllotaxis numbers are 5 being the number of petals for many flowers and 8 and 13.
This 8:13 Phyllotaxis shows that new unit elements appear along every Archimedean spiral every 137.5 degrees which is the Golden Angle.
In my mind the interplanetary harmonics govern the evolution, growth and extinction of species. Perhaps each planetary harmonic with Earth governs a kingdom in nature, with Venus helping to form plant life and physical structure of our bodies. The relationship of the pentagram, golden ratio and venus is clear to see in the growth of nature. Hence the Fibonacci sequence and Golden Ratio is found throughout nature.

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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday August 18, 2024 06:18:18 MDT by Dale Pond.