PHILADELPHIA, April 9.—Once more the long-expected exhibition of the Keely motor has
been indefinitely postponed. At the last meeting of the Directors they were promised a view of the vibratory, in successful operation, “on or before April 10.” but that date is at hand, and Mr. Keely announces himself not quite ready. Secretary Schullermann looked a shade less hopeful to-day.
“There will be no exhibition tomorrow,” he said. Mr, Green, the Treasurer, has been to the shop to see Mr. Keely, and the inventor has not yet finished his adjustments. He will not exhibit anything. He is entirely through with his work, and he cannot now tell exactly how much time may be required. The harmonizing process has taken him longer than he anticipated when he fixed the date for receiving the Directors.” The Secretary said Mr. Keely had prepared no formal statement for the Directors, but had simply stated verbally that he was not yet prepared to run the motor and could not say just when he would be ready.
Published: April 10, 1884
Copyright © The New York Times
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