
Lowrance - A Correct Understanding of EM Charge

A correct understanding of EM charge.

This is most necessary to construct devices that can produce EM from the Quantum Field Fabric of pure vibration.
Positive and Negative charge are not opposite and equal. We can show this in many ways. Positive charge is connected to the Proton which is the driving force of the mass and all inertial and gravity effects. Negative charge is found in the electron shells, which have equivalent no mass, or mass that is negligible.
The back of a TV set in the old days was positively charged to around 35 Kvdc in the color sets. A repairman that accidently touched this voltage, would be thrown across the room without receiving any burns. He received an inertial charge, that did not burn him.
If we take a HV circuit from those old TV sets, and with lineman insulated gloves, we connect the negative wire to a magnet under a few inches of water in a glass bowl, as we bring the positive lead down to the water it begins to blow holes in the water, the water starts to shoot outwards in a state of chaos.
If now we reverse the polarity with the positive charge on the magnet under the water, and we bring the negative lead down to the surface, we start to see these very organized glowing violet and blue circles start to dance over the diamagnetic water in beautiful organized spinning circles. There is no chaos produced in this set up, this is how the atom works. The mass with the positive charge is in the nuclear center, and the electrons dance around it and are controlled by it in beautiful orbits around it.
Positive and negative are not opposite and equal, in that in the entire technology of EM power this has been ignored. However the first people to label the charges knew that the power of the EM field to create "motion", travels with the positive charge, the electron flows run the other direction creating heat. That is why all the diodes seem to be labeled backwards.
Motion is a transfer of inertial power, and it passes from nuclear mass to nuclear mass. In electronics we have the right hand rule showing the resultant motion at 90 degrees to Electric and Magnetic fields, but they never address the field that powers the motion. That would then bring in the clue of how to manipulate inertia and gravity, and it is that simple.
Current electrical device are already manipulating inertia and motion as a field force. And along this path there is no way to meter the EM field that produced it. Out of the motor comes a spinning shaft and one can place meters and scopes on it, and will see nothing there.
The positive Proton charge also carries the delayed responses of induction to produce a counter EMF that comes late to correct the shape of the atoms electron shells. This is because it can only turn at MHZ rates, but the electron shell can turn at Ghz rates and will always outrun it for a time interval where the two spins separate to 90 degrees.
A lineman working 7200 volts AC at a power station touches a live conductor and is thrown across the room. Another one does the same and is burned and loses an arm. The only difference was the chance of "when" it happened, as the power grid cycles 60 times a second to positive then negative with respect to the earth ground.
These are real events.
When all you have studied is textbook level descriptions and formulas, the concepts tend to leave out much out of the actual structure of the force you are working with. You start to think with theory rather than practical experience. Nuclear positive charge mass is not even addressed in the electronics teachings, yet it is the most important part as it can transfer the inertial motion of the field. The electron flows simply produce heat and losses. There was a time that they all knew this, that time is so far gone...
Observing all the people who have had these incorrect concepts about using electrons to defeat gravity, is such a waste of human intelligence as they have never been taught all there was to know of EM in the beginning times when it was being ciphered. The prime mover force of electricity is the nuclear power from the positive charge side of the circuit. This is the only part of the system that can generate inertial force to any useful degree in copper wire electric motors.

Heat and light comes from the Electron negative charge side, motion and power comes from the positive charge mass side inside the strong force layer. Once you start to understand this, you can now accurately target the part responsible for the operation of gravity and inertia. [David Lowrance]

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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday December 7, 2022 00:14:47 MST by Dale Pond.