12.1 Some history
Professor Daniel Brinton1, author of the following reviewed article, spent considerable time in Keely’s nearby laboratory and workshop. It is believed this article is the clearest attempt to explain the basic concepts Keely discovered, developed and worked with and how he used them. After all, Keely was present to directly answer Brinton’s questions. Therefore it behooves us to closely examine this article to discern understanding and hopefully practical use.
The terms and phrases in this article are linked to supporting materials within the svpwiki.com where the bulk of the known Keely materials are located. Comments are given immediately below a Brinton quote. These comments are quite important because they represent a synthesis of years of learning Keely’s and Russell’s jargons as well as comparative contemporary concepts and research. A careful reader will see an intermingling of materials from various sources that support each other. Most notably is the mutual similarities between the works and ideas of John W. Keely and Walter Russell.
Brinton’s words or quotes are preceded by Roman Numerals in bold type. Numbers and brackets [ ] contain comments and links about Brinton’s writings and Keely’s concepts. These terms and phrases in brackets [ ] can
1[Daniel Garrison Brinton] (May 13, 1837 - July 31, 1899) was an American archaeologist and ethnologist at the University of Pennsylvania.
be searched in www.svpwiki.com. The original unaltered Brinton text can be seen in “Keelys Physical Philosophy - Appendix-I” and “Laws of Being, Appendix-II” at the end of this book or within the svpwiki.com.
12.2 I. “The fundamental conception of the Universe is force manifesting itself in rhythmical relations.”
(continues to II);
12.2.1 Principle of Rhythmic Balanced Interchange
“This principle of rhythmic balanced interchange2 between Father3 (syntropy) - Mother4 (entropy) lights of gravitation (syntropy) and radiation (entropy) is fundamental in all creating things.”5
In other words the principle of Rhythmic Balanced Interchange6 is a universal principle78, as Russell repeatedly emphasized, active in all things from molecular to Mind energy subdivisions (states). Rhythmic Balanced Interchange is after all what every vibration and oscillation does that the ubiquitous and over simplified sine wave does not reveal. Furthermore, the omnipresent and ubiquitous sympathy between all centers is a reflection of this constant rhythmical resonant activity everywhere happening.
12.2.2 Every individualized object assimilates itself
Macvicar9 writes: “Every individualized object assimilates itself to itself in successive moments of its existence and all objects tend to assimilate one an-
2[rhythmic balanced interchange]?3 [Father]?4 [Mother]?5Russell, [The Secret of Light], page 150; see ‘Chapter 8 - What is Vibration?’ 6[Rhythmic Balanced Interchange]
7 [Principles]?8see Chapter 13 Universal Heart Beat?9Dr. John Gibson [MacVicar] professor at university of St. Andrews 1830.
other.” 10
Please note this law as expressed by Macvicar is the same universal law in its essence and dynamic as expressed by Jesus wherein he says:
“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the rst and great commandment.” (Matthew 22:3738).
“And the second (commandment) is like unto it; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 22:3940).
SVP (nor this author) does not subscribe to or promote organized religions but we are interested in universal laws and principles (applicable universally) regardless who revealed them or wherever they may be found.
Love and Sympathy are synonyms for affinity, assimilation or being One With. These same dynamics apply everywhere and with everything thus establishing sympathetic association11 between all things, everywhere and at all times.
To repeat when the constituent frequencies of A and B are identical A transmits to B and B transmits to A sympathetic association or mutual resonance (Love or Sympathy) occurs. These dynamics are as expressed in the following of Keely’s forty laws12:
12.2.3 Law of Harmonic Vibrations
“All coherent aggregates are perpetually vibrating at a period-frequency corresponding to some harmonic ratio of the fundamental pitch of the vibrating body; this pitch is a multiple of the pitch of the atomoles13.”14
10See Chapter 6 Law of Assimilation, [Snell Manuscript], [Three Laws of Being], [Law of Assimilation], [Modes of Vibration - Annotated]
11[sympathetic association], quantum entangled 12[Keelys Forty Laws]?13 [atomoles]?14[Overtone Series]
12.2.4 Law of Transmissive Vibraic Energy
“All oscillating and vibrating coherent aggregates create, in the media in which they are immersed, outwardly propagated concentric waves of alternate condensation and rarefaction, having a period-frequency identical with the pitch of the aggregate.”
Scholium: “All forms of transmissive energy can be focussed, reflected, refracted, diffracted, transformed, and diminished in intensity inversely as the square of the distance from the originating source.”15
12.2.5 Law of Sympathetic Oscillation
“Coherent aggregates immersed in a medium pulsating at their natural pitch simultaneously oscillate with the same frequency, whether the pitch of the medium be a unison, or any harmonic of the fundamental pitch of the creative aggregate.”
As the atomole is the constructive constituent of all atoms, all atoms are therefore in sympathetic association with, by and through these atomoles. All is one at this level, order, subdivision or state of being (vibratorily speaking) even though at the physical level of our physical sense perception every thing appears to be separate and individual.
15See [Square Law]
Figure 12.1: Sympathetic Vibration = Entanglement = Coupling
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/sympathetic-vibrations.jpg
12.2.6 These modes are today much like “phase”
These modes, or periodic change of state, are today much (but not exactly) like what we call ‘phase’ of a wave. Usually conventional ‘phase’ is undistinguished in construction as to its causative (aliquot/scalar) forces and dynamics being primarily intermittent syntropic and entropic. Phase in modern usage is almost exclusively linked to the positive or negative halves of a sine wave which does not convey all that is occurring in the wave under investigation.16
16see chapters ‘Chapter 8 - What is Vibration?’ and ‘Chapter 10 - Modes of Vibration’
II. “This definition [from I] is exhaustive, including both thought and extension, mind and matter. The law for the one is the law for the other. The distinction between them is simply relative, i.e., quantitative, not qualitative.
As above so below - all forms of matter and energy regardless of frequency, subdivision or state are involved in a periodic Rhythmic Balanced Interchange between their polar states where one polar state becomes the other intermittently. What occurs in one octave of periodic motion can and will occur in all other octaves to more or less degrees dependent on the absorption/emission state of the transmitting media involved.
III. “The rhythmic relations in which force acts are everywhere, under all conditions, and at all times, the same. They are found experimentally to be universally expressible by the mathematical relations of thirds.
“Rhythmic relations” (vibratory dynamism or polar interchange17) indicates ALL vibratory and oscillatory motions are effects of this periodic interchange of intertwined poles between syntropic contraction or assimilation and entropic expansion or dispersion. This polar interchange occurs as these two states are in the relative proportion (ratio) of third parts to one another.
17[Polar Interchange - Table of Contents]
Figure 12.2: Chart showing location of the three mode frequency ranges with the etheric range open ended as the upper limit is unknown.
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/electromagneticspectrummodes500.jpg
That three or threeness is fundamental is now seen to be valid in the Rule of Threes18 re-discovered by Vitaly Efimov19 and is called the ‘Efimov trimer’ or ‘Efimov state’20. Likewise both Keely in the 1880s and Russell in the 1920s clearly comment on the value of threes21. Others in history have recognized the importance of threeness such John Dalton22 in his Law of Triangle23 and Buckminster Fuller’s24 consistent emphasis on triangles.
“Rest and action are three. Space and matter are three. Equilibrium and motion are three. Dimensions and pressures are three. The heartbeat of the
18[Rule of Threes proven]
19[Vitaly E mov] is a Russian theoretical physicist. He proposed the existence of a novel and exotic state of matter now dubbed the Efimov State as a researcher in A.F. Io e Physico-Technical Institute, USSR Academy of Sciences, Leningrad, USSR in his 1970 paper ”Energy levels arising from resonant two-body forces in a three-body system”. It was announced in 2006 that the existence of this state of matter had been confirmed.
20[E mov state]?21 [Three]?22[John Dalton] FRS (6 September 1766 27 July 1844) was an English chemist, meteorologist and physicist. He is best known for his pioneering work in the development of modern atomic theory, and his research into colour blindness (sometimes referred to as Daltonism, in his honour).
23[Law of Triangle]
24Richard Buckminster “Bucky” Fuller (July 12, 1895 July 1, 1983) was an American neo-futuristic architect, systems theorist, author, designer, and inventor. See [Buckminster Fuller]
universe, and yours, are three. Likewise, its breathings and yours, its temperatures and yours, and all things else of the universe, and you, are three.”25
12.4.1 ‘Thirds’ is usually a mathematical relationship of proportion
Within this and related SVP documents the concept and use of the term ‘thirds’ is usually a mathematical relationship of proportion of wave function parameters26 (of volume, force, density, etc.) and not always a musical relation. A given whole, being One Whole, has three parts always in varying yet relative proportion to one another. The overall or resultant expression (positive (syntropic) or negative (entropic)) of the One Whole is dependent on the ratios being applied. More syntropy makes the whole more syntropic or preponderantly syntropic. The more entropy the more entropic will be the One Whole or preponderantly entropic. Therefore and thereby polarity is not fundamental but may be modi ed or manipulated by altering the ratios of these proportions held as thirds or third parts.27
12.5 IV. “These threefold relations may be expressed with regard to their results as,
I. Assimilative (syntropic, attractive, aggregating, life)?II. Individualizing (entropic, dispersing, dissociating, death) III. Dominant or Resultant (neutral, controlling, determining)
25Russell; [Atomic Suicide]?, Chapter 5 - Prelude - The Transformation of Man 26[Eighteen Attributes or Dimensions]?27Chapter 9 - Proportions (Ratios) of Relative Values
Figure 12.3: Triune Forces/Modes/Proportions combined symbolically as One Force
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/Triune-Forces.jpg
12.5.1 Each of the above dynamics (IV) is a ? part or current of a 3/3 stream
Each of the above dynamics is a ? portion or current of a 3/3 stream (rhythmic flow of force or energy28)29. These three-fold relations are resultant dynamics of three-fold relations of these three currents acting “as one” - constituting a single compound stream or chord tone; i.e., combined proportions of each with the others. This combination of three entities to make one compound entity works the same way three individual music notes may be sounded simultaneously as a triplet chord, hence Keely’s constant use of triplet chord notations throughout his charts (see Figure 12.4). It is further presumed the ratios of the musical notes within a triplet chord on his charts30 are the same ratios when specifying any other applied proportional value such as
28“In this system (Sympathetic Vibratory Physics), force and energy are classified as opposites, working in antagonism to each other: Force as a positive power which initiates aggregative motion, and resists separative motion, in three postules, of ponderable matter in the etheric medium; Energy as a negative power, which initiates separative motion, or disintegration, and resists aggregative motion, in three postules of ponderable matter, also of the etheric medium.” Bloom eld-Moore, [What Electricity Is - Bloomfield Moore]
29Keely’s ‘[antagonism]’ is the same as Russell’s ‘[opposition]’ and ‘[resistance]’, [4.7 - Matter is Motion in Opposition]
30[Part 25 - Keelys Wonderful Charts of Vibratory Etheric Science]
frequency, amplitude, etc. regardless of frequency range or subdivision.
12.5.2 Ratios of Harmonic and Enharmonic Potentials
It is further assumed (until bench testing shows otherwise) these triplet chords when considered as a singular complex tone represents a different degree of concord and discord. Tables showing relative concord and discord would have to be developed from bench testing. These ratios of concord and discord would also parallel in some regards Russell’s concepts of Locked Potentials because that is what they represent - degrees of contraction (Father, gravitation) and repulsion (Mother, radiation).
Figure 12.4: Typical Triplet Chords in Keely’s charts.
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/Angles-Segment-500.jpg
V. “From these three actions are derived the three fundamental LAWS OF BEING:
I. Law of Assimilation: every individualized object assimilates itself to all other objects.31
II. Law of Individualization: every such object tends to assimilate all other objects to itself.32
31[Law of Assimilation] 32[Law of Individualization]
III. Law of the Dominant: every such object is such by virtue of the
higher or dominant force which controls these two tendencies.33 12.6.1 Law of Sympathetic Association
“The effects of the Law of Sympathetic Association34, which Mr. Keely demonstrated as the governing medium of the universe, nd illustrations in inanimate nature. What else is the influence which one string of a lute has upon a string of another lute when a stroke upon it causes a proportionable motion and sound in the sympathizing consort, which is distant from it35, and not perceptibly touched? It has been found that, in a watchmaker’s shop, the timepieces, or clocks, connected with the same wall or shelf, have such a sympathetic effect in keeping time, that they stop those which beat in irregular time; and, if any are at rest, set those going which beat accurately. Norman Lockyer36 deals with the Law of Sympathetic Association as follows: - “While in the giving out of light we are dealing with molecular vibration taking place so energetically as to give rise to luminous radiation, absorption phenomena a ord no evidence of this motion of the molecules when their vibrations are far less violent.” . . .“The molecules are so apt to vibrate each in its own period that they will take up vibrations from light37 which is passing among them, provided always that the light thus passing among them contains the proper vibrations.38” . . . “Let us try to get a mental image of what goes on. There is an experiment in the world of sound which will help us.” . . . “Take two large tuning-forks, mounted on sounding-boxes, and tuned to exact unison. One of the forks is set in active vibration by means of a fiddle-bow, and then brought near to the other one; the open mouths presented to each other. After a few moments, if the fork originally sounded is damped to stop its sound, it will be found that the other fork has taken up the vibration, and is sounding distinctly. If the two forks are not in unison, no amount of bowing of the one will have the slightest effect in producing sound from the
33these three laws act according to and with the [Law of Sympathetic Association] and [Law of the Dominant]
34[Law of Sympathetic Association]?35spooky [action at a distance]?36Sir Joseph Norman Lockyer, FRS (17 May 1836 - 16 August 1920), known simply as
[Norman Lockyer], was an English scientist and astronomer. 37etheric [disturbance of equilibrium]?38[Law of Force]
other.” 39
12.6.2 Law of Assimilation
The Law of Assimilation40 acts according to the laws of sympathetic attraction and oscillation as also the Law of Sympathetic Oscillation.41 - “this law is to the effect that every individualized object tends to assimilate itself to itself, in successive moments of its existence, and all objects to assimilate one another.”42
12.6.3 Law of Attraction
“Juxtaposed43 coherent aggregates vibrating in unison, or harmonic ratio, are mutually attracted.”44
Here then is the great law of attraction properly explained as was demonstrated by Bjerknes45 in 188146. When two or more objects are ‘vibrating in unison’ they are sympathetic to each other and what occurs to one occurs to both. The objects are ‘linked’ by sympathetic vibration and/or sympathetic oscillation acting between them. This phenomenon is recognized today in physics as ‘entanglement’ or ‘spooky action at a distance’47 when considering quantum ranges (sixth and seventh subdivisions) of energies. This condition is recognized today in music science, structural engineering, noise control and architecture as sympathetic vibration or sympathetic oscillation or more simply as resonance. Where objects are ‘equally and uniformly spaced’ we see the basis for virtual geometric shapes (Sacred Geometry) composed of waveforms such as in so-called sacred geometry and uniform polyhedrons,
39Clara Bloom eld-Moore([CJBM]), [Keely and His Discoveries], [Tuning Forks], [Sympathy] underline added
40[Law of Assimilation]?41[Law of Sympathetic Oscillation]?42[Law of Assimilation], [Rhythmic Balanced Interchange]?43equally and uniformly spaced?44Keely, 1894; see [Bjerknes Effect]?45[Carl Anton Bjerknes]; (October 24, 1825 March 20, 1903) was a Norwegian mathematician and physicist. Bjerknes’ earlier work was in pure mathematics, but he is principally known for his studies in hydrodynamics.
46[Bjerknes E ect]?47[Sympathetic Vibration], [Sympathetic Oscillation], [Entanglement]
etc. thought so much of by so many these days following Fuller’s comprehensive and fascinating work with Synergetics.48 Uniformity of design elements or dimensions (geometry) is therefore an attribute of harmony and therefore attraction or assimilation lacking entropic (discordant) elements of dispersion (numbers and ratios other than those forming unisons or harmonic ratios). Dynamically speaking geometric figures, especially the triangle, have both syntropic (between vertices) and entropic (plane faces) attributes. Fuller describes this dynamic in great detail.49
12.6.4 Law of Sympathetic Oscillation
“Coherent aggregates immersed in a medium pulsating at their natural pitch simultaneously oscillate with the same frequency, whether the pitch of the medium be a unison, or any harmonic of the fundamental pitch of the creative aggregate.”50
This coincidental and synchronous action is seen in the coordinated motion of seeming separated clock pendulums all immersed in the common medium of the atmosphere or sharing contact through a wall or shelf. In an inverse fashion this is the basis of dissolving foreign materials (aggregates) by solvents in solutions being themselves relatively discordant. Curiously it is the same dynamic at work in the Stockholm Syndrome51. It also puts light on crystal formation. See 12.3 above why this is so.
12.6.5 Infinite neutral Mind centers and controls all motion
Should we replace the non-existent infinitely small imaginary strings as held in the String Theory with infinitely small centers52 to which are applied the above three laws it can be seen how every center is sympathetic (in sympathy) with every other center and are therefore quantum entangled; i.e., sympathetic one to all others and clearly reflects the above three laws and their dynamics. This would of course imply a single fundamental chord at
48 [synergetic]?49See Fuller’s books ‘Synergetics’ and ‘Cosmography’ 50Keely, 1894?51[Stockholm Syndrome]?52[Center Theory]
the very heart or core of the universe. This highly sympathetic universal chord could be the ‘Cosmic microwave background’53 that vibrates and oscillates everything in the universe at a common pitch thus sympathetically connecting (entangling) every seeming individuated thing to all other seem- ing individuated things regardless of location in space. At certain subdivision levels it may therefore be presumed all things regardless of location are sympathetically linked and behave as One Thing (vibratorily speaking) thus all things may be considered as One yet having individual exist and experience54 by virtue of their localized and lower order wave function.
Cayce mentions this seeming duality of One yet individual state of a airs as described by the above laws, states and circumstances thusly:
“That it, the entity, may know itself to be itself and part of the Whole; not the Whole but one with the Whole; and thus retaining its individuality, knowing itself to be itself, yet one with the purposes of the First Cause that called
it, the entity, into being, into the awareness, into the consciousness of itself. That is the purpose, that is the cause of being.”55 (underlines added)
Figure 12.5: From the One comes the many.
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/One-Many.jpg (courtesy University of Science and Philosophy)
53[Cosmic microwave background], The existence of the CMB radiation was first predicted by Ralph Alpherin 1948 in connection with his research on Big Bang Nucleosynthesis undertaken together with Robert Herman and George Gamow. It was first observed inadvertently in 1965 by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey.
54[What is Sympathy] 55Cayce (826-11)
Of course this illusion of separateness56 carries on into the affairs of each individual and hence into society. In SVP terms society lives in the illusion of separateness leading to many of the trials and tribulations society experiences as a result of this false belief. There is no separateness on the higher etheric levels, orders or subdivisions where everything is sympathetic or en- tangled with everything else. These higher levels are commonly referred to as ‘spiritual’ or metaphysical levels, dimensions or energies.
As can be seen from the above the totality of the universe is One totality with seeming separate individualizations. Science sees separation when it insists on creating experiments isolated from all outside influences. This separation of course can work in purely mechanical experiments but once the threshold of the atom is breached into the quantum world nothing can be isolated from these higher and finer outside forces and influences because that is what beyond the atom is. Indeed even the atom is affected by these higher finer forces - we simply do not know how to pay attention to the effects which includes the existence of the atom itself being created and maintained by these unseen yet powerful and all important etheric forces57.
“Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe. Though seemingly affected only by its immediate surrounding, the sphere of external influence extends to in nite distance.” Nikola Tesla
How the many forms of matter and substance come into being and develop through creative evolution58 from the seeming void of Mind or Consciousness is not the topic of this book. Perhaps we’ll get around to writing such a book in the future.
12.6.6 One Substance is Mind
There is but One Substance in the universe and that substance is Mind which some have called “Light” as in the Light of Mind. Being of the Light or Etheric order of subdivided being the ancients called it “Luminiferous Ether”59. Walter Russell expressed it thusly:
56 [Separation]?57[7.9 - Ultimate Constitution of Matter and Action of Force Regulating its Phenomena] 58Hughes, F.; Harmonies of Tones and Colours - Developed by Evolution 59[Luminiferous Ether]
“Light units have the appearance of individuality, even as you and I. “There is no individuality in this universe of Mind. There is but an appearance of individuality.?“This is a universe of the One Thing.?“That One Thing is Mind.?“The substance of thinking Mind in action is light.?“There is but One substance.?“The One substance cannot be divided into many substances, or many parts. “Individuality is but an appearance, an effect of potential in the periodicity of thinking.”60
Keely called this Light of Mind tenuous substance the ‘compound interetheric’ or the seventh subdivision or state of matter and energy61. This Light or Un- differentiated Mind is highly sympathetic to and within itself thereby cohering to itself into ‘perfect continuity without extension’. It is depolar and unitary. But once a polarity is introduced rotation/spin (form) begins while the Undifferentiated Light of Mind remains a still center of non-motion center- ing62 the polar rotary dynamics of form. Thus it can be seen Mind centers63 all things because all things are motions centralized about a common center originating of Mind as Source64 or the Interetheric realm or subdivision (6th and 7th subdivision) of being.
60Russell, [The Universal One], Book 02 - Chapter 01 - Dynamics of Mind - Concerning Light Units of Matter
61[Subdivision]?62[Magnetic Still Light]?63[Figure 12.06 - Mind Centers and Controls Motion]?64very important article by Keely [7.9 - Ultimate Constitution of Matter and Action of
Force Regulating its Phenomena], Appendix C III of this book.
Figure 12.6: Mind centers all motion.
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/thought-rings.jpg (courtesy University of Science and Philosophy)
Clara Sophia Jessup Bloomfield-Moore, Keely’s biographer and financial supporter, explains Light’s (compound interetheric substance) relationship to Mind as per Keely thusly:
“All diversions from the polar terrestrial envelope are but nodal outreaches, induced by the proper order of sympathetic vibration; not dissociations and associations of sympathy; but operating on the same principle as the out ow, or nodal outreach of the mental organism (brain) toward the physical, in its control over it. The latent conditions are in a state of neutrality, as regards action, until the exciter - mental outreach - is brought into sympathetic play. If we dissociate the sympathetic mental from the latent physical, it would be equivalent to beheading it; consequently, the physical would cease to exist as a thing of life; but the dominant - the cerebral - would remain in its unchanged form, viz., the high etheric.”65
12.7 VI. “Applying these fundamental laws to an explanation of the universe, as it is brought to human cognition, all manifestations of force may be treated as modes of vibrations.”
Simplistically everything vibrates and oscillates perpetually.66 But not all vibrations and oscillations are equal bringing us to the subject of this book.
65Bloom eld-Moore, [Newton of the Mind] 66[Law of Harmonic Vibrations]
The great secret to understanding is to see and know the unseen working constituents of vibrations and oscillations and their dynamical principles of
interrelatedness67 such that we can engineer them to create precise wave functions - the effects we desire. These periodic motions are not solely about sine, square, sawtooth and pulse shaped waves.68 Carefully sculpting a waveform synthesizing specific partials and harmonics with their amplitudes allows a fine precision in designing and applying these waveforms. Likewise under- standing how waves interact with each other, as shown in Keely’s forty laws69, gives us mastery over such vibrating and oscillating dynamics and media.
“In the wave lies the secret of creation.” Walter Russell
?12.8 VII. “The essential differences give rise to three modes of vibration:
I. The Radiating: called also the “Dispersing”, the “Propulsive”, the “Positive”, and the “Enharmonic”.70
II. The Focalizing: called also the “Negative”, the “Negative Attractive”, the “Polarizing”, and the “Harmonic”.71
III. The Dominant: called also the Etheric, or the Celestial.72 12.8.1 Polarity, Duality, Bias and Potential
Polarity is usually understood as two seemingly opposing forces or states, as in for instance, the two poles of magnetism. Neither Keely nor Russell saw polarity in this simplistic manner. To them there are two composite poles and a centering fulcrum or neutral point, neutral center or neutral line. All three states are effects of subtler unseen forces united in discrete proportions of three united and manifesting as one, a triplet of forces. A
67[Keelys forty laws]?68See Figure 14.10: Waveform Aliquot Components?69[Keelys forty laws]?70[Entropic]. [Russell] calls this ‘[Mother]’ or ‘[Magnetic]’.?71[Syntropic] or [Negentropic]. Russell calls this ‘[Father]’ or ‘[Electric]’. 72[Mind], [Etheric Elements], [Scalar], [Spirit]
key here is preponderance as in one composite force is preponderant over the other within a triplet configuration or pole. Each pole then is a result determined by predominance of one composite force over the other two within each pole. Therefore the difference between the three above mentioned modes of vibration is the preponderance of one polar complex over the other two.
VIII. “These, it will be noted, correspond to the three Laws of Being”
Table 12.1: Three Polar States and their Effects
12.9.1 Dominant Mode
“By use of the dominant mode, which is allied to the “order” of etheric vibrations, we can induct, “sympathetic negative attraction” or “sympathetic positive propulsion” in any mass, according to its mass chord.73
73This quote is from [SYMPATHETIC INDUCTION - Snell]. It says there is a polarity to the etheric (quantum) range of vibrations (row five in Table 5.1). This also implies the two polar streams are different and therefore must be created and applied as separate streams.
The Dominant mode is of the etheric and interetheric subdivisions that governs the two lower order (molecular and atomic) subdivisions party to the polar triplet. By using this Dominant mode it is possible to control the other two poles and overall effects of attraction and repulsion.
“All the dominant conditions of nature represent the focal centers towards which like surrounding ones become sympathetically subservient.”74
“By use of the dominant mode, which is allied to the “order” of etheric vibrations, we can induct, “sympathetic negative attraction” or “sympathetic positive propulsion” in any mass, according to its mass chord.”75
“The magnetic cannot lead the electric, nor the electric the gravital, nor the gravital the magnetic. All are subservient to the dominant, as a train of cars is subservient to the locomotive which pulls it along; the only difference between the two is that one is sympathetic, the other mechanical. Though this is a crude illustration, it conveys a great truth in sympathetic philosophy. All sympathetic flows have this triune condition associated with them, the same as the molecular, atomic and etheric aggregations of all forms of visible matter; the compound etheric, or dominant, being the leader and yet one of the constituents of the molecule itself. The dominant we may call the etheric portion of the molecule; the harmonic, the atomic; and the enharmonic, the molecule itself. The dominant parts of the triune combination of the sympathetic streams are the leaders, toward which all co-ordinate to make up the sympathetic terrestrial envelope of the earth; the cerebral being
the high dominant, or compound etheric, the luminiferous proper.”76 (underline added)
The Dominant as the centering and controlling influence is what Russell called the Magnetic Still Light77, Magnetic Light of Mind78 and gravity or electric centering shaft79. In a rotating system heavier elements move to the outside away from the center. The lighter elements seek the still magnetic
74[Keely and His Discoveries], page 179 75[SYMPATHETIC INDUCTION - Snell] 76[Keely and His Discoveries]?77[Magnetic Still Light]
78[Magnetic Light of Mind]?79[Russell], [Atomic Suicide]?, chapter 8
or attractive center. Hence we see vortices forming vacuous centers such as
are formed in tornadoes, hurricanes and sink and bath tub drains.
“In a mass, therefore, there are seemingly so many Mind-centers of stillness that they constitute a shaft. The word gravity arises from this fact. Gravity is a shaft of Mind-controlling stillness. In that sense, gravity and God are one.” 80
Figure 12.7: Electric/Magnetic Still Centering Shaft
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/magelect.gif
80[Russell], [Atomic Suicide]?, chapter 8
Figure 12.8: Still Light Centering Rotation
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/swirl.jpeg (courtesy University of Science and Philosophy)
The Dominant Etheric (Light, Mind) pole together with the syntropic and entropic polar states are presented in Table 12.2 in diverse corresponding mode relationships of motion and effects.
Table 12.2: Table of Mode Correspondences
12.9.2 The above dynamics are to the following effects
Table 12.3: Mode Interchange Effects
Relations of Thirds
Table 12.4: Thirds, Sixths and Ninths
IX. “It is not to be understood that any one of these three modes of vibration can exist independently. Each by itself is called a ‘current’, and all three must be present in every ‘stream’ or ‘ flow’ of force. The relations of the currents in every ow are expressible in thirds, and it is experimentally demonstrable that the relation of the three are in the order named: as
331/3 : 662/3 : 100.
12.10.1 Ratios and Proportions of Thirds
The ratios and relations below are logical determinations (best guess) and are not to be taken as established or proven fact. Lots of lab work is needed here.
E = 33 ? = Dispersing, Positive, Enharmonic, Depolarizing, Entropic, Mother, Magnetic. S = 662/3 = Concentrating, Negative, Harmonic, Polarizing, Syntropic, Father, Electric. D = 100 = Etheric, Celestial, Mind, Spirit?
When defined as proportional parts:
E=33 ? = ? parts of A S = 66 ? = ? parts of A
D = 100 = 100 parts of A.
therefore if
D = 100 parts then S = (? x A) or 66 2/3 parts
E = (? x A) or 331/3 parts.?(when applied to vibratory or oscillatory rates)
if?D = 100 cps then
S = 66 ? cps E = 33 ? cps
Certainly this applies to AMPLITUDE and POWER as well.86
These proportions most assuredly apply to “states” of compression (syntropy) and dispersion (entropy).
E = Entropy (dispersion)?S = Syntropy (contraction)?D = Dominant (controlling or regulating)
12.10.2 Syntropic Predominance
In the above syntropic mode is shown to have twice the proportion as the entropic mode. Keely mentioned this predominance:
“Pure sympathetic concordants are as antagonistic to negative discordants as the negative is to the positive; but the vast volume the sympathetic holds over the non-sympathetic, in ethereal space, makes it at once the ruling medium and re-adjuster of all opposing conditions if properly brought to bear upon them.” 87
It is interesting to note Buckminster Fuller also claims the power of the contractive, or gravity force is twice that of the dispersive or repulsive force.
“However, the gravitational operating pattern of integration (tension) is al- ways twice as effective as the disintegrative, single-ended inter-patterning of the energy operating as radiation (compression). Disintegrating arrangements of radiation behaviors in Universe are always such that inter-patterned gravity operates twice as effectively, which explains the integrity of eternally regenerative Universe.”88
86 [Potential]?87[Keely], [Keely and His Discoveries], Chapter 7 88Fuller; ‘Cosmography’, page 89
12.11 X. “The evolution of what is called matter from the different modes of vibration is through the action of the second law, that of focalization, or negative attraction, or ‘negative affinity’.
Centripetal force contracts (focalizes) to a center. Centripetal force is but an effect of negative attraction (syntropy) inherent in/between all neutral centers when sympathetic - as in for instance gravity and celestial radiation assimilating to terrestrial attraction. Figure 12.9 shows lines of attraction as straight lines but in reality the motions incurred as spiral or vortex. These attractive or assimilative forces aggregate those fine substances required to create a larger entity. Once accumulated these assimilated forces constitute the awesome imprisoned forces of the atom that were liberated from this prison by Keely’s liberation efforts and devices. They are the tremendous forces released (liberated) during an atomic explosion.
Keely says ”“All such experiments invariably resulted in vortex motion, whether induced sympathetically or otherwise. All corpuscular action in Nature is vortex motion.”89
Figure 12.9: Focalization
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/actirays.gif
Conventionally and generally speaking this assimilating and accumulating into seeming solid matter process would be akin to the forces involved
89[Snell Manuscript] underline added
in the formation of bosons and in Bose-Einstein condensation nuclear fusion
(BECNF) or boson cluster state nuclear fusion (BCSNF).90
Russell puts it this way:
“Electricity is forever winding light up into hot spheres, surrounded by cold cube wave fields of Space, and likewise sequentially unwinding them for rewinding. While winding them into compressed light masses, they are simultaneously unwinding to a lesser extent. Conversely, while unwinding they are simultaneously rewinding to a lesser extent.”91
“All motion is oscillatory, swinging in sequence between two apparently opposing forces, gravitation (accumulation) and repulsion (dispersion), which are respectively electric and magnetic.
“This oscillatory motion is a pulsating in-breathing and out-breathing, an inhalation and an exhalation, which is a characteristic of all matter, whether it be in units, or systems of units, or mass.
“These two apparently opposite forces are the father-mother forces of Mind, which, added together, make but the One force.”92
One cannot help but notice the above description Russell gives is identical to Macvicar’s Law of Assimilation. It is the intermittent or periodic contraction to self (center) and dispersion away from center.
90Wikipedia/Bose-Einstein condensation?91[Russell], [The Secret of Light]?92[Russell], [The Universal One], Book 01 - Chapter 02 - The Life Principle
XI. “Where the vibrations under this mode meet, and are maintained in a state of mutual affinity or equilibrium, there is established what is called a neutral center, or, as otherwise expressed, ‘a center of Sympathetic Co-incidence’.
Figure 12.10: Every point in the universe is a gravitative center.
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/gravity4.jpg (courtesy University of Science and Philosophy)
This center seeking rotating contraction to a center and held there by a balance or equation (mutual affinity) of these forces constitutes a centralization or body of some ‘particle’. These balanced forces will remain as such until their equilibrium is disturbed thus o setting them to either more accumulation or dispersion. The speed at which this disturbance takes place will determine whether that change of state is quick as in an explosion or slowly as in a slow release of these bound up forces.
“Mr. Keely showed control of the ether, interatomic subdivision, by graduating the escape of the residue, as he allowed it to discharge itself with a noise like the rushing of steam to an expulsion as gentle as the breathings of an infant. The three subdivisions acted simultaneously, showing instantaneous association and disassociation. The sympathetic globe was operated upon, 120 revolutions a second, ceasing the instant that the wire was detached.”93
12.12.1 Center of Sympathetic Coincidence or Neutral Center
“The neutral center is that protean, uncreated, indestructible, forever-existing FIRST CAUSE94. Without hands, without tools, without thought, without emotion, without love, without form, without substance, it, of itself, created all these. All that we see or can see in the objective Universe exists because of and by means of the properties and powers of the NEUTRAL CENTER.”
“Neutral centers are the focalized seat of sympathetic concordance for con- trolling any differentiation95 that may exist outside, or in the mass that surrounds them.”96
I like to think of the power of the Neutral Center to be much like the power of a conductor wielding control over his orchestra. He sets the tone with his pitch pipe and moderates the time, coordinates activity (harmony) and amplitude of each section and individual within his domain - the orchestra.
“Neutral centers are the center of Sympathetic Coincidence97.”98
93[Keely and His Discoveries], chapter 9 94[First Cause]?95 [differentiation]?96[Keely and His Discoveries], pg 255 97[Sympathetic Coincidence]
98[Keely and His Discoveries], pg 220
XII. “The terms neutral attraction, neutral affinity, negative attraction, or polar negative attraction, are employed to express the property of a mode of vibration to direct its components to- wards such center.”
These center directing forces are by definition syntropic derived from mutual affinity itself born of harmony and all in sympathy. They are born of harmonic (sympathetic) vibrations as discussed in the Bjerknes Effect99, Law of Harmonic Vibration, Law of Attraction and Law of Cycles. The etheric or Dominant level frequencies appear to possess a predominant proportion of syntropic (center seeking) forces which increase with velocity. Hence the centralizing power of tornadoes and hurricanes - all vortex motion.
“Taking into consideration even the introductory conditions of the etheric stage, etheric vibration has proved to me that the higher the velocity of its rotating stream the greater is its tendency towards the neutral center or center of sympathetic coincidence. Were it otherwise, how could there ever be any planetary formations or the building up of visible structures? If a billiard ball were rotated to a certain velocity, it would separate in pieces, and the pieces would fly off in a tangent, but if it were a ball of ether, the higher the velocity of rotation, the stronger would be the tendency of its corpuscles to seek its center of neutrality, and to hold together.”100 (underline added)
These vortex motions can be diverse in formation. More on this in Chapter 14.
99[Bjerknes E ect]?100[Keely], [ATTRACTION PROPULSION ETC]
XIII. “As no current or ow of force can be composed of one mode of vibration only, but must always be composed of three modes uniting in varying thirds, we have 1 x 2 x 3 = 6 as the total possible forms of Sympathetic Coincidence, or, to speak in ordinary terms, there can be six; and six only, possible forms of individualized being. These are what Keely calls the six orders of atomic subdivision, or orders of vibratory motion, and he names them as follows:
I. Molecular?II. Intermolecular?III. Atomic?IV. Interatomic?V. Etheric?VI. Interetheric?VII. Compound Interetheric (added by editor)101
101[Compound Interetheric], [Subdivision], [Etheric Elements], [Magnetic Still Light]
12.14.1 Table of Subdivisions of Matter and Energy
Figure 12.11: Table of seven subdivisions or orders.
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/table-of-subdivisions.jpg
These subdivisions are Keely’s way of showing relative states of matter and energy. These are not unlike presentations of other sources shown in the table which does not include all the ways others have shown similar arrangements.
XIV. “In this list forms of matter are arranged in the mathematical sequence of the rapidity of the oscillations of their constituent members; the proportion being proved by experiment to be as follows for the molecular orders:
1: 3: 9: 27: 81: 243... 1: 31 :32 :33 :34 :35...
‘Rapidity of the oscillations’ is the frequency of dislocation from side to side or front to back or up to down. These motions are oscillations not ‘vibra-
tion’ which is a periodic motion within itself without change of location.102 Think in terms of string vibration. These periodic dislocation motions are properties of the ‘constituent’ or aliquot members of the molecular structure. Some would call these constituent members atoms and subatomic particles. When considering a molecule or collection of molecules as a Whole System103 it can be readily admitted and seen each molecule has a complex chord of oscillation and vibration frequencies what we call today a ‘signature’. Yes, a single frequency from a signal generator can have an effect on the whole of the molecule or one or more of its members but that effect is quite limited in its ability to bring about change of state sufficient to substantially change the state of the molecule or molecular mass such as say for instance a drop of liquid water changed (dissociated) to its gaseous form. An effective change of state of an Whole molecular System would require a modulation of the forces of several of the molecule’s members simultaneously which is a concurrent modulation on several octaves. Which is why and how Keely effected the liberation of etheric vapor from water by simultaneously modulating three subdivisions on multiple octaves.
“The experiments on the 12th closed with the disintegration of water, twelve drops of which we saw dropped, drop by drop, into the small sphere attached to the disintegrator after exhausting the air by suction. A pressure of over 20,000 pounds to the square inch was shown to the satisfaction of all present. Mr. Keely showed control of the ether, interatomic subdivision, by graduating the escape of the residue, as he allowed it to discharge itself with a noise like a rushing of steam to an expulsion as gentle as the breathings of an infant. The three subdivisions acted simultaneously, showing instantaneous
association and dissociation. The sympathetic globe was operated upon, 120
revolutions per second, ceasing the instant that the wire was detached.” (underline added)104
102See [vibration], [oscillation]?103[Whole System]?104Chapter 9 of [Keely and His Discoveries]
12.16 XV. “The arithmetical progression changes in the atomic orders to a geometrical progression as follows:
3: 9: 81: 6561: 43046721... 31 :32 :34 :38 :316... 105
In the geometric progression we see Russell’s cube idea as he shows in his
“Dimension Chart No. 1. Distance, Area, and Volume ratios in contracting and expanding units of expressions of motion”.106 It shows the First Dimension as Length or Distance and is an arithmetical progression. The Second Dimension is shown as Area. The Third Dimension is shown as Volume. It is the third dimension of volume we are most interested in with studies of force and energy.
Figure 12.12: Russell Chart of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Dimensions
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/russell-unive-49.jpg (courtesy University of Science and Philosophy)
105[Part 12 - Russells Locked Potentials] covering Russell’s [Locked Potentials], [Square Law]. See especially [Similitude].
106[The Universal One], page 159
XVI. “This same method of progression is believed to hold in all the orders of vibrations above the molecular, and soon passes into mathematical infinity.
Controlling Law
Octave - Hertz
Enharmonic Molecular 1st - 21st octaves Centrifugal Intermolecular1 x 100?
2.09715 x 106
Law of Oscillating Atomic Substances107
Atomic Interatomic
21st - 42nd oc- Law of Sono- taves thermity108 2.09715 x 106??4.39805 x 109
Etheric Interetheric
42nd - 63rd oc- Law of Os- taves cillating 4.39805 x 109? Atoms109 9.22337 x 109
Table 12.5: Mode Frequency Ranges
Arithmetic and Geometrical Progressions
Arithmetic Progression - In mathematics, an arithmetic progression or arithmetic sequence is a sequence of numbers such that the difference be- tween the consecutive terms is constant.110 This progression is most seen in piano or guitar string vibrations.
Geometric Progression - In mathematics, a geometric progression, also known as a geometric sequence, is a sequence of numbers where each term after the first is found by multiplying the previous one by a fixed, non-zero
110Wikipedia; Arithmetical Progression
number called the common ratio.111
Linear Progression - In music, a linear progression (Auskomponierungszug or Zug, German: train, abbreviated: Zg.) is a passing note elaboration involving stepwise melodic motion in one direction between two harmonic tones.112
Melodic Progression may be explored in “Harmonies of Tones and Colours - Developed by Evolution”113 and “The Scientific Basis and Build of Music” by Ramsay114
Music (geometric divisions of vibrations and oscillations of a string) is linear arithmetic progression115 while energy expansion and contraction is volumetric with geometric progression116 as is described in Russell’s Scale of Locked Potentials117, the Square Law, Similitude and Inverse Square Law.118
XVII. “Actually, however, all matter of which we are capable of cognition through the medium of our senses is in one of three forms of aggregation:
I. Molecular (objects and substances we can handle)?II. Atomic (atoms whether one or more atoms of the same element) III. Etheric (quantum entities, constituents of atoms)
111Wikipedia; Geometric Progression 112Wikipedia; Linear Progression 113svpbookstore.com 114svpbookstore.com
115[arithmetical progression] 116[geometric progression] 117[Scale of Locked Potentials] 118[Progressive Evolution]
12.18.1 The above are not “things”
The above states constitute our sensorial world. They are not solely “things” but are more appropriately considered as states, phases, forms or dynamic structures resulting from specific combinations of the dynamic three modes of motion. They are Whole Systems comprised of many constituent periodic motions; i.e., a chord of frequencies both vibration and oscillation. Each state has a respective combination or proportion of the three modes. The higher three forms of aggregation are not perceptible to our senses and are therefore considered extrasensory, unseen, non-observable, spiritual, subtle, scalar, non-classical, Mind or Consciousness, etc.
XVIII. “In each of which the control- ling mode of vibration is respectively:
I. The Enharmonic (entropy, dispersive) - controls Molecular II. The Harmonic (syntropy, attractive) - controls Atomic III. The Dominant (neutral, controlling) - controls Etheric
See Figure 12.2: Chart showing location of the three mode frequency ranges.
12.19.1 Modes combine in unique proportions
The above three modes combine in unique proportions to create orthogonal119 stabilized centralizations or aggregations of forces that have the appearance of seeming solid matter.
The following table is a supposition about the mixing of mode proportions in the 3rd and 4th columns for each aggregation. They seem reasonable but only bench testing will proven them out.
119ideally speaking as is demonstrated in carbon [crystallization].
Table 12.6: Hypothetical controlling Modes and Proportions
12.20 XIX. “But it must be understood that?each of these modes is a Positive and?real constituent of every atom and molecule.
Considering an atom or molecule as a balanced yet dynamic of syntropic and entropic forces intermittently expanding and contracting they must then by definition have all three component modes as essential to their existence and function. This concept is not unlike Fuller’s Tensegrity121 idea that every triangle has tension and compression.
121 Wikipedia/Tensegrity
XX. “It will be seen that as every form of material aggregation is to be considered as a ‘neutral center of at- traction’, where the vibratory force of all three orders are held in Sympathetic Coincidence, that is, in balanced activity or harmonized motion, and not by any means cancelled or mutually destroyed, there is no diminution of force, but only temporary suspension of its radiating or propulsive activity or expression.
Balance or Equation of Father-Mother Forces
This balance or equation of Father-Mother Forces122 is not a perfect balance where there is no motion. There is in all seeming solid and still matter a near imperceptibly tiny periodic motions Russell referred to as “Rhythmic Balanced Interchange”. Macvicar called this balanced periodic motion the cosmical Law of Assimilation123. The range of motion of this periodic motion when considered as stable does not exceed 50% of the molecular dimension.124 Conventional science refers to this natural residual vibration as vacuum fluctuations, quantum jiggle or Zero-Point Energy. [see XXV below]
“If access to the zero-point-energy (ZPE) reservoir is successful, one needn’t worry about either depletion of this resource or creating an imbalance in the local environment. It is the electromagnetic equivalent of scooping cupfuls of water out of the ocean, with replacement occurring at the velocity of propagation of electromagnetic waves, the velocity of light. As to the ultimate
122[Father-Mother Principle]?123[14.32 - Law of Assimilation] 124[AQUEOUS DISINTEGRATION - Snell]
origin of the ZPE, two views are discussed in the physics literature: one, that it is simply part and parcel of the energetic legacy that emerged with the Big Bang, and another that it is an energetic substratum that preceded even the Big Bang, with our universe emerging as the result of a giant vacuum fluctuation.125 In any case an argument can be made that it is sustained by a cosmological feedback cycle in which charged particles radiate due to their “quantum jiggle,” and the particles “jiggle” due to being caught up in the collective radiation of all the other particles, an electromagnetic equivalent of placing a microphone near a speaker and generating a squeal.”126
XXI “This is the foundation of Keely’s doctrine of ‘latent force’, and of the indefinite power which can be obtained by breaking up the harmonious balance or equation of forces of every mode, which exists in every neutral center, that is to say in every mass of matter.”
Matter is the result of three forces or modes of vibration
In SVP every form of matter is the result of three forces or modes of vibration that are balanced or equated to a determinable degree. A good metaphor would be a seesaw with two children moving up and down perpetually. The continuous motion is fed by the children sympathetically shifting of their centres of gravity thus periodically disturbing the balance or equation of forces. Increasing syntropic (centering) force, for instance, will instantly evoke the Law of Cycles thereby causing transformation into intense dispersion (emis-
125A third view in this persistent periodic motion is that which maintains the physical universe.
126H. E. Puthoff, “On the Source of Vacuum Electromagnetic Zero-Point Energy,” Phys. Rev. A, vol. 40, p. 4857, 1989; Phys. Rev. A vol. 44, p. 3382, 1991.
sion, radiation). Liberated entropy (radiant) will instantly disperse. An example of this process of liberation is the well known atomic and nuclear detonations as seen in cavitation or implosion processes.
The use of these principles in atomic weapons is an extreme liberation of the contained latent force within a very short time span. The designers’ intent of such weapons is to get the biggest bang possible. In the real world we have no need of such gigantic liberations of energy. It is possible and desirable to perform smaller releases over longer periods of time such as is done with dissociation of water via electrolysis and similar means. In this case it would be prudent to use materials containing less latent energy on the molecular level and perhaps the atomic order. These releases of energy would be more than sufficient for most any application serving humanity’s needs. Such liberations would be saner, simpler, safer, non-ionizing and sustainable.
Keely was able to release these forces in a gentle or violent manner depending on the stage of the Law of Cycles progression.
“Sudden unition induces the same effect; but demonstration shows that the concentration of this triple force is as free of percussion as is the breath of an infant against the atmosphere; for the three currents ow together as in one stream, in the mildest sympathetic way, while their discharge after concentration is, in comparison to their accumulation, as the tornado’s force to the waft of the butter y’s wing.”127
Water molecules (Keely’s favorite medium for creating his all powerful and useful ‘etheric vapor’) can be easily dissociated in the molecular order with an electric current (AC or DC), X-rays, cavitation128, ultrasound129, microwaves130, radio waves131 and even vacuum. This molecular dissociation liberates a gas composed of the atoms of Hydrogen and Oxygen. These as gases constitute the next higher level or order of being - the atomic level of
127[Keelys Contributions to Science]?128[15.12 - Dissociating Water with Acoustic Cavitation]?129[15.09 - Dissociating Water with Ultrasonic Vibration - Puharich] 130[Dissociating Water with Microwave]?131[15.08 - Dissociating Water with X-Rays - Radiolysis]
being. This atomic level can be dissociated with an electric spark132 ‘igniting’ or rendering (dissociating) the atomic order into the next ‘etheric’ level or order being plasma; i.e., flame made of ionized gases possessing great pressure as discordant radiating entropy mode preponderates. The process is more complicated than the above but you get the essential points. As humanity masters these low levels of dissociation the higher levels liberating greater quantities of useful energy may be accessed.
It was this etheric vapor under immense pressure derived from dissociated water that Keely had intended to use to power his original Keely Motor. After designing and building over 120 models and 30 years of effort he gave up on that approach when he discovered the etheric vapor is not the source of power but instead is a carrier133 of the force he wished to liberate.
Figure 12.13: Keely Motor activated by slow-released etheric vapor
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/keely-motor.jpg
132But then what is a spark if not the electric stream preponderant with the individualizing (syntropic) mode? see [Spark], [Introductory Impulse]
133[connecting link]
There was one instance where Keely did use this etheric vapor under immense pressure and released or liberated quickly was in his etheric can- non134. He demonstrated this cannon on many occasions and once before the US Navy at Sandy Hook Naval Yard, New Jersey. The Navy turned it down because they thought the mechanism “too complex”.
Figure 12.14: Keely’s cannon red by quick release of etheric vapor
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/etheric-cannon.jpg
Another example of relatively high frequencies dissociating molecular substances is sublimation where, for instance, ultraviolet rays within sunshine will fade (disperse) molecular paint on a roadside sign. Or as seen in dry winter climates snow is sublimated directly into water vapor but does not melt into liquid.
12.22.2 Latent Force, Keely
“With our present [1880s] knowledge,” writes Mr. Keely, “no definition can be given of this latent force; which, possessing all the conditions of attraction and repulsion associated with it, is free of magnetism. If it is a condition of electricity, robbed of all electrical phenomena, or a magnetic force,135 rebellant [sic] to the phenomena associated with magnetic development, the only philosophical conclusion I can arrive at is that this indefinable element is the soul of matter136. Were not every form of matter, even to the cerebral convolutions of the brain, impregnated with this latent element of force, which is sympathetically subservient to celestial radiation, nature would be like a
134 [cannon]?135Keely is referring here to the lack of [ionization]. 136[Soul of Matter]
still-born child, or a marble statue - dead to the sympathetic association that induces motion. Matter could not exist without this element, this spiritual essence, this impregnation from the Deity, which is its Soul, any more than a man with an ossified brain could have motion or life.”137
This new higher state liberated energy, not having any detectible magnetism or electricity, must by definition be a higher subtler subdivision than the atomic or etheric orders of being both having these two attributes. These new subdivisions then would be the sub-quantum levels of light (photonic) and finer quantum divisions such as quarks, gluons, etc. the domain of so- called spirit, consciousness or Mind itself.
137[Latent Force], [What Electricity Is - Bloom eld Moore]
XXII. “Insomuch as every mass of matter consists thus, in fact, of vibrations in harmonic equilibrium, re- lated by simple proportions of thirds,?it follows that every mass of every description stands in harmonic relation to every other mass. This is, in part, what is meant by the sympathy of all forms of matter and of motion (i.e., entanglement, bonding, coupling or love); and it is through the study of the methods of increasing or diminishing this sympathy that we reach practical results in this eld of research. At present this is best accomplished by resonance; that is, through the harmonic vibrations created by musical instruments (or signal generators), bringing out the acoustic world as the microscope reveals the hidden visual world.
Attraction and a Repulsion between all things
There exists, by virtue and attributes of harmonic vibrations or sympathy (acoustic entanglement, sympathetic vibration and sympathetic oscillation), an attraction and a repulsion between all things. The nature of this attraction and repulsion is discussed in ‘Chapter 2 - Love in Science and Physics’. This sympathetic association can be modi ed at will according to the Law of
SympatheticAssociation.138 Keely referred to this process as 'Disturbance of Equilibrium’139 where he disrupted the harmonic equilibrium thus exciting the dynamics of balanced systems. Centralized forces in a state of coincidental harmony contain Latent Force140. The quantity of that Latent Force is determined by the subdivision or order of the material. This force is liberated into an useable force by an outside acoustic disturbance upsetting that balance. This would be not unlike a frequency and amplitude modulation (FM and AM) of existing chordal (complex frequency) patterns.
12.23.2 Fission is runaway dissociation
This modulation may at times be referred to as achieving critical mass. Fission is nothing other than an over emphasizing of the entropic mode such that the bulk of the atomic molecule is dispersed by dissociation or more simply the break up of the harmonic (syntropic) contractive binding force. The fission process is initiated by the introduction of a strong enharmonic pulse experienced by the mass as an overwhelming entropy that creates strong discords within the chord of the mass by the Law of Cycles thus evoking the Law of Repulsion and runaway dispersion (explosion).
12.24 XXIII. “Every visible or tangible mass of matter must be regarded as an aggregation of molecules; the molecules being the true centers of the equated forces of ‘neutralized attraction’.
‘Neutralized attraction’ is where the two forces of syntropy and entropy are equated in opposition to a balanced state or condition. All the attributes of their wave function also play into this balance or equation of forces. Russell referred to this balanced or equated state on more than one occasion. For instance:
138[Bjerknes Effect], [Love in Science and Physics], [Three Laws of Being], [Law of Assimilation]
139[Disturbance of Equilibrium] 140[Latent Force]
“The cosmic pendulum then forms one element which registers itself as neither one opposite nor the other but is equally of each, a bisexual element of maximum opposition in all periodicities of motion.”141
Figure 12.15: The Cosmic Pendulum
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/cosmic-penduluum.jpg (courtesy University of Science and Philosophy)
A stable molecule has such a center of neutralization of forces and every molecule, according to Keely, whether singularly or in a larger mass have this distinction. Disturbance of one molecule of such a mass is disturbing all molecules of the mass. Disturbance is accomplished with an ‘exciter’142 being an acoustic pulse143 possessing certain characteristics such that it is absorbed and re-modulates the molecule into a discordant condition creating dissociation or disintegration.144
141[The Universal One], Book 02 - Chapter 05 - The Elements of Matter 142 [Exciter]?143or any other frequency within the three base modes?144[Molecular Dissociation]
12.24.1 Attraction is an effect of Syntropy
We now know that attraction is an effect of syntropy which is an effect of sympathetic association or harmonized frequencies or unisons. Syntropy un- opposed is pure active attraction or affinity. “Neutralized Attraction” then would be syntropy balanced by entropy when the rates of vibration or oscillation form an unison with the fundamental or harmonics.145
Regarding attraction or bonding as an effect of harmonized vibrations and oscillations is decidedly different than force carrier particles. The rst condition is a dynamic condition of the forces involved in the interaction of a Whole System. The second is an isolationist viewpoint requiring an unnecessary additional player on stage. Although a unit measure of attractive force - a quantum (least measure or quantity such as a gluon) of attractive force - could be assigned to these entities for mathematical purposes - which I feel is how all this quantum business got started in the rst place.
XXIV. “These molecules have been experimentally proved by Keely to be formed of all three modes of vibration; the proof being that they respond to all three modes when subjected to the tests of compound concordant impulses (chords).
An example of a ‘compound concordant impulse’ would be a musical triplet or chord of say C, E and G sounded together with a sharp attack and short decay within its signature envelope. Logic indicates at least one of those triplet frequencies is concordant with natural tones (eigenfrequencies) of the target molecule. In which case power as amplitude from the exciter chord is added (sympathetic and syntropic addition) to the molecule thus o setting its original concordant equation of forces or balance.
145[Law of Attraction], [Bjerknes Effect], [Law of Sympathetic Oscillation], [Law of Force], [Law of Chemical Affinity] and [Voiding]
XXV. “When in that state of neutral aggregation which we know as matter[11], each molecule is in perpetual oscillation, the range of the oscillation being one-third of the molecule, and its rapidity 20,000 oscillations in a second.
This has always been a curious statement - that all molecules oscillate about their center at affixed rate of 20,000 Hz. Why hasn’t this been found by conventional science? Perhaps it has but I’ve not found any reference to it (yet). In today’s world there are countless types of molecules and many of them are artificial such as are found in plastics and new metal alloys. Does this statement apply to all of them? One would presume - to err on the safe side - that Keely is referring to naturally occurring molecules. That would be a big and perhaps dangerous assumption...146 Nevertheless it is something to explore. The effort may be well worth it.
Figure 12.16: Range of Motion
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/rangeofmotion.jpg
146see section ‘8.7 Frequency’ where frequency of oscillation is twice the customary count.
XXVI. “It is through the disturbance of this oscillatory equilibrium, by means of resonant impulses, that Keely alters the relations of the vibratory impulses which constitute matter[11]. This he does by striking the same chord in three octaves, representing the third, sixth, and ninth of the scale.
The above quote is the beginning of the description of how Keely modulated the eigenfrequency or chord of the mass147 being acted upon. The following sections give insight into how he approached and did this using the thirds, sixths and ninths of a scale constructed upon the tonic or fundamental of the mass being acted upon using the quantization method148. Here lies perhaps one of Keely’s greatest secrets - the application of the much verbalized “3, 6 and 9” so often attributed to Tesla149. Somewhere I read Tesla stated he had figured out ‘Keely’s secret’. This may be the secret he referred to. I do not have that quote nor a link to the original material.
In music theory intervals are expressed as ratios. In standard music the- ory there are Major and Minor Thirds and Keely does not specify which. Normally a Major Third is considered as the quantity 5:4. Translated, this quantity is the fundamental frequency divided by 4 which quotient is then multiplied by 5 gives the frequency of a Major Third. A Minor Third is considered as the quantity 6:5. Translated, this quantity is the fundamental frequency divided by 5 which quotient is then multiplied by 6. The same treatment applies to all music intervals.
These intervals form a three tone chord (musical triplet) when sounded simultaneously. Multiply each of these frequencies by two and four creates
147[chord of the mass] 148[Quantization - SVP] 149[14.35 - Teslas 3 6 and 9]
Keely’s Triple Triplet150 of ‘same chord in three octaves’. A table is presented below of some of these intervals. Other tables could or should be created that represent the various modes such as Equal Temperament, Just Intonation, etc.
Table 12.7: Thirds, Sixths and Ninths Intervals
12.27.1 Disturbance of Equilibrium, Gravity
“Disturbance of equilibrium, like gravity, is inherent, an eternal existing force.”151
It is possible these two phases, gravity and disturbance of equilibrium, are simply the two opposite poles of matter, the physical Universe, the positive and negative poles of matter, controlled by the third or controlling principle, the Universal Will.
“Unstable equilibrium, like gravity, is a condition born in each neutral center at the time of birth, and thus designed by the Architect as the connective link152 between the “dispersing positive”153 and the “attractive negative.”154
150[Triple Triplet Flows], [Triple Triplet] 151[13.12.1 - Disturbance of Equilibrium] 152[Connecting Link]?153 [Radiation]
154 [Contraction]
The action inducing this “link” I call “sympathetic planetary oscillation”.
“The enharmonic portion of the electric current carries the power of propulsion that induces disturbance of negative equilibrium.
“In his (Keely’s) experiments of aqueous disintegration155 disturbance of equilibrium was brought about by using mediums of differential gravity in the disintegrator,156 air as one, water as the other.”157
Forces are held in a dynamic state of equilibrium, a neutral state, until disturbed by an excitation or stimulation. Adding either harmonic (syntropy) or enharmonic (entropy) excitations will evolve into opposite conditions either attraction or repulsion. This dynamic holds true for all subdivisions. On the lower subdivisions these disturbances must be sympathetic to that being stimulated which is to say acoustic waves or pulses. On the higher etheric subdivisions a sympathetic excitation would be the “in nite exciter” as thought or a form of thought such as desire, intent, etc.
Figure 12.17: Neutral Center - Point of Convergence of Syntropic Forces
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/impact-response.jpg
Matter is not directly created by these incoming sympathetic streams. The incoming etheric (celestial) streams impact (bombard) a Neutral Center which differentiates them and matter results from the effects of this impact or
155[Aqueous Disintegration] 156 [disintegrator]?157[Snell Manuscript]
antagonism developing summation and difference modulations (tones) during its progressive evolution into being. The incoming excitations need not be all frequencies as countless frequencies may develop during the impact or antagonism. Any tone instantly generates an overtone series. These secondary and tertiary partials or tones spring into existence the instant any tone is sounded. These many tones are effects of the one causative tone and cannot be separated from their cause. They are entangled everywhere experiencing summation and difference modulations (tones) originating from everywhere. Each experience is of course unique because of local influences or modulations.
XXVII. “Of these, the sixth reduces the range of molecular oscillation, and thus tends to give greater tenuity to the mass. It induces “trajectile velocity” from neutral centers, or “neutral radiation”.
Seeming Paradox
The first part of the first sentence of XVII appears to contradict the second part of the same sentence thus creating a seeming paradox. However, the two sentences taken together illustrate quite clearly the function and dynamics of the Law of Cycles.
“Experiment shows that molecular dissociation does not take place until the molecule attains an oscillation approaching, if not fully reaching two-thirds of its diameter. This can be effected by means of the action of the enharmonic or “radiating” current applied to the mass, after its molecules have been disturbed by an “introductory impulse”; that is, by the musical note158 above mentioned.
158a musical note is a specific pitch in mathematical relationship with other pitches.
12.28.2 Exciting the Molecular Mass
First excite the molecular mass with a strong pulse, then continue this disturbance at resonance with its natural eigenfrequency (chord of mass) until a certain amplitude of oscillation occurs where dissociation takes place - not unlike a singer shattering a wine glass. These quantities of applied excitation (amplitude, duration, attack, sustain and decay) could be determined through experiment.
XXIX. “The third represents the dominant, and when brought under control of a harmonic resonant impulse induces a complete rearrangement of the modes of vibration and oscillation; in other words, will transform the mass either into its component initial forces, or into some other form of matter.
Harmonic Resonant Impulse
An“harmonic resonant impulse” means an impulse that is harmonic (in tune with; i.e., sympathetic) not unlike a singer singing the correct pitch that is in synch or establishes a chord of resonance159 with that of a wine glass to be shattered. Also called “resonant impulse”.160
Of course Brinton/Keely is talking about none other than transmuting the mass being experimented upon whether that be water or some other molecular substance - ‘transform the mass either into its component initial forces, or into some other form of matter’. ‘Component initial forces’ means liberating these awesome atomic forces whether slowly or instantly. Of course
159[Chord of Resonance]?160[Law of Transformation of Forces], [Transmutation]
the slower the liberation the better if one desires to be around long enough
to use those liberated forces.?“Matter is bound up energy and energy is liberated matter.” Keely, 1893
It is astonishing these ideas were first published in 1894 well before orthodox science acknowledged splitting the molecule or atom was even possible. Not only does Keely say this is possible but he says how to do it and that he had been doing it for some years already prior to 1894. Realizing the above it is obvious why no one in Keely’s day had any idea what he was doing. In Keely’s ‘Ultimate Constitution of Matter and Action of Force Regulating its Phenomena’161 he lays out the basic concepts of matter, force and their interactions such as converting one into the other. Does not the above Keely quote translate directly into Einstein’s famous equation of 1905?
XXX. “It is the study of the dominant to which Keely has devoted his recent researches. He aims to control the power he evolves by altering the dominant or etheric mode of vibration in the triplicate flows of force.
Etheric Current
The etheric (Dominant) current is the controlling medium in the triune flows.162 It is the switch, lever or regulator that actuates the power of the other two currents or forces thus disturbing the triune balance. The key phrase in the above is ‘control the power he evolves’ indicating he doesn’t want an all at once release or liberation as in a destructive explosion. His intent was to develop useable power for industry - not for war making.
161[[[7.9 - Ultimate Constitution of Matter and Action of Force Regulating its Phenomena] also Appendix C III
162Keely’s [Three Modes of Vibration] for range of frequencies of the etheric current, [One Universal Controlling Medium]
XXXI. “As all molecules and masses are mere centers of harmonized vibrations,[9] temporarily held in suspension by simple Laws identical with those of resonance, it follows that these centers can be broken up or divided by certain orders of vibration impinging upon and disturbing them.
See the pervious sections and subsections describing this equilibrium and its disturbance. The idea that the control of the forces of a molecule can be addressed via the molecule’s center of balanced forces represents a major diversion from conventional thought. Apparently it is far easier to modulate this center of balanced forces than any other condition of motion of a molecule be it electrons or atoms forming part of the molecule. The point or center of balance of forces is not unlike that point in a child’s swing when the highest or furthest point of motion is reached and all motion stops for an instant then reverses direction. This point coincides with Russell’s Zero Plane of Inertia163. This instant of depolar non-motion is where the kinetic out swing and in swing are neutralized (conjugated, sum to zero) and energy of the system becomes latent (potential). At this point it is easiest to add additional outside power to maintain or increase motion. It is the optimum point of modulation. Attempting to add power at other points of the swing are either impossible or difficult.
163[Plane of Inertia]
XXXII. “It is a familiar fact that a cord in vibration tends to produce a similar vibration in a cord placed near it. This property belongs to all vibrations, whether resonant or not, and they exert it in proportion to the order to which they belong. The distance in Space to which this power extends, or can be extended, is what is called ‘the sympathetic outreach’
Sometimes the effects of this property are referred to as “entrainment”164 (sometimes as “coupling”165) as in the case where multiple oscillating mechanisms will synchronize their motion in and over time. The linking between mechanisms in sympathetic oscillation166 is referred to as the “connecting link”167 or the unseen etheric communication mechanism spanning space and time. This connecting link is the purveyor of so-called “spooky action at a distance.”168 These sympathetic properties can be quantified and therefore engineered. They have for instance an ‘outreach’ or ‘ field effect’ that can likewise be quantified and engineered. This outreach or eld effect is an extension of sympathy from the mass and affects other masses within reach of its field effect depending on the degree of sympathetic vibration or oscillation of other nearby masses. Degrees of sympathetic association can be determined by the degree of harmony or discord in their respective chord of mass (vibration or oscillation signature). This property is governed by the Law of Sympathetic Oscillation.169
164 [Entrainment]?165 [Coupling]?166[sympathetic oscillation] 167[connecting link]?168[action at a distance]?169[Law of Sympathetic Oscillation]
XXXIII. “In this manner we have ‘sympathetic negative attraction’, and ‘sympathetic positive propulsion’, with reference to the outreach of the third or dominant current of the stream, which is allied to the order of etheric vibrations.”
The effect of this eld or outreach can be either attractive or repulsive on nearby objects according to the degree the creative and receptive chords are harmonic or enharmonic with each other.170 The outreach or eld effect of the etheric current is as mentioned above the connecting link between centers whether of a compound mass or its constituents. This condition of synchronous motions is described in the
12.33.1 Law of Transmissive Vibraic Energy
“All oscillating and vibrating coherent aggregates create, in the media in which they are immersed, outwardly propagated concentric waves of alternate condensation and rarefaction, having a period-frequency identical with the pitch of the aggregate.”
Scholium: “All forms of transmissive energy171 can be focussed, reflected, refracted, diffracted, transformed, and diminished in intensity inversely as the square of the distance from the originating source.”
These “outwardly propagating waves” can be in harmony or discord with other masses creating sympathetic resonance. If the waves from the masses are in tune or harmonic they will be attracted to one another. If they are dis- cords the masses will be repelled. These tendencies and motions of attraction are governed by the laws of attraction172 and repulsion.173 If these waves are
170[Law of Force] 171[Law of Force] 172[Law of Attraction] 173[Law of Repulsion]
in harmony the masses are then ‘coupled’ sympathetically and what occurs
to one occurs to the other. They become, vibratorily speaking, as one.
12.33.2 Etheric vibration is the cause of sympathetic association
Etheric (quantum) vibration is the cause of Sympathetic Association, Sympathetic Vibration and Sympathetic Oscillation also known as Entanglement, Coupling, Quantum Entanglement, etc. uniting two centers sympathetically. This etheric vibratory dynamic state174 can be either syntropy (sympathetic negative attraction) or entropic (sympathetic positive propulsive). This phenomena may also be related to Russell’s lens175 idea forming stable lens of seeming standing waves between sympathetic centers.
Figure 12.18: Stable Wave Interference
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/95.jpg (courtesy University of Science and Philosophy)
174[Etheric Vibration. - The Key Force]?175[Figure 3.4 - Focalizing Lenses at nested Cube faces]
XXXIV. “Each molecule of a given mass of matter represents the same harmonic chord or note in its oscillatory motion. The chord of the mass is, therefore, the chord of every molecule of mass.”
12.34.1 Qualifiers
The above sentence (XXXIV) contains several qualifiers:?1 - “Each molecule of a given mass of matter” - each and every molecule
of a specific mass. Therefore a given mass has a single chord being the same as each molecule participating in that mass.
2 - “same harmonic chord or note in its oscillatory motion” - to the degree of syntropy the molecule/mass is (i.e., represented by a musical note or pitch) in the mass oscillatory (translation) motion, NOT it’s internal vibration.
3 - The chord of mass176 is of course the vibration or oscillation signature, a collection of the fundamental and all partials resulting from that fundamental as per the Law of Harmonic Pitch.177
12.34.2 Law of Harmonic Pitch
“Any aggregate in a state of vibration develops in addition to its fundamental pitch a series of vibration in symmetrical sub-multiple portions of itself, bearing ratios of one, two, three, or more times its fundamental pitch.”178
This law also points to support of Russell’s lens idea.
176[chord of mass]?177[Law of Harmonic Pitch] 178Keely, 1894
XXXV. “But as the condition of absolutely stable equilibrium is theoretical only, and does not exist in nature, the chord of the mass is constantly changing. Yet we must learn to control this chord of the mass by resonant induction, if we would gain command of the molecular forces.”
Equilibrium or Balance cannot exist
The states or conditions of equilibrium or balance cannot exist in the material world of seen effects as every thing or force is in perpetual transformation because of the ever present Law of Cycles and the Law of Transformation of Forces. Everything is always in motion as motion is Life activity, a resultant of dynamic polarity of force and energy in their perpetual and persistent efforts to void. But the continuity of the mass even while constantly changing always remains the same. Hence there are vibratory elements persisting in continuous wave function identity. An analogy would be a person persisting through life as the same person but changing in outer appear due the aging process or an actor being one inner identity yet temporarily assuming diverse identity roles of seeming outer change.
12.35.2 Law of Cycles
“Coherent aggregates harmonically united constitute centers of vibration bear- ing relation to the fundamental pitch not multiples of the harmonic pitch, and the production of secondary unions between themselves generate pitches that are discords, either in their unisons, or overtones with the original pitch; from harmony is generated discord, the inevitable cause of perpetual trans- formation.” 179
179Keely, 1894
12.35.3 Table of Transformation over Time
Figure 12.19: Table of Transformation of Forces over Time
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/Table-of-Transformation300.jpg
12.35.4 Law of Transformation of Forces
“All forces are different forms of Universal Energy unlike in their period-frequency, merging into each other by imperceptible increments; each form representing the compass of 21 octaves. Each form or pitch may be transformed into an equivalent quantity of another pitch above or below it in the scale of 105 octaves. The transformation can occur only through its static effect, developing vibrations of harmonic pitches above or below their fundamental vibration, or developing with juxtaposed aggregates, resultant and difference, or third order, as the case may be.
Scholium: “A table of the intervals and harmonics of the normal harmonic scale will indicate the ratios in which the transformation of forces will occur.” 180
180Keely, 1893
In the above law the dynamic and function of the overtone series can readily be seen. As above so below aptly applies as tones transpose from sub to over octaves. A good treatise on tones, harmonics and intervals is the ‘Handbook of Acoustics’.181
XXXVI. “Keely believes he has solved this problem, by the invention of a mechanical device which brings the chords of all masses within the conditions of a few simple acoustic tests.”
It is not known what this mechanical device is, specifically. It is presumed by this writer this device is comprised at least in part as the Trexar182 and similar alloy wires Keely made with specific proportions of specific metals having specific vibratory properties. These wires appear to have a property of superconductivity at room temperature. See section 12.38 below.
“There is no medium used in vibratory research so unerringly exact in effecting sympathetic negative attraction as the Trexar.”183
XXXVII. “The range of molecular oscillation is affected differently in different substances when submitted to the same vibratory impulse, and these ranges can be measured.”
This concept is self evident. Every molecular substance has its own unique signature. Again, more careful bench work is called for to determine these effects or modulations.
181svpbookstore.com 182[Trexar], [Trexnonar] 183 [Trexar]
“If one thousand million of coins, each one representing a certain standard value, and all struck from the same die, were sympathetically graduated under a vibratory subdivision of 150,000, the most amazing variation would present itself, as between each individual coin throughout the number, in regard to their molecular grouping and resonance. . . .”184
XXXVIII. “In the three metals, silver, gold, and platina, we obtain the proportions- 3: 6: 9 - As this is the primary relation of the modes of vibration, a wire[8] made of these three metals is peculiarly adapted to transmit concordant impulses; and nodes made of these substances placed upon?a wire, transmitting resonant vibrations, indicate, by the different orders of vibration induced in them, the rate of oscillations of the atomic constituents.”
The first part of the above concerning transmission of concordant impulses is determined by the
12.38.1 Law of Vibrating Atomolic Substances
“Atoms are capable of vibrating within themselves at a pitch inversely as the Dyne (the local coefficient of Gravity), and as the Atomic volume, directly as the Atomic weight, producing the creative force (Electricity), whose transmissive force is propagated through atomolic solids, liquids, and gases, producing induction and the static effect of magnetism upon other atoms of attraction
184[Keely and His Discoveries]
or repulsion, according to the Law of Harmonic Attraction and Repulsion.” Scholium: “The phenomenon of Dynamic Electricity through a metallic conductor and of induction are identical. In a metallic conductor, the transmission is from atom to atom, through homologous interstices, filled with ether, presenting small areas in close proximity. In crystalline structures, heat, which expands the atoms, by twisting them produces striae, increases the resistance, etc. Between parallel wires and through air the induction takes place from large areas through a rare ed medium composed of a mixture of substances, whose atoms are separated by waves of repulsion of various pitches, discordant to electric vibrations; the said atoms sympathetically absorb the vibrations and dissipate from themselves, as centers, concentric waves of electric energy which produces heat and gravism185.”186
The second part of the above concerns measuring frequencies and includes a description of what electricity is and how it acts, according to Keely. The exact method of this detecting process is not known. Below are some frequencies apparently detected using this or a similar method. Heat is a form of radiation (entropy) while gravism is a form of contraction (syntropy).
12.38.2 Frequencies of the Modes
There has been and continues much discussion about what frequencies Keely used and how he developed them. Here we have a brief listing of some of the higher ranges of frequencies he developed and used in his work. Figure 12.2 illustrates graphically where these ranges would be on one of our standard table of frequencies showing only up to 105 octaves where some of the listed figures are considerably higher than that.
“He [Keely] mentions the following frequencies, measured in sound colors187:
“Molecular frequency?inducted in homexar188 by harmonic thirds, 100,000,000; [100 MHz] that inducted by enharmonic sixths, 300,000,000; [300 MHz]?that induced by diatonic ninths, 900,000,000; [900 MHz]
185 [gravism]?186Keely, 1894]?187[music note or sound colors] 188 [Homexar]
that inducted by dominant etheric sixths, 8,100,000,000; [8.1 GHz (microwave)]
that inducted by interetheric ninths, 24,300,000,000. [24.3 GHz (microwave)]
In the trexar189 the “compounding of the triple triple190 will give a frequency from the ninth node that, set down, would make a string of figures a mile long.”191
“If we now use another node of platinum after the gold node, this vibration is raised to the 81st power or (156, 057, 552, 198, 220, 000)81 or infinitely beyond computation. This represents the use of only two nodes.”192
It should be noted these frequencies come from the use of atomic elements which implies he is using the frequencies inherent in those elements and not generating those frequencies from an outside device such as an electronic signal generator or his musical instruments as noted elsewhere (see Sections 0.4, 4.4.4, 12.15 and 12.23).
XXXIX. “The phenomenon of rotation arises from the harmonic interaction of the dominant and enharmonic elements of the flow; in other words, the first and third, the third and ninth, etc.; those whose vibrations bear the proportions to each other 33 ? : 100.”
According to this section rotation is an effect of subtle forces harmonically related yet in proportion 1:3. This dynamic relationship apparently explains planetary and atomic spin as effects of these subtle forces and not as ‘conservation of motion’ resulting from the mythical Big Bang. This being the
189 [Trexar]?190[Triple Triplet] 191[VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCIES] 192[MAGNETIC ENGINE - Snell]
case it behooves us to learn the fine details of each of these triune forces to apply them to create a more natural rotation dynamic than say dissociating of chemical fuels to provide pressure on pistons or turbines.
12.39.1 Microwaved Radiometer
According to the listing of frequencies above (7.37.2) microwaves were part of Keely’s vibratory tool box. Today we have ready access to these frequencies. For instance the effects of these waves can be readily seen by placing an ordinary radiometer or even a typical incandescent light bulb into a typical high power kitchen microwave oven. The radiometer vanes in such an environment and under microwave excitation spin too rapidly to see. The incandescent bulb ashes brilliantly white light. The e ects are quite dramatic when these ‘dominant’ waves interact with the ‘enharmonic’ or molecular/atomic elements within these bulbs.
Experiment: A microwaved radiometer (with sufficient power) rotates at high velocity, ashes brilliantly and gets very hot very quickly. ‘Enharmonic’ or molecular/atomic elements are Argon gas, metal of vanes, black and white coatings. Each of these has their own vibration frequency and figure into the process. Here is another place where substantial bench work would reveal the details at play in such dynamic effects resulting from higher frequencies interacting with other frequencies.
12.39.2 Medium for inducing a Neutral Center
“In the conception of any machine heretofore constructed, the medium for inducing a neutral center has never been found. If it had, the difficulties of perpetual motion seekers would have ended, and this problem would have be- come an established and operating fact. It would only require an introductory impulse193 of a few pounds, on such a device, to cause it to run for centuries. In the conception of my vibratory engine194, I did not seek to attain perpetual motion195; but a circuit is formed that actually has a neutral center, which is
193[introductory impulse]?194[Compound Vibratory Engine] 195[perpetual motion], [continuous motion]
in a condition to be vivi ed by my vibratory ether196, and while under operation, by said substance, is really a machine that is virtually independent of the mass (or globe), and it is the wonderful velocity of the vibratory circuit197 which makes it so. Still, with all its perfection, it requires to be fed with the vibratory ether198 to make it an independent motor. . . .”199
As written elsewhere the neutral center is a seat or location of interplay of forces. It is the origin of rotary systems and other forms of manifest energy emissions such as heat and light. (See Chapter 4 Neutral Center)
12.39.3 Keely on Rotation
“Rotation arises from the harmonic interaction of the dominant and enharmonic modes of vibration, which are in the ratio of 3:9.” [see XXXVIII]
“Harmonic interaction”; where the frequencies of the dominant and enharmonic are harmonized or made coincident.200
Keely is here referring to the dynamics operating in and through his globe motor201 or Dynasphere202 which was his experimental base or model to demonstrate and prove out his theories on vibratory rotation and power development. It was in this design he first began to use his etheric vapor as a carrier203 of these higher rotating vibratory forces herein explored.
196[etheric vapor]?197[The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]?198[Vibratory Ether]?199Keely, [Keely and His Discoveries], [More Science]?200[Figure 9.4 - Radiation and Absorption interactions with Neutral Center] 201[globe motor]?202 [Dynasphere]?203[connecting link]
Figure 12.20: Globe motor actuated by rotary vibratory dynamics
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/keely-globe-motor.jpg
Figure 12.21: Keely’s globe motor and provisional engine
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/globe-motor.jpg
Figure 12.22: Keely and his globe motor or dynasphere
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/keelyn.jpg
Figure 12.23: Pond’s replication of the globe motor or dynasphere
Image: http://svpwiki.com/imagesNatDyn/altea.jpg
12.39.4 Power of Rotation
“Power of rotation comes on the positive power of negation, arising when the receptive flows become independent of the circular chord of resonation204 (set up mechanically or otherwise) breaks up the rotational power. Rotation is caused by the receptive concussion of the positive and negative forces as they come together at the neutral center and as each seeks its “coincident” by harmonic waves, flows or streams.”205
I - Two concepts here:
A: Power of Rotation (torque)
“Power of rotation comes on the positive power of negation, arising when the receptive flows become independent of the circular chord of resonation (set up mechanically or otherwise) breaks up the rotational power.”
B: Rotation itself. (rotary motion)
204[Figure 20.13 - Two Rings - Outer and Inner]
“Rotation is caused by the receptive concussion of the positive and negative forces as they come together206 at the neutral center and as each seeks its ‘coincident’207 by harmonic waves, flows or streams.”
12.39.5 Receptive Transmittive Concordance induces Rotation
“Every body capable of rotation is susceptible to the operation of force, which, applied, impels motion. Receptive transmittive concordance208 induces rotation. This simply means - the reception of streams of energy by the neutral center, and the transforming of them into radiant out owing streams of energy causes rotation of the molecule or mass. All the magnets in the world, no matter how differentiated cannot induce rotation, but polar negative attraction209 induces rotation. The earth’s rotation is caused and kept in continuance rotation by the action of the positive and negative sympathetic celestial streams210, that is, by the in owing celestial211 from the sun and the out flowing radiant celestial dispersing this same energy to all planetary masses in space.”212213
12.39.6 Polar and Depolar Differentiation result in Motion
“Polar and depolar differentiation214 result in motion. The compound interetheric or seventh subdivision is the Soul of Matter215, from which all
206syntropically and [Law of Cycles] 207[VIBRATIONAL COINCIDENTS] 208[receptive transmittive concordance] 209[polar negative attraction] 210[sympathetic celestial streams]
211 [celestial]?212[Law of Cycles]?213[Keely]; [Snell Manuscript], [PHILOSOPHY OF TRANSMISSION AND ROTATION
OF MUSICAL SPHERE] 214 [differentiation] 215[Soul of Matter]
forms of matter receive their introductory impulse.216”217
Polar and depolar are Keely’s terms for saying having two poles (polar as in a magnet or electric circuit) or not (depolar). Polar is syntropically dynamic while depolar is entropically passive or lessening over time to depolarity.
12.39.7 Neutral Center or fulcrum represents Focalization
“The neutral center (fulcrum) represents focalization (of syntropic forces) and distribution of the streams of (entropic) energy. It is not associated with magnetism. When the radiant elements generated by the focalizing chord are submitted to compound vibration of their mass thirds, those radiant elements become magnetic and rotation ceases. Rotation is induced by submitting the mass to three different orders of vibration simultaneously, giving the majority to the harmonic third.”218
12.39.8 Rotation of the ether produces condensation
“When we rotate a mass with sufficient rapidity, the particles of that mass ultimately overcome cohesion by dispersing as fragments at a tangent but should we cause rotation of the ether, this would produce condensation, which is opposite in effect. This condensation effect increases with the velocity of rotation of the ether. This is the direct cause of formation of molecules as well as planetary masses.219
The above describes the difference between centrifugal (dispersive) and centripetal (attractive) forces. The first belongs to the molecular and atomic domains or orders while the latter is a function of the etheric order or domain. In this we can see when the etheric is the exciter rotation of the molecular results - when preponderance is given the etheric order or third. Spinning
216[introductory impulse]
the etheric domain results in syntropic aggregation or multiplication of forces that can then be utilized or made practical kinetic motion. In such an event the source of the power would not be visible while the kinetic effects would be. In this dynamic can be seen at least part of the answer why diverse free energy devices work without any apparent input of energy - fooling the unaware and gullible yet having a thorough base in vibratory physics.
12.39.9 Controlling “negative attractive”
“To control rotational force or produce commercialized energy, we must control through its properties the ‘negative attractive’ or ‘enharmonic’ current. This will solve the problem up to any limit of power.”220
The negative attractive being the syntropic accumulation of force within the Whole System. This could be approached through the use of natural addition of frequencies and power/amplitude. (see Section 0.2.1)
12.39.10 Testing Positive and Negative Rotation
“At the same time Keely was completing his third system221, he was also completing an experimental sphere in which he intended to test the combination of the positive and negative rotation. This experiment was at least entirely successful which showed the explanation of rotation given above, to be correct. The sphere even rotated with physical vibrations from the positive and negative interchange of positive and negative waves - not streams in this case. He had a desperate struggle in seeking to learn these laws of polarization and depolarization222. It was necessary for him to understand these laws before he could unfailingly secure rotation and control the reversions223 which so often had made wrecks224 of his machines.”225
221[Keelys Three Systems]?222refers to the [Laws of Being] herein explained 223 [reversion]?224[VORTEX ACTION]?225[Snell Manuscript]
12.39.11 Russell on rotation
“Mass is an accumulation of the universal constant of energy226 into higher potential. The greater the mass the greater the potential. Mass accumulates inductively along the centripetal lines of closing spirals, and is rotated by the impact of genero-active force. Mass dissipates conductively along centrifugal lines of opening spirals, and is rotated by the expulsion of radio-active227 force. These opposite forces are the cause of rotation of mass.”228
Using different words but the exact same dynamics Russell explains in the above - rotation and its origins identically as Keely.
XL. “A practical example of rotation is a wheel in revolution on its axis. This is force in its commercial or economic aspect. To accomplish this result by molecular vibratory action, we must gain control of the negative attractive of the triple ow, and the problem is then solved up to any limit of power.”
As explained earlier the negative attractive is the syntropic mode of force. Russell attempted to develop and control this dynamic in the design of his Opti-Dynamo Generator229 device. Apparently he did as he reports later it did indeed demonstrate great power accumulation.
End of Brinton’s abstract.
226[universal constant of energy]?227 [radio-active]?228Russell, [The Universal One]?229[Original Opti Dynamo-Generator Document]
12.41 3, 6 and 9 - Their Hidden Power Revealed
Since this book has gone to press I wrote a brief paper of how I have come to understand these numbers in a practical sense. You may download it from here:
It will go through more rewrites before being added to this book.
Also see Appendix D - Harnessing the Force of Gravitation wherein actual lab work is being described using 3, 6 & 9 ratios.
12.42 Notes
[1] Also called Circular wave, Curl, Love Wave, Lamb Wave, Surface wave, Etheric. “Power of rotation comes on the positive and power of negation, arising when the receptive flows become independent of the circular chord of resonation (set up mechanically or otherwise) breaks up the rotational power.” 230
[Rayleigh Wave]231 [Vortex]232
[2] Also called Compression wave. “The vibratory velocity governing the magnetic ow ranges from 300,000 to 780,000 per second and comes under the first interatomic. This is the first order above odor233 and permeates the molecules of glass in the compass cover as air passes through a sieve. Being governed by the full harmonic chord this ow moves in straight lines free from molecular interference.234 ... “when free of this differentiation are in straight lines.” see [Discordant]
[Figure 8.3 - Coiled Spring showing Longitudinal Wave]
230[ROTATION - Snell] 231[Rayleigh Wave]?232 [Vortex]?233 [Odor]?234[MAGNETIC ENGINE - Snell]
[Longitudinal]?[Longitudinal Wave] [Longitudinal Waves in Vacuum]
[3] “Discordance in any mass is the result of di fferentiated groups, induced by antagonistic chords, and the flight or motions of such, when intensified by sound, are very tortuous and zig-zag;” see [Discordant]
[Figure 8.4 - Transverse Wave] [transverse]?[Transverse Wave]
[4] [Wave Field]?[12.05 - Three Main Parts of a Wave]?[12.09 - The MINUS side]?[12.08 - The PLUS side]?[Figure 2.12.1 - Polarity or Duality]?[Figure 15.03 - Opposing Forces of Gravity and Radiation] [7B.16 - Polarity], [Principle of Polarity]
[5] Artwork by [Jeremy Pfeiffer] et al.
[6] [The Seven Subdivisions of Matter and Energy], [VACUUMS FROM VIBRATORY INDUCTION]
[7] [Jose Arguelles]; Earth Ascending, page 21; 1996 (3rd edition) See [Binary Triplet]
[8] [Trexar], [Trextrinar], [TREXAR - Snell], [Trexnonar] [9] [7.1 - Matter is centralized motion]?[10] [Etheric Vibration. - The Key Force]
[11] [7.9 - Ultimate Constitution of Matter and Action of Force Regulating its Phenomena]