

Keely states the inducted vibrational ranges and corresponding pressures as follows:

When rotary atomic motion is established at 1333 1/3 times the normal diameter of the atmospheric molecule, a pressure is registered of 20,000 lbs. per square inch. The schedule is as follows:

1333 1/3 times the normal diameter, the pressure is 20,000 lbs.
666 2/3 times the normal diameter, the pressure is 10,000 lbs.
333 1/3 times the normal diameter, the pressure is 5,000 lbs.
166 2/3 times the normal diameter, the pressure is 2,500 lbs.
83 1/3 times the normal diameter, the pressure is 1,250 lbs.
41 2/3 times the normal diameter, the pressure is 625 lbs.

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday May 23, 2013 05:07:09 MDT by Dale Pond.