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Doyle Noyes, a significant “10” sigma individual articulated abilities equivalent to the advisers of 12th century emperors. His abilities articulated the dynamics of a superior ‘mind’ whose capabilities reminded one of the miracles derived from the prophets of old, having abilities related to those associated with the Gospels. To put it mildly, Doyle Noyes, was a hunted man, because of those abilities, and may have lost his life when he demonstrated those abilities, via the will of the ‘control’ paradigm to curtail and ultimately cut short his lifespan.
Tom Bearden encountered Doyle several years back in which he acknowledged his unique abilities:
“I also once stood beside a "10-sigma person" having very real and powerful psycho-physical abilities, while he turned the entire sky over Kansas City dark as midnight at high noon, completely with his mind (i.e., with his patterned dendrite-ending spikes linking his mind to his body). Huge clouds also formed, with great bolts of lightning and torrential rain. This was in the center of a large zone in which no rain at all had fallen in more than 60 days it was in the middle of a very strong drought. Foreigners in dark autos, heavily armed, were after him in ensemble. His name was Doyle Noyes, and eventually they did get him and kill him. There is a very active program, it seems, to suppress these exceedingly few 10-sigma persons (perhaps a half dozen at any one time) on planet Earth. Such a suppression program seems to have been in existence also for at least a century or more.”
See Also
Bearden - Precursor Engineering: Via Tickling of the Dirac Sea Vacuum