
Bruce DePalma

Bruce DePalma’s primary contribution to Science is the discovery that “Inertia is not a property of Mass. Inertia is a property of Space, and Space confers its Inertia on the Masses that occupy it”.

He further discovered that the Inertial Field of Space can be polarized simply by rotating an object. Conventionally, this situation creates the appearance of Centrifugal Force at the perimeter of a rotating object, but DePalma discovered that it also produces a corresponding reduction of Inertial forces at the centre of the rotating object. Neither Classical Mechanics, nor Quantum Mechanics, nor General Relativity predict or account for this phenomena, rendering them all helpful but obsolete.
There exists a generally unrecognized ‘mass field’ of polarized inertia around a real rotating object. This field affects the properties of matter, energy and living systems exposed to it.

The Homopolar Generator
Faraday discovered that a simple rotating magnetized gyroscope does not conform to the Law of Conservation of Energy and conventional closed-system thermodynamics.
By cementing a copper disc on top of a cylinder magnet, and rotating the magnet and disc together, Faraday created an electrical potential. After pondering this phenomenon for many years, he concluded that when a magnet is rotated, its magnetic field remains stationary. Thus, he reasoned, the metal of the magnet moves through its own field, and the relative motion is translated into electrical potential.
Faraday’s experiments led him to the revolutionary conclusion that a magnetic field is a property of space itself, not something attached to the magnet, which merely serves to induce or evoke the field.
Known for over 150 years the Faraday homopolar generator has been viewed by a handful of visionary inventors as a basis for evoking the free energy latent in space. They see it as the prototype for a generator capable of providing its own motive power with additional energy to spare. When the world embraced Faraday’s two piece induction generator, whose drawbacks include mechanical friction and electrical losses, the enormous potential of the Faraday homopolar generator was in fact abandoned.

Tapping the Zero-Point
Dr Bruce DePalma reasoned that “… the metal of the magnetized gyroscope moving through its own magnetic field, when rotated would produce an electrical potential between the axle and the outer edge of the rotating magnetized flywheel.”
This insight led to his N machine, essentially a one piece rotating magnetized flywheel, Instead of having a rotor and a stator, as do conventional generators, the n machine only has a rotor. Half of the flywheel is the north pole, the other half is the south pole. One electrical contact is put on the axle, another contact is placed on the outer edge of the gyroscope, and presto, electricity is taken directly out of the magnet field itself.
Essentially, the etheric energy is being drawn in through the centre of the disc and is radiated out the sides. If you could see the basic magnetic energy field as this was happening, it would look like a donut-shaped sphere whose central axis was shared with the axis running through the disc. The radiated etheric energy could be visualized in a similar manner as the water that flies off of a wet dog’s body when it shakes itself dry.
In DePalma’s case, he discovered that even having a separate conductor and magnet was not necessary to produce this effect. All he needed was a single strip of flat, magnetized material that could also conduct electricity. This strip was then fashioned into a flat, disc shaped spiral like a giant lollipop, such that one end terminated at the spinning axle and the other end terminated at the outside rim of the disc. One pole of the magnet would be wound up into the centre, and the other pole of the magnet would be at the outside edge of the spiral. By simply rotating this one-piece magnetic conductor, electric current could be drawn from the disc.
'God is in charge of this world. The truth is only for those whose ears hear the truth and whose eyes see the truth' - Bruce DePalma

Cancelling of Inertia
The important discovery is that the inertial mass of a rotating object becomes polarized and increases in the direction of the axis of rotation, and decreased in the direction of the plane of rotation. Complete inertial polarization of the rotating object takes place when the inertial mass taken in the direction of the plane of rotation decreases to zero with increasing rotational speed.
The N generator is characterised by a very high current, low voltage. A typical machine constructed by scientist Adam Trombly produced an Output: of 3 Volts at 15,000 Amperes. Trombly estimated such a machine could produce 100,000 amperes without difficulty. The N machine was replicated successfully by Paramahamsa Tewari, a Director of an Indian power company and by Adam Trombly from DePalma´s initial work
Diagram 1: Faraday Gyroscopic Homopolar Motor
Extraction of electricity from the energy field of space.
Diagram 2: Faraday Disc
Diagram 3: The N Generator

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday February 13, 2025 12:36:47 MST by Dale Pond.