The emanometer and the energy between the homeopathic remedies
Homeopathic remedies relates to each other. This can actually be measured by a device called "emanometer". This device was invented by Doctor William Ernest Boyd, therefore it was called the "Boyd Emanometer". Boyd was sceptical about Albert Abrams works and also about homeopathy. He tried to "expose the fraud", but eventually he was surprised that the methods of Abrams actually worked. Note: a true sceptic, when confronted with facts, will not deny the truth, but invest his energies in further investigation and finally adjust his world view. This is what Boyd did. He even built his own device and continuously improved it. A real engineer! He researched homeopathic high potencies and at some point he discovered that the remedies are related on an energetic level to each other.
For example the first group included the remedies: Aconite, Alumen, Bromium, Ferrum metallicum, Guiaicum, Oleander, Sepia, Veratrum album and Veratrum viride.
From the point of view of Element Theory, these remedies are almost all part of the iron series. So there indeed a relation he could measure.
But how? How could his emanometer detect the relation between the remedies? All technology based on Abrams works involves the practitioner, a biological and conscious unit. Radionics is consciousness-based-technology, a spiritual art. Life force is consciousness, so we use radionics to measure the effects of "rates" or substances on the life force. It doesn't matter if what we measure is actually material of an imponderable (x-ray, sunlight, magnetic pole) or even a symbolic link to an intention. We detect emanation of some sort of energy and we try our best to make sense of it.
Boyd wrote in the British Homoeopathic Journal 1925 on the pages 346 to 386 the following words:
I might mention a certain amount of evidence exists to support a theory that we are dealing with some form or variation of energy co-existent with so called electro-magnetic waves, and accompanying them.
Now a co-existing energy to the "so called" electro-magnetic waves is today known as chi, prana, life force, orgone energy. Wilhelm Reich observed that electromagnetism is able to influence the orgone energy, to make it flow in the direction parallel to its electrical flow. Thousands of scientific studies made in this regard sustains this observation. By the way, Boyd used the words "so called" for electromagnetism, because at his time this knowledge was relatively new in the field of medicine.
The British Homeopathic Journal wrote about Boyd:
It will probably be some years before homeopathic doctors realize the full measure of Boyd's achievement and they may learn it from sources far removed from Homeopathy. Not that this prophet lacked honour in his own country: we were aware of his power and his gifts even when we could not fully grasp the intricacies and complexities of his thought. For Boyd was a pioneer in a little-known field of electronics and paraphysics and he blazed a trail which may lead scientists far when he proved beyond a doubt the presence of a power in a 30th potency of mercuric chloride, and so vindicated the clinical insight of the great Hahnemann who asserted that the 30th potency would cure sick men, even when he could not explain how such an inconceivably dilute solution, lacking one molecule of the original drug, could do it. This work of Boyd's, published last year under the title "Biochemical and Biological Evidence of the Activity of High Potencies", was the brilliant culmination of years of painstaking and often heartbreaking research. One has only to read in that paper how he dealt with every conceivable objection to his findings and controlled every possible error, to realize that if genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains then Boyd had genius in full measure.
Like an echo in time the knowledge about this "technology" tries to get through, to reach humanity and finally change it. And yet so many people who got in contact with it were forced to deal with "every conceivable objection". Some even paid with their life, as Wilhelm Reich did. Just to mention two scientists in our modern days, Jacques Benveniste and Luc Montagnier, both researcher of a similar phenomena, became victims of a shameful inquisition from Nature Magazine (who make part of the "men who are suppressing the truth in an unrighteous way").
We sometimes wonder if we read about a research made in the field of metaphysics and then we find the almost same kind of research already made by others in the past, 50 years ago. We wonder why this research remained in the obscure, ... "You would be amazed how many questions have never been asked! How many times they avoided even trying to ask! As if the questions were suffocated at birth."
Boyd insights from his research included that using remedies from distant groups might lead to severe aggravations, so it's advisable to choose remedies from nearby groups instead. And he used predominantly the "olfaction method", which means he was very well aware of what Samuel Hahnemann wrote in his Organon, that the minimal dose is to inhale the remedy, which is especially suited for particular sensitive persons. Imagine what that means for the homeopathic remedy manufactures.
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