
Alchemical Marriage

Alchemical Marriage

"The alchemical operation consisted essentially in separating the prima materia, the so-called chaos, into the active principle, the soul, and the passive principle, the body, which were then reunited in personified form in the coniunctio or 'chymical marriage.' In other words, the coniunctio was allegorized as the hieros gamos, the ritual cohabitation of Sol et Luna. From this union sprang the filius sapientiae or filius philosophorum, the transformed Mercurius." [Carl Jung]

"It is well for the student to realize that the alchemy of life produces in natural sequence all of the states of progression which are explained in the writings of the alchemist, until finally the sun and the moon are united as described in the Hermetic Marriage, which is, in truth, the marriage of the body and the spirit for the mutual development of each other. This takes place in man when the heart and mind are joined in eternal union. It occurs when the positive and negative poles are united, and from the union is made the philosopher's stone." [Manly Palmer Hall, Initiates of the Flame]

The ‘Coitus’ refers to the Union of Opposites. The masculine, active, expansive principle of solar (Sulfur) and the feminine, receptive, contractive principle of lunar (Salt) gives birth to the Philosopher’s Child (Mercury). We could say that the Spirit, Soul and Body are separated from each other, although they are working together. But when the Great Work or Magnum Opus has been completed, the Divine Spirit has been brought ‘down’ to shine through the Soul and Body and unified itself with them, they all form one ‘Body’.

Seven Keys of Honoratus Marinier
"When you see this image where Apollo represents himself with Diana, who becomes his bride, know that it is there that the air begins to appear, signifying that the subtle air rises up, while the celestial body (leaves) is in the bottom of the globe, because of the hermetic seal, by means of a moderate heat. You have finished the preparation of the matter, which Apollo forms, but he does it in the manner of a virgin, pure and white, while rising with his rays, gradually joining in marriage with the moon, which emits a great force of shining brilliance, which will carry out the hermetic work.
This marriage takes place in the skies, and you will see that it becomes visible in the eyes, for it becomes soft and tender, while the heat of Apollo escapes with it into the belly of Diana, humble and yielding. Mercury rejoices in this marriage, for it is the one who previously joined these two bodies together. It is the philosopher’s salt and sulfur that unite these friends in a fire that burns continuously and brings forth our virgin.
Rejoice in the beautiful union of Diana and the rays of Apollo, which give birth to the harmony of the heavens.
Solve et Coagula
"This marriage of Apollo with Diana takes place in the volatile air and through our Philosopher’s Seal, with which you can say that in the heat of the air is the means by which you will be able to achieve the admirable union of Diana with her Spirit, through which you will see the production of a perfect white lily, all bright and shining like the moon, signifying the success of the process; for this is what the Sages know. And this beautiful marriage of Apollo with Diana shows us clearly that with their bright rays they begin to transmit their matter to the upper regions (this can be seen through the bright globe); when this succeeds, their union becomes more steadfast, and the celestial process continues slowly until the light returns to its previous brilliance. The philosophical hermetic work will lead you towards a soft whiteness, like the dawn that arises in the east.
My son, do not be discouraged by this advantage; just know that you should not work on your matter during the time when the deceivers arrive. The preparation that is done during a fixed time admires the matter by dissolving it through the union of heat with the humidity within the vase of the philosophers." [“Seven Keys of Honoratus Marinier”, c. 1785]

Yesterday I had a post about Vulcan, today came across a mention of him in the manuscript “Seven Keys of Honoratus Marinier”, c. 1785
"Here ends the entire process of the unique operation, which can only be completed when the repetition of the preparation or induction of our specific root is spoken of, either into the leaves, or even more so into the foliage, the preparation of which, however, is accomplished by the power of the original root of Diana. When this work is completed, it is necessary to divert its function to the perfectly pure element located at the bottom of the vessel, by means of fire. This is the reason why I always took Diana and Apollo as two bodies, due to the similarity of the matter that is extracted through the work of Vulcan, like a copper-colored rock, from which the second water emerges. This water is of a different color, distinct from the first circle.
Mercury, having spread its wings and constantly flying, has had its wings cut by Vulcan, which indicates his great governance according to the rules of the Sages. You will never attain supreme happiness, for this can only occur through the admirable unity, which men rarely comprehend, but the philosophers, having manifested it in their works, rejoice in it as in the awakening of dawn, when the signs of the morning star announce the arrival of Diana and Apollo, forever united in one perfection." [“Seven Keys of Honoratus Marinier”, c. 1785]

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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday October 16, 2024 04:30:37 MDT by Dale Pond.