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The Christ Letters
"The EGO… impels people into such deep-seated NARCISSISM and self-interest that anyone trying to arouse in such a mind any empathy or sympathy is sadly blocked.
No matter what topic may be raised, inevitably, such egotistical, narcissistic people draw the topic back to themselves, how it affects them, how it concerns them exclusively, positively or negatively.
Absorbed self-interest is like a THICK, DENSE FABRIC of consciousness energies sealing off the minds of people of every strata of society in every part of the world...
Narcissistic people cannot live in harmony with other people as they are incapable of hearing the messages from others. This, as much as your crime, causes your misery on earth." [The Christ Letters, 2007 Message (2)]

Description of a narcissist

Imagine - if you can - not having a conscience, none at all, no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what you do, no limiting sense of concern for the well-being of strangers, friends, or even family members. Imagine no struggles with shame, not a single one in your whole life, no matter what kind of selfish, lazy, harmful, or immoral action you had taken.

And pretend that the concept of responsibility is unknown to you, except as a burden others seem to accept without question, like gullible fools.

Now add to this strange fantasy the ability to conceal from other people that your psychological makeup is radically different from theirs. Since everyone simply assumes that conscience is universal among human beings, hiding the fact that you are conscience-free is nearly effortless. This is who we are up against, pure unapologetic evil....they don't even know they are evil, their DNA is not human dominate. [Sarge]

What are the red flags of a female narcissist?

The red flags of a female narcissist can vary, but here are some common signs to watch for:

1. Excessive need for admiration: A female narcissist may constantly seek validation and attention from others, seeking admiration and praise.

2. Lack of empathy: Difficulty understanding or empathizing with the emotions and experiences of others is a common trait among narcissists.

3. Sense of entitlement: A female narcissist may have an exaggerated sense of entitlement, believing she deserves special treatment and privileges.

4. Manipulative behavior: Narcissists often engage in manipulative tactics to control and manipulate others for their own benefit.

5. Lack of accountability: Difficulty taking responsibility for their actions and deflecting blame onto others is a common characteristic of narcissists.

6. Exploitative tendencies: A female narcissist may take advantage of others to meet her own needs, without regard for their well-being or feelings.

7. Constant need for attention: They may always seek attention and validation, dominating conversations and turning discussions back to themselves.

8. Difficulty with criticism: Narcissists tend to react negatively to criticism, becoming defensive, dismissive, or even aggressive.

9. Superficial relationships: Shallow and transactional relationships are common among narcissists, as they often view others as tools for their own needs.

It's important to note that these signs are not definitive proof of narcissism, as everyone can exhibit certain narcissistic traits from time to time. However, if these behaviors are pervasive, long-standing, and significantly impact relationships and overall functioning, it may be worth seeking professional help for further evaluation and guidance.

What is the narcissist’s last trick?

The last trick of a narcissist is often one of their most destructive and damaging tactics to gain control over their victim. Narcissists are generally skilled manipulators and they use a variety of techniques to keep their victims under their control.

Narcissists have been known to devalue, degrade, absurdly criticize or monitor the behavior of those around them in order to extort compliance or loyalty. They may also employ guilt-tripping tactics or constant emotional blackmail in order to maintain control over the people closest to them.

At the end, when all else fails, the narcissist's last move is often what experts call “Hoovering” — named after an old vacuum cleaner brand — wherein they attempt to entrap you by any means necessary; this can range from making false promises about changing for the better (which rarely happens) to projecting an image that everything has returned back “normal” and nothing bad has happened between you two (even though it clearly did).

It's important for victims of narcissistic abuse understand that no matter how hard they try, it will never be easy being around someone who thinks only about themselves. To protect yourself from falling into another cycle of manipulation at some point down road - seek help from a professional therapist who specializes in treating narcissistic personality disorder so that you can learn healthy coping strategies!

Do narcissists return after several months of the silent treatment?

There seems to be a lot of confusion about narcissists returning, so please let me add my views.

Narcissists don’t “return”. Once you have been discarded (and months of silent treatment are a discard) it is over. The confusion arises because narcissists are notorious for coming back temporarily when they are between supplies, or just fancy a bit of variety or fun, and who better to pick on than an ex, who is still in love with them, still carrying a torch, and still harbouring a fantasy that the relationship will resume? The narcissist knows what to say and do to seduce the ex again, what lies they need to hear, how much they need to faux apologise or lovebomb, so they can do that with minimal effort, then move on again when they have what they need. This, of course, leaves the ex even more confused and hurt, but that doesn’t matter to the narcissist- it was never about the ex, the only thing that matters to the narcissist is the narcissist.

Please, if you think you might be, or have been, with a narcissist, read about it, and check, because this kind of stuff is only a fraction of what you are going to endure, and you need to know what lies ahead. You need to know just how selfish narcissists can be when it is really over, and why it is in their interests to keep you dangling like a puppet. I’m afraid you have a choice- accept a life of misery or leave for ever. Learn the basics about narcissism- then you will see why you need to face this stark choice. One book, that is all it will take to learn everything you need to know. It will help you see what is ahead of you, and will help you cope. It will also help you recover. I always recommend Is There A Narcissist In Your Life? Amanda Clymont, Amazon. Good on the red flags too, so you can make sure you never fall for another narcissist.

How is a Narcissist's Home
It’s a mess.

They hoard everything.

Stack up crap in closets and bedrooms.

Everything is stacked to the rafters.

They do not give you any space to breath.

Every single inch on a counter top is taken. Every inch of the home has something in it.

Absolutely no space anywhere in the house!!

They’re control freaks and if you want something they will make sure you won’t be able to bring it into the home unless it’s in your room.

Because you see it’s THEIR house and you’re not allowed to have a say.

Of course if it bothers you all the better as they will continue to not move the boat out of the garage EVER.

As long as you’re annoyed by it to them it’s worth seeing you in pain.

Do narcissists cry?

Yes, narcissists cry, but not for the reason you may think.

The sign of tears is usually as a result of being hurt, disappointed, or sad. But when it comes to Narcissists, nothing is ever as it seems as they use their tears to communicate and accomplish so much more. Crying is not a difficult thing for Narcissists, it is something they can do with a snap of the fingers. We need to remember that they are actors and actresses who have perfected their craft. But when you know what they are about or what their tears mean, they lose the desired effect.

Do narcissists call you to see how you’re doing?

Yes, they do, however it may not be for the reasons why you think they’re calling. Narcissists are not concerned about how you’re doing, they’re concerned about what they want, need, or can get from others. Everything that they do is driven by their own self-interest. They may care about how others can benefit them, but they typically don’t care much about how others are doing. Why would they, when they didn’t care when you were involved with them? To be frank, the (how you’re doing call) is related to hoovering you. Hoovering is a common tactic that narcissists will use when either of you have ended things, and they try to suck or pull you back into their toxic web which is part of the abuse cycle. They also call to see if you have moved on and are possibly dating again.

Once or if you take the call just listen very closely to how they will dominate the conversation, or the conversation is associated with what they want or need at the moment. They’re so conniving that victims often believe that the phone call or text message inquiring about (how they’re doing) is out of concern or sincerity. It’s not! Remember, narcissists see others as objects, not as human beings, so everyone in their past, present, or future is seen as something to use. It's no secret that a core narcissistic trait is the lack of empathy, care, or concern for others. They may act as if they care or are concerned, but they’re only concerned about themselves. They are only interested in how they can use, mislead, manipulate, and abuse others to meet their needs. They even get narcissistic supply when you answer and entertain their phone call or text message. It gives them validation and attention that they constantly seek.

Narcissists act in a caring manner or try to appear as if they care about how you’re doing, but it is not from a sincere place. The acting is the same act that made you the perfect target when you first met them, and you later saw them for who they really are. They are not motivated by empathy because they severely lack it, and as a result, their phone call, or text message of asking you how you’re doing is often connected to one of their many arsenals of manipulation. They do not care about you, they do not care about how you’re doing, all they care about is instant gratification, pleasure, validation, attention, power, control, and adoration. So, the (how you’re doing call) is less about you, and more about what they’re trying to manipulate from you!

Why does a narc say no to sex?

Well, you can’t have intimacy without trust, empathy, honesty and full disclosure.

Narcissists are unable to deliver on these keystones of deep human bonding. So every relationship with one of these disordered individuals is essentially superficial, unstable and prone to conflict.

A relationship with a narcissist will inevitably fall apart as it was never together to begin with.

Do narcissists watch you after you leave them? Do they hope for contact? If so, why?

Yes…the grass isn't always Greener on the other side of the fence!!! The Narc is actually a very shallow individual…with low self esteem. Who is self-absorbed…soon as they are bored with the new supply..they Contact you..Run..don't look back..and live a fulfilling life with positive people…

10-Point Narcissist Checklist – Is There One In Your Life?

If you think you may have a narcissist in your life – whether a family member, romantic partner, friend, colleague, or some other relation – here is a 10-point checklist to help you identify them:
1. It’s all me me me – a narcissist’s favorite topic of conversation is themselves.
2. They’re always right – a narcissist truly believes they are right, even when they are wrong.
3. They’re control freaks – when was the last time you made any important decisions whatsoever?
4. You’ve lost friends and family – one of the narcissist’s favorite tactics is to isolate a victim in order to better control them.
5. It’s a coin toss between anger and affection – you never know which you’ll be faced with as a narcissist can swing from one to the other very quickly.
6. You are having a hard time recognizing what did and didn’t happen – a narcissist will ‘gaslight’ you by flat out lying and distorting events.
7. Actions don’t live up to words – narcissists will often say one thing and do another. They over-promise and under-deliver on almost everything.
8. Hissy fits follow rejection or criticism – how dare you stand up to them? They’ll react in such a way as to put you off doing anything like that
9. You suck, and so does everybody else – a narcissist will constantly put others down in order to make themselves feel good.
10. It’s not my fault – narcissists are virtually incapable of accepting responsibility for anything bad that happens (after all, they are always right, remember?)

If someone in your life exhibits many or all of these traits, you are almost certainly dealing with a narcissist.
Click here to learn more about narcissists and how to deal with them.
This checklist was created by A Conscious Rethink. Feel free to pass it on to people in your life who might need it.

Does a narc get jealous when he sees you with a new man?

Very good question! So the answer is..yes, but it’s not a normal jealousy. Let me give you a little bit of insight as to why. Because a Narc abuses so severely, that the risk of loosing a partner is high, but they continue the abuse, will discard you with such blatant cruelty, then get jealous when you begin to heal, move on and even find a partner. Huh? What just happened? It’s a crazy-train.

Severe narcissists have a predatory, score-keeping approach to the social world around them. The narcissist's daily life is spent fighting off potential threats to their ego and proving themselves as superior to everyone around them, and they have little peace of mind as they move through life. Every aspect is a competition.
It matters not if the Narc discarded you and shattered your mental health. It doesn’t matter at all. The Narc discarded you, but that doesn’t mean he’s done with you. You can’t take your supply elsewhere! Your supply is his, therefore you are his.

When a Narc witnesses an old supply with a new partner, this causes narcissistic injury, a blow to their fragile ego and their image (fake-self). This new partner with his discarded property, is a threat to the control he has over that property, regardless of him discarding the property.

The attention the discarded victim gives to anyone, is less attention left over for the Narc.
A couple examples and then I’ll sign off..

If you succeed in let’s say..launching your own perfume business, you are a successful entrepreneur. The Narc isn’t necessarily jealous of your business. The Narc is jealous of the fact that you succeeded in your business AND he didn’t launch it himself.

Let’s say you got a promotion at work! You’re thrilled! More money, corner office and an assistant. The Narc isn’t necessarily jealous of the promotion….the Narc is jealous that the promotion was given to you and that you were recognized and you are celebrating. The Narc is jealous of the attention your getting and taking from him.

The Narcs jealousy doesn’t come from an emotional place. It comes from a competitive, dark, egomaniacal and toxic place.

Does a narcissist ever just get over it?

A narcissist will be devastated, broken, laying on his couch, grieving, eating chocolate ice-cream and popcorn, crying his eye balls out, wiping his red nose, grieving your loss, and a pile of napkins all over the place.

In your dreams….

Narcissists were never in it, from the first place, to get over with it.

Narcissists have the world record in cognitive dissonance reduction, they close that gap in a fucking blink of an eye and it's done, by a *click.*

Does a narcissist ever just get over it?

Narcissists live in falsehood, and they have the world championship in twisting realities and self-Deception. Narcissists don't love and don't bond, they just give it to you(trauma bonds).

If a narcissist struggled to get over with it now.

“He can get over the guilt, blame, or shame before I finish writing this sentence and write down my name.”

I highly recommend reading the article bellow:

4 Things a Narcissist NEVER Gets Over

In this article, we’re going to talk about the 4 things that a narcissist NEVER gets over. These are the things that will keep them feeling insecure and angry throughout their lives.

Narcissists are incredibly insecure people, and these 4 things are the key things that keep them feeling that way. By understanding these concepts, you can start to heal the damage that has been done to you.
Hating and wanting to hurt or destroy you for exposing them

Narcissists carefully paint this picture of themselves where they’re always the hero, the biggest victim, or the star. Think of it like they are building a house of cards. They want everyone to be awed by it. But when someone, in this case, you, comes along and points out that the house isn’t stable or that it’s actually a bit crooked, the narcissist loses it.

Here is the twist, though: deep down, they cannot get over the fact that they were exposed. It’s like a stain that just won’t come out. They act like they have moved on, but it eats at them. It doesn’t let them sleep at night, and they secretly ruminate over the fact that you were able to cause so much damage to their image. They may pretend they are happy and don’t even think about you, but the reality is that they never let go. You act as a reminder of their mortified self, which remains with them until the very end.

10 things Narcissists will NEVER GET OVER With

There’s nothing quite like being around a narcissist. Narcissists constantly need attention and praise. They refuse to listen to anyone and lack empathy. But there are some things that narcissists will never get over, and you should keep this in mind when dealing with them.

10 Things That Narcissists Will Never Forget
Being Ignored

Narcissists will never get over being ignored. They’ll do whatever it takes to get people’s attention and admiration. It’s one of the most frustrating things that can happen to narcissists because they are so used to being the center of attention. When you ignore a narcissist, it’s like telling them that they don’t matter. It’s like saying that they’re not worth your time or effort. Being ignored is the biggest trigger for narcissists because it directly hits their egos. Narcissists think that everyone should care about them all the time, but the truth is that nobody cares about anyone all the time. Narcissists can’t let it go when someone ignores them. They’ll hold a grudge against you forever.

Being Rejected

Narcissists don’t understand that it’s normal for people not to love them back. They think everyone should love them because of how great they are. Narcissists will never get over being rejected. They’ll always be bitter about it and use it to justify their actions. If you leave a narcissist, they’ll keep coming back for more. If you reject them too many times, they’ll try to ruin your life. Narcissists view rejection as a direct hit to their self-worth and self-esteem, and they simply cannot handle it. They are used to getting what they want, and if they don’t, there must be something wrong with them.

Being Proven Wrong

Narcissists are self-centered and have a deep-seated need for admiration. So they tend to brag about their accomplishments and look down on others. But when someone can prove that narcissists aren’t as great as they seem to think they are, it will hurt them. Narcissists will never get over being proven wrong. They are the kind of people who spend their time trying to prove others wrong. They need to be the best at everything, and so when someone proves them wrong, it’s like a punch in the gut. Narcissists love when they have the opportunity to show off and make other people look bad. This is an excellent way to get attention, but it also makes them feel better than everyone else.
Losing Control

The need for control is a defining characteristic of narcissists. They strive to be in charge at all times and feel threatened when someone else is. That’s why they often react badly when things don’t go their way. For example, if you’ve ever had a narcissistic boss or narcissistic parent, you know how stressful it can be when they get angry or upset about something. You can never tell what they will do next or when they’ll explode at you. Narcissists will never get over losing control of the situation. Even if they are in the wrong, they’ll do whatever they can to regain their power and make you feel like you’re at fault for letting them down. Narcissists need to feel like they are in charge at all times, and they will do whatever it takes to maintain that.
Seeing Their True Colors

Narcissists will never get over seeing their true colors. They will never get over the fact that you know what they are like and how they treat others. They will never get over the fact that you no longer want to be a part of their world because it is not a safe place for anyone. Narcissists will never get over the fact that your friends and family don’t want anything to do with them because they are toxic. Narcissists have a deep-seated need for attention and admiration, making them appear as if they have no insecurities. But in reality, their fragile self-esteem is constantly under attack by their insecurities and the disapproval of others.

Today we are going to talk about some of the things that narcissists never do. These are actions that normal people would not have a problem with, but narcissists will not do. I will tell you what these things are and why narcissists never do them.

Today, we’re discussing specific things that narcissists never do and why they won’t do them. Usually, we try to learn about the things they do or behaviors they exhibit to detect them early on. However, you can also use things they do not do to detect these people. The first thing is that they will never give compliments. If you think they have given you a compliment, take a closer look at why they may have given you that compliment. You will find that the compliment is used to benefit them in some way. They do not give sincere compliments because they do not want other people to feel confident and secure. So, they withhold giving genuine compliments. Another reason they do this is that they do not want anyone’s focus to be on you when you are in their presence. So, they withhold giving you compliments while, at the same time, bragging and basically complimenting themselves.

Today we are going to talk about some of the things that narcissists never do. These are actions that normal people would not have a problem with, but narcissists will not do. I will tell you what these things are and why narcissists never do them.

Today, we’re discussing specific things that narcissists never do and why they won’t do them. Usually, we try to learn about the things they do or behaviors they exhibit to detect them early on. However, you can also use things they do not do to detect these people. The first thing is that they will never give compliments. If you think they have given you a compliment, take a closer look at why they may have given you that compliment. You will find that the compliment is used to benefit them in some way. They do not give sincere compliments because they do not want other people to feel confident and secure. So, they withhold giving genuine compliments. Another reason they do this is that they do not want anyone’s focus to be on you when you are in their presence. So, they withhold giving you compliments while, at the same time, bragging and basically complimenting themselves.

Next, they won’t apologize. Have you ever noticed that they do not apologize, even if you catch them red-handed doing something terrible where the evidence is crystal clear that you are owed an apology at the very least? But they will not give you one. They absolutely refuse to apologize because giving you any sort of apology would mean accepting accountability. They would rather die than accept any accountability. On top of that, not only will they not apologize, but they will usually manipulate the narrative into blaming you for what they did. I’m not joking either, and it’s mind-blowing how many times this actually works. Usually, we believe this person is like us, and we know that we would never do something terrible and then blame it on someone else. So, unfortunately, because of this, we entertain the idea that this rewritten version of reality must be true.

3 Things That Make A Narcissist Panic

You probably found this article because there’s a narcissist in your life that you can’t quite figure out. They always seem to be one step ahead of you, and it doesn’t seem like there’s much you can do about it. You don’t want to get revenge, but you do want to know what, if anything, makes them panic
Losing control.

One thing that makes a narcissist panic is realizing they’re losing control over someone or something that they previously had under their control. Narcissist believes that the world revolves around them and that people around them are put there to serve their needs, feed their ego, listen to their problems, and benefit them in some way. When people around them finally wise up to the narcissist’s manipulation tactics and start to take their power back, the narcissist becomes frantic because losing control over people and situations makes them feel powerless.

Let me give you a couple of examples of how they may realize they’re losing control in different situations. They realize they’re losing control in romantic relationships when they can no longer deceive their partners with their lies and manipulation tactics. They panic when their partner takes their power back and calls them out for their bad behavior. When their partner starts forging their own path and doing things that benefit them, not the narcissist, and when they no longer allow the narcissist to be the puppet master in the relationship. This is one reason why the no-contact rule works so well in ending a relationship with the narcissist. With no contact, the narcissist can no longer manipulate or control you with their words, gaslighting, or other tactics.

They realize they’re losing control at work when they’re moved from or are no longer in a position of power. This makes them panic because being in a position of power gives them control. It feeds their ego. It’s also another way the narcissist garners narcissistic supply. Without this constant fuel, they feel empty inside. They can also panic and feel like they’re losing control at work when they get a new boss who doesn’t view them as special as their previous boss did.

They realize they’re losing control and start to panic as their children get older and become more independent. At some point, their children will start forming their own opinions and following their paths, which will likely be different than the path the narcissist wants them to follow. Narcissists don’t look at their children as individuals but instead see them as extensions of themselves. Losing this control over their children will make the narcissist panic because they’ve been a dependable source of supply for them for years and now is slowly being taken away. This is something they never thought would happen.
Losing their primary source of supply.

Another thing that makes a narcissist panic is losing their primary supply before they have had the opportunity to secure a dependable replacement. The narcissist uses their charm, bragging, seduction, manipulation, pity, really anything in their power to draw people in and obtain supply from their unsuspecting victims. Narcissists are addicted to receiving admiration and attention because it boosts their weak sense of self and their lack of self-esteem. Being without it is like a drug addict without their drug of choice. The narcissist needs this supply to function. If narcissist loses their narcissistic supplies suddenly, who will be there to listen to their stories, admire them, stroke their ego, and make them feel special? Not having a supply available to constantly fill up the emptiness they feel inside will definitely make them panic. Sure, they may have some casual supplies lined up, but if you left them unexpectedly, and you were their primary supply, they may not have had the chance to secure a really good supply to take your place.

This can happen in romantic relationships when their partner finally figures them out and ends a relationship before the narcissist has had a chance to go through their normal cycle of abuse, which includes idolization, devaluation, and discard. In this situation, they may have focused all of their attention on their romantic partner in an attempt to lock them in and set the foundation for the abuse they were about to receive. But maybe this partner has started noticing inconsistencies in their stories and recognized their manipulation for what it was, and decided to break it off. When this happens before the narcissist has had a chance to secure a dependable secondary supply, it can send the narcissist into a panic.

You see, narcissists try to meticulously plan their life so that this will never happen. They plan their life in a way in which they will never be without supply. If you break it off unexpectedly and they don’t have a backup plan that is capable of giving them at least the same level of supply or more than you provided, well then expect them to panic. It can cause them to desperately try to hoover their partner back into the relationship, promising them the stars, moon, and sky above, not because they love them, but just so they can buy enough time to secure the proper replacement. But if for some reason, they’re unsuccessful in their conquest to reconnect with the initial supply, they’ll reach out to an old supply that’s been reliable for them in the past, desperately trying to get some attention, admiration, and affection from anywhere they can find it.

This can be seen in a friendship when the narcissist loses their primary supply because their friend finally gets tired of their lies, silent treatment, and triangulation, and decides to suddenly cut off the friendship. You see, friends of narcissists are frequently discarded when they stop serving the narcissist’s needs. But when the roles are reversed and the friend cuts them off first, then the narcissists will panic. This panic will lead them to reach out to friends they haven’t spoken to in weeks, months, or even years, in an attempt to desperately try to replenish the supply they so badly need.

They can lose this primary supply at work, in social groups, political groups, homeowner association committees, and even at church – anywhere where the narcissist was seen as a leader and was garnering the attention of a group of people. If this attention is suddenly removed and the narcissist is left without any means to garner this level of attention again, or not immediately anyway, this will cause the narcissist to panic, trying desperately to hold on to their position of power or regain a new position of power as quickly as possible.

Being exposed – is the last thing that we’ll discuss that will make a narcissist panic, and this is a big one: their fear of being exposed. The narcissist has learned how to use their false self in order to manipulate people into getting exactly what they want and need from them, but everyone is either not fooled or eventually catches on to what’s really happening. If they’re called out or exposed for who they really are and their true intentions, this will make the narcissist panic. Depending on the nature of the reveal, it can even cause the narcissist to sustain a narcissistic injury and later experience narcissistic rage.

A narcissistic injury is the feeling that occurs when the narcissist experiences criticism, humiliation, or rejection. Normal people with normal emotions may be able to express their vulnerability and how certain comments may have made them feel. The narcissist, however, will react with defiance, arguments, gaslighting, more manipulation, or maybe even physical violence. This reaction is considered narcissistic rage.

We can see the panic of their true selves being exposed in romantic relationships when their partner has realized that the narcissist has been having an affair and has all the proof to uncover them for what they really are. In these cases, it doesn’t bother the narcissist that they’ve hurt their partner’s feelings. No, they’ll be more panicked by the fact that their partner may now take away their supply, or even worse yet, tell other people about their infidelity which can, in turn, ruin the ‘good guy’ or ‘good girl’ image they’ve been trying so desperately to uphold.

This exposure can happen in friendships when their friends realize the narcissist is not a true friend and has been talking behind their back. This will panic the narcissist once their true intentions are exposed because not only will it prevent the narcissist from getting whatever benefit they were getting from their friend, but the real damage happens when this friend tells their other mutual friends what has transpired between them and the narcissist. The narcissist will panic when they’re all together and realize the lies, inconsistency, and drama the narcissist has been keeping up amongst this group of friends behind their back.

This panic from exposure can be seen at the workplace when a co-worker realizes the narcissist has been preventing them from getting a promotion. In these cases, the narcissist may come across extremely friendly and act like they really have their co-workers’ best interests at heart, yet they are secretly communicating to the powers that be that their co-worker is not the right person for a promotion. If the co-worker or manager realizes that the narcissist has not been true with their intentions and instead has been acting out of envy and jealousy, this will panic the narcissist because it will spoil the positive light they were once viewed in and reveal the real person they try so hard to keep hidden from the world.

These are the top three things that will make a narcissist panic, but these are not the only things. Anything that prevents a narcissist from carrying out their plan of manipulation or deceit has the potential to make them panic. So, keep your heart guarded and your head clear. Now that you understand some of the ways that you can use to beat them at their own game, you have to continue to move forward and continue to educate yourself about narcissism. This will not only help you heal, but it will also help you see the warning signs in other relationships moving forward.

How do you keep a narcissist obsessed with you?

This is easy Peezy.

First of all, you have to dedicate every thought and activity to their childish whims. If they don’t have one, buy them a cell phone so that they can have multiple relationships on that phone behind your back. Ignore it when they’re sitting there hiding what their writing; and look the other way when they don’t tell you who they’re texting to. Don’t check on them. Don’t ask them any questions and don’t lecture them about their behaviors. Give up any hope of ever having confidence and self-esteem. They’ll be happy about that. Be a sexual entity when they’re in and when they’re not, understand that they are rejecting you on purpose just to make you feel bad. Embrace feeling bad. You probably have a sick twisted feeling in your in your stomach, get used to that feeling. It is the way a person reacts internally when they are around somebody with NPD; It is real sickness and it feels like that. Get tested for any sexually transmitted diseases every three months. Never question their authority. Never try to be more popular. And never think that you have any power at all in anything. God for bid they think you think you believe you are more powerful than they are. Don’t evolve into a better person—just stay depressed. Lay in your bed while they run around the world cheating on you. And don’t tell your friends about it because somehow someway they will find a way to manipulate your friends into being your enemies.

I don’t think I left very much out. Basically, you have to hate yourself in order for this to happen. Because nothing in life is really about other people it’s about who we are and what we will allow people to do to us. Are you really willing to sacrifice your soul and happiness for absolutely no return? No matter what you do with a narcissist you’re not going to be number one because you already caved by committing.

Once you commit, your narcissist loses interest in you, because they figure that you must be a punk for allowing yourself to fall in love with somebody that treats you like shit.

Read this three times. That is the recipe to hold onto a narcissist. The reason why I know that is because I was married for 17 years to a man that didn’t really wanna be with me because he was a narcissist. And in the end of things, I served him so well that he will miss me for the rest of his life; but not because of who I am, or how much I loved him; it was because of what I did for him. And once I was done doing that it was over, and I was in the food stamp line.

Find a way to hold onto yourself. Be obsessed with yourself!

My friend, never let anybody dim your light. And stop entertaining questions like that because you’re only telling yourself that you have no value. And you do have value.

What is the sad truth about being the victim of a narcissist?

In the end, no one will believe or understand the madness and utter mind fucking you endured. You will be a lone wolf in the most dense of forest pleading until the end for validation.

You will be lost, miserable, confused and pissed the fuck off. If you don’t learn to work through the anger it will quickly consume you with a deep depression that feels impossible to escape.

You will second guess everyone’s motives and intentions now. Yea, you were fucked over that badly. You will want to believe the good in people but will be quickly reminded of the hell that asshole put you through.

You will want to blame yourself, but the little voice in back of your mind won’t allow it. But it seems like the only viable option after all the gaslighting you endured. You won’t know what to believe. Friends and family will think you are fucking crazy and you will finally start believing maybe you are?

You will hate the fucking person that has lied, cheated on you, slept with their cousin, left you for dead, ignored you in times of need, laughed at you at times of desperation, and didn’t give one fuck about you. But at the same time you will crave the mother fucker that delivered the abuse because of the trauma bond that was formed from the intermittent reinforcement and gaslighting.

The sad reality is you will end up alone, just like the asshole that destroyed you unless you stand tall and accept your reality. The acceptance and approval you need is from yourself. Fuck everyone else.

You label what needs to be labeled then work on breaking the cognitive dissonance and the trauma bond. Then you go full speed on working on yourself. You think of the sweet revenge you will subconsciously get as you become the best damn version of yourself you didn’t believe was possible.

All while that asshole is looking up from hell with a wrath of destruction they are sitting in. Oh, they will get theirs. Trust me.

Karma is a bitch even if we aren’t around to witness it. And if you do it right, by the end you won’t care. And you will think “WTF” was I thinking.

The amount of disgust that will overcome you will push you through it.

The sad truth is many stay in fear of the unknown, and they don’t know a way out, or won’t put 1000% effort into healing and escaping.

You’re worth it if you are reading this.

You have my support.

How Narcissists Use Future Faking to Manipulate You

Future faking is one of the most prominent yet subtle tools used by people with strong narcissistic tendencies and other dark personality traits. Indeed, if you've had the misfortune to interact with a narcissist, you have certainly witnessed future faking in its most detrimental form. So what is future faking, how does it work, and what does it mean?

What Is Future Faking?

Future faking is when a person lies or promises something about your possible future in order to get what they want in the present. It could be as basic as promising that they will call you later, and then never calling. Or it can be promising to go on a vacation with you, and then never taking any steps to make that happen. Or even promising to marry you, carry you off into the sunset, and living happily ever after, all in order to make you complacent and to control you in the present.

In the hands of a skilled manipulator, future faking preys on your dreams and goals in order to fabulate a possible future so that they can string you along in the now. These promises are destined to be broken, and can be seen as a form of over promising and under delivering.

Essentially, the manipulator will take very little action, if any, towards keeping their promises. Instead, they will keep promising and using other forms of coercive control, passive and active abuse, until you find yourself in such a state that it is easier to go along with whatever the manipulator wants.

So future faking is, fundamentally, promising a future that the manipulator has no intention of acting towards, making promises that they wont keep. Instead, they distort reality to get what they want from you now.
Examples of Future Faking

Example #1

Your new boyfriend or girlfriend has swept you off your feet. You have so much in common. They must be the one! You really want to buy a house within the next year and so do they. You two decide to do it together. You both start looking at houses, talking endlessly of the perfect house, the perfect yard, and the perfect dog. Even babies!

As far as you can see, there are no clouds on the horizon and it is smooth sailing ahead. You fall more and more in love. Yet, after six months they have not saved up any money. In fact, you have found out that they are in massive debt but you're not really sure why. They eat out all the time, buy expensive electronics, yet never seem to work. But you're in love with them, and they promise that from now on they will change, start to save money, and you guys will have the house, the yard, and the dog and babies! You decide that maybe this whole thing can wait. Love conquers all after all.

Example #2

Your boss has promised you a promotion. They keep telling you that you are perfect for a new position opening up, with new opportunities, and an awesome raise and bonus. They know it is more attuned to your intended career path because you have talked about it with them several times over the past year. You are very excited and envision all the benefits that are just around the corner.

However, over the next few months, you find that you have taken on more responsibility in preparation for your new role but there have been no benefits. The next time you talk to your boss about it, she reassures you its coming soon. Eventually, you see other colleagues promoted but not you, and you're not sure why. No one is answering your questions, but the promises keep coming. Eventually you stop asking questions, and your boss never mentions the promotion again.

How Does Future Faking Work?

Narcissists and others who possess manipulative tendencies lie, but it is the nature of the lie to pay attention to here. In this case, future faking speaks to our hearts. Our heartfelt desires, whether about marriage, children, work, happiness, traveling, fun times, anything really, and our heartfelt desires become weaponized in order to control us.

Eventually, the depth and the breadth of the lie keep you tethered to the manipulator. When you become wise to their broken promises, they may occasionally take some action to prove that its not as bad as you think. But as soon as you feel comfortable again, it is only more of the same.

This appeal to our emotions is so strong that it may truly fracture our concept of reality over time. By the time you have caught on, you may have sunk so much time, emotion, and energy into the relationship that you are unwilling and maybe even unable to disentangle yourself from the future faking spun around you. You simply go along with the manipulator because it is easier at this point.

The Consequences of Future Faking

This kind of manipulation is extremely harmful. Cognitive dissonance, self-erasure, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, and of course, the feelings of loss for something that the manipulator never intended you to have all produce long-term, rippling consequences.

The manipulator may or may not believe their own lies, but your belief in their future faking appeals to their ego. If you stop believing them or call them out on it, they may lash out at you and force you into complacency. They may try to blame you and make you feel bad so that you would stay where you are. And if you become complacent, they will then know that they can get away with it. They will keep future faking until you dont accept it.

What Should You Look out For?

Narcissists and other manipulators are good at lying and pretending. Be mindful and critical of anything anyone says that seems too good to be true. Whether its coming from a prospective partner, a colleague, a boss, a family member, or even a friend.

If someone habitually and repeatedly talks about the future in order to make you complacent now, ask questions and don't let them distort reality. Observe if they work towards it, ask them to explain their plan, ask for updates, don't accept too many excuses, and see if its going in the right direction.

If you see that its likely just lies with no substance behind it, its just future faking and you will never have it, so act accordingly.

What does a narcissist want?

Excellent question!

What does a Narcissist want?:

1). Unconscious desire to repair the damage done in early childhood from the mother. Most are unaware, but they are seeking to become an individual. They were not given this opportunity in early childhood, so they created a Defense Mechanism called Narcissim. They created a “False Self,” in order to survive. This False Self remains with them for the rest of their lives. They, again, unaware, turn their victims into the “new mommy!” They have to Devalue in order to finally be able to Separate from their original mother, grow up and live happily ever after. This never works! They remain on this endless cycle all of their lives. The High-end Narcissist/Ultra/Psychopath overlap, know exactly what they are doing and the reason why. But these creatures are rare. Most Narcissistic Individuals have no clue what is driving them.

2). Admiration/Validation, in order to maintain the False Self and the image they have created in their minds. This is referred to as Supply or Fuel. They can't live without it. The False Self controls them and tells them how to behave and what they need. Supply is like food and water to a healthy individual. They truly feel they will die if they don't have Sources of Supply. The False Self tells them this lie and they fully believe it. They will usually keep several Sources of Supply on hand. Many have a hay-day with social media. It is the perfect platform for them to maintain Sources of Supply. Social media is a Narcissist ‘s Ultimate Playground!

3). Ultimate Control over everything and everyone in their lives. They fear loss of Control. The reason is that they didn't have any Control in childhood. Many were abused so badly, we can't talk about it here. So at the time they created their Defense Mechanism, the False Self took Control and protected them. So, Control is high on the list for any Narcissist.

4). The constant need to protect their Image and Masks. They fear being “found out!” They fear Mortification. This happens when they are caught off guard in a public setting, with their peers watching. A victim or group will call them out and embarrass them. They are left completely Defenseless! They are Mortified! This is when they isolate and see the Shame in which is so deep within them, for what it truly is. This Core Shame is to be avoided and never felt by them, or exposed in any way ever. They become severely depressed and some commit suicide. If they survive, they have to rewrite the script of what happened in public. They have to tell themselves, it wasn't their fault and they truly believe this. Now is when it can become dangerous, because they now plot out a Revenge on whomever Mortified them. This becomes an obsession and they will not stop until they feel satisfied they have destroyed the victims life. This can go on for years. Some even murder victims. It happens everyday. Sad but true! Beware! Never engage in doing this to any Narcissist. Ever! Please listen .

5). They have a fear of Rejection and being left alone. This also goes back to their abusive childhood, because most were abandoned and rejected. They will not likely admit these feelings to anyone, but they exist. So they seek to always have someone there for them. And in many cases they will prefer their Intimate Partner Primary Source of Supply, and Secondary Sources on the shelf for a rainy day, or when they become bored. These creatures become bored very easily.

6). The Center Of Attention ( Center Stage). This is to keep their low self-esteem raised up high. They will seek this Attention in any way possible. This includes at work, social gatherings, ect. They will not tolerate well, if someone else is getting more attention than themselves. They will make a scene or stomp out in a huff. Don't invite them to one of your Awards Night, they will resent you for the well-earned award and attention. Best to never invite them.

7). Depending on what type of Narcissist, Grandeous or Vunarable, the Vunarable wants to play the Victim Mentality Card. They seek Sympathy and Blame everyone for everything that goes wrong in their lives. They love “Pity Parties!”

There are more things a Narcissist seeks and wants, depending on the type they are and if they are diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). There is a Spectrum and not all are considered full-blown NPD'S. Some individuals may display certain Narcissistic Traits and Behaviors. Regardless, none of these individuals are healthy or easy to deal with. Please learn the Red Flags and stay away! If you are in a Narcissistic Relationship, please consider removing yourself immediately and seek treatment for healing ASAP.

Do narcissists panic and wait for you to break no contact?

I know it’s super confusing so let me try to explain No Contact. From the narcissist’s perspective, “no contact” is a manipulation tactic, like an extended silent treatment, to make you feel worthless, broken, abandoned, and inferior. They weaponize “no contact” to push you out of their lives, both to degrade you and make room for new supply. In the narcissist’s mind, they are in control, and you are at the mercy of their decisions, waiting on the sideline until THEY initiate contact and put you back in the game (if they want to, this doesn’t always happen).

From the victim’s perspective, No Contact is a full measure used to protect yourself from further harm and abuse. Once this is done, it should be unreversible. You are not using this protective measure as a way to “punish or “get back” at the narcissist, but rather prevent them from trying to drag you back into their games further down the road. By blocking them on social media as well as on your phone, you are removing the “window” into your life that the narcissist will periodically look through to keep tabs on you. Once the narcissist is removed from your life and can no longer reach you, it is time to focus on your own healing and well-being.

The difference here is in both intent and longevity. Usually, victims use “no contact” as a last resort when they have exhausted all other avenues to try and “fix” the relationship to no avail. Usually victims will use “no contact” after suffering so much abuse from the narcissist that they need to desperately defend themselves, usually after the “breakup” or “discard” takes place. It is often incredibly difficult for the victim to go “no contact” because they are often still attached and trauma-bonded to the narc. This isn’t the same thing. Narcs go “no contact” to assert control, dominance, and punishment to the victim.

I hope you continue to read about the disorder and how these abuse patterns repeat in narcissists.

What saddens a narcissist?

People often say that deep down, narcissists feel sad. But what are the specific things that make them feel this way? Here are a few reasons that can make them sad:

Ignoring or not paying attention to them: This is a big reason. If a narcissist thinks they're not getting the attention they deserve, it can make them really sad.
Getting feedback they don't like: This could mean someone saying something negative about their work or finding out that someone doesn't like them as much as they thought. Narcissists usually don't handle criticism well, so this can make them really upset.
Seeing others succeed when they're not: If they see other people doing well while they're facing problems, it can make them feel sad and jealous.
Not feeling important enough: If narcissists believe they're not getting the attention they should be getting, it can make them very sad.
Not getting recognized for being special: When people don't acknowledge how important and unique they think they are, narcissists can feel sad.
Facing their own weaknesses: Realizing they have flaws and aren't perfect can make narcissists very sad.
People not meeting their expectations: When others don't do what they expect or want, it can make narcissists feel sad and frustrated.
Not being able to control or manipulate others: If they can't control or influence people like they want, it can be really discouraging for narcissists since they like being in control.

What confirms that someone is a narcissist?

Nowadays we think everybody is a Narcissist. a Narcissist is not just someone with an inflated ego who is full of him or her self.

The only thing that would really confirm if someone is a Narcissist is if they went to a Psychologist/Psychiatrist who talks to the person and sees if that person fulfills all requirements listen by the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)

But of course, most Narcissists never see a psychologist so we have to do some diagnosing ourselves.

What are the Symptoms of Narcissism according to the DSM?

  1. They have a grandiose sense of how important they are. They feel themselves superior over other people and exaggerate their own success
  2. They have a lot of fantasies about power, control, success or their ideal love.
  3. They believe they are special and unique: Only very successful people or highly important people deserve to talk to them.
  4. They want and need admiration from the people around them.
  5. They have unrealistic expectations of the things they do: Because they are so perfect they have high expectations of themselves in what they do.
  6. They take advantage of others to become better from it themselves.
  7. Lack of empathy: They fail to recognize the feelings and emotions of others.
  8. They are arrogant against others.
  9. They are envious of others or believe others are envious of them.

Many people have some of these characteristics at least for a little bit. But what is important is that the life of the Narcissist should be dysfunctional. In order for it to be a personality disorder, there should be impairments in their own lives or if they are causing it to others.

Translated: They make their own life miserable or they are making other lives miserable.

Why do narcissists disappear like you never existed?

This is actually a good thing when they disappear! To answer your question the disappearing is part of their abusive, and manipulative tactic. They lie, manipulate, and devalue people to the point of no return. Their behavior is not accidental it is very calculated by means of controlling or intentionally hurting their victim(s) and allows them to feel dominant and in control of every situation and outcome. They disappear because they’re entertaining other narcissistic supply which in most instances is someone else. They disappear because they become, and or see you as no longer useful. They disappear like you never existed, because for some they actually convinced themselves that you never existed. This is what they do, and there is no need to take it personally because whatever they do is driven by their personality disorder.

Disappearing is how they communicate to you that you don’t matter but (you do matter).
Disappearing is their way to communicate to you that they no longer want you (though they need you).
Disappearing is their way to communicate that they don’t care (they don’t).
Disappearing is their way to communicate to you that they have found someone with better resources (narcissistic supply).
Disappearing is their way to groom you to chase after them, think/obsess over them, and to remain trauma bonded to them.
Disappearing is their way to communicate indirectly that they are passive-aggressive and lack emotional maturity.
Disappearing is their way to communicate to you that they don’t know how to communicate effectively, and it is easier for them to just unbrotherly walk away as if you never existed.

How do you make a narcissist suffer forever?

You need to destroy narcissist ego and pride. You need to bring them back to reality. And there is a way you can do that. Without harming them directly. And that is by working on yourself. And going back to being the person you were before you got involved with the narcissist. The person that they were attracted to. And then becoming a better version of yourself. If you do that and let them see it, but you reject their hoover attempts. It will destroy their ego. Because they can't deal with rejection. They can't deal with being ignored. Especially if it's from something that they believe they should have.

Narcissists find pleasure in breaking you down. They find pleasure in your pain. It gives them satisfaction. So the last thing they want to see is you building yourself up. You being happy. Because what really destroys their ego is when they see that you're not affected by their attempts to destroy you. You're still able to do what you need to do. You're still able to live the life that you want to live. You're still able to laugh and smile. Which means that their efforts have gone to waste. Their plan has failed. They didn't get the result that they were intending for. Because now you're even more successful. You look better than you ever did before. You're in better condition than when they first met you. Which destroys them. Because they remember how good things were back then. That's why they lovebombed you. And they would love to have that again. But if they can't, it will crush them. So you don't need to get revenge on the narcissist. You don't need to do anything to them. Just focus on yourself. Focus on your own life. Focus on building yourself up. Making your life better. And don't let them partake in it. Don't let them be a part of it. That is how you do it.

What makes a narcissist leave you alone for ever?

These are 3 things that will make a narcissists leave you alone forever:

1. No Contact.

There's no way of getting around this one. In most cases, the overt narc won't leave you alone because you've left lines of communication open. In this case, you'll need to be the one who blocks them because they likely will not block themselves unless you become an absolute basket case with no money, no resources, and no hint of emotion left. In short, unless you've become a zombie. After all, even negative supply is better than none in the narcissist's mind. They've been known to check in simply to incite in their discards and nuclear meltdown only to hang up feeling refreshed and invigorated. Why leave yourself open for that? Even if they found new supply, they usually cannot resist knowing that they still have power over you. So, while you're sitting around with a white knuckle grip on your phone waiting for them to send you a text with three weeks having passed since the last one, they might SMS you with, "Hey," just to see what your reaction will be. That doesn't mean they've been looking at engagement rings or anything. It just means their new supplies at work and can't talk on the phone. But the narc needs to feed their ego a little snack. Starving their ego will force them to find another source of supply. You can do that by going no contact.

2. Show no emotion.

Narcs are persistent little critters. Sometimes, even when faced with no contact, they don't believe you mean it. So, they may feel inclined to calm your anxieties by showing up at your favorite coffee shop even though it's 25 miles out of their way. In this case, you'll need to reward their efforts by pretending you don't see them. This may trigger them to come over uninvited to your table. Even then, they're not there. They're counting on the advantage of being in a public place where they believe you'll have no choice but to acknowledge their existence when they initiate a conversation. Assume the stance of one of those neighboring chairs, remaining completely indifferent to the narc's presence. If they still don't take the hint, pick up your coffee, exit the coffee shop, and proceed to get in your vehicle and drive away. Kind of like one of the characters in the seventh sense who can't see dead people. The narc will begin to wonder if he imagined the whole interaction, which equals instant karma for all their gaslighting attempts. Fist bump. This may feel uncomfortable for empathetic people or those who dislike conflict, but it's important to remember the reason you're being forced to behave this way.

3. Pretend.

Pretend you've developed Tourette's syndrome. This is especially effective if you've been submissive and quiet during the relationship. If you find yourself forced to engage in conversation with the narcissist, throw in a few unexpected obscenities at higher levels of volume than the rest of your response.

Giving them the impression that you no longer have control over your speech should put to rest any remaining agendas they may have for blame-shifting and gaslighting. They won't realize you've simply adopted one of their behaviors.

How do you know when a narcissist is completely done with you forever?

Narcissists are 100% done with you forever after they do this:

1. They will become distant.

The first sign that a narcissist is done with you is that they will become distant. They will slowly stop spending time with you or answering your texts or calls. When they hang out with you, it'll be brief and awkward, like they're just tolerating it for now. If this happens to you, know that it will probably end soon.

2. They will ignore everything you say.

One of the signs a narcissist is done with you is that they will ignore everything you say. They might just disappear and stop responding to your emails and texts. They'll ignore you in public too. If you try talking to or saying something to them, they'll pretend that they don't hear you or ignore it altogether. Narcissists tend to pretend they didn't hear what you said or repeat something back to you that has nothing to do with what you said. If they start tuning out all of your concerns and ideas, it's usually because they don't want to spend more energy on you than necessary.

3. They will devalue and criticize everything you do.

When they are done with you, narcissists will devalue and criticize everything you do. You are either perfect or worthless. Narcissists will constantly put you down, undermine your efforts, and criticize you. They will continuously nitpick at everything you say, do, and wear to put you down and make themselves feel better. Narcissists will say things like, 'You're too fat,' 'You're ugly,' or 'No guy would ever want you.' Narcissists do this because they want to ensure that there's no way for you to feel good about yourself or be successful, so that they can feel superior to you.

4. They will not reply your texts or calls.

Suppose you're messaging or calling your narcissist, and they don't respond. In that case, they may not be interested in being with you anymore. They might even go days without responding. This is because they do not feel invested in you and have no intention of following up on the conversation. They will simply ignore you, which is a way for them to let you know that you are no longer necessary to them. Narcissists are never really that interested in talking to people they don't see as being helpful to them in some way. So if they don't have any reason to talk to you anymore, it's because they're done with you.

5. They will spread nasty rumors about you.

When a narcissist is done with you, they'll try to destroy your reputation by spreading nasty rumors about you. They'll tell their friends and family that you cheated on them, stole money from them, or did something awful. They'll start talking behind your back and making up lies about how terrible of a person you are. Narcissists might even go so far as to accuse you of things that aren't true or try to make it look like they're the victim in this situation. They'll tell people that you're crazy and that they don't want to be around you anymore. Narcissists wish everyone to think highly of them so they can feel better about themselves.

See Also

Love Bombing
Malignant Narcissist
Narcissists - many articles
Tactics Narcissists Will Use Against You
52 Ways to Identify a Covert Narcissist

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday March 20, 2024 06:26:21 MDT by Dale Pond.