
Keely Not Yet Ready


PHILADELPHIA, March 25.- The Directors of the Keely Motor Company, who emerged the evening from Secretary Schuellermann's office, after a full meeting of the board, were a very hopeful-looking body of men. "The vibratory engine is finished," they said; "the work of adjusting and focalizing is progressing rapidly, and Mr. Keely has fixed the date for the actual exhibition of the motor on or before April 10." Mr. Keely's message was communicated verbally to the officers and through them to the Directors, Keely himself was not present at the meeting. "I am too busy to come," he explained to Treasurer Green, "and I am now so near done with my work that I don't want to appear before the Directors again until I appear to exhibit to them our final triumph." After Mr. Keely's announcement had been made to the Directors, Mr. Green, read a brief statement from the inventor relative to recent rumors that he was delaying the completion of the motor in order to apply his mysterious power to other mediums in the interest of other parties. Mr. Keely denied these statements emphatically. 3/26/1884
Published: March 26, 1884
Copyright © The New York Times

See Also

Keely Chronology

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