
triune electric flow

"The celestial current or etheric dominant which is also the prime third of the triune electric flow induces "aqueous disintegration" and "thermal concentration" and these two "prime conductors" display a "coincident sympathetic chord" with the celestial current. They are themselves the link between the terrestrial and celestial. The absence of the sun on one side of the earth and the absence of water on one side, would make terrestrial magnetism and electricity static - the highest order of chaos." [Snell Manuscript]

"The attractive vibration of the solar sympathetic flow is "coincident to" and diverts, the terrestrial magnetic sympathetic flow. This force is the "celestial current", the prime third of the triune electric flow. This "celestial current" induces "aqueous disintegration" and "thermal concentration" which "two prime conductors" display a "coincident sympathetic chord" with the "celestial current". "Aqueous disintegration" and "thermal concentration" are the link with the celestial without which there would exist nothing but a luminous radiance like the Aurora, a reaching out for concordance without an answering "sympathetic attractive diversion" to create "unstable equilibrium" of terrestrial magnetism, resulting in the bipolar current. Were there no "aqueous disintegration" and "thermal concentration" to link the etheric dominant, the absence of the sun on one side would result in terrestrial magnetism and Electricity remaining static or stable - the highest degree of chaos." [Snell Manuscript]

See Also

compound etheric flow
electric current
electric stream
electric vibration
etheric flow
Figure 7B.14 - Electric Condensing Flows to Center
Figure 7B.14 - Electric Condensing Flows to Center
Figure 3.9 - Cardinal Directions of Force and Energy Flows
Heaviside energy flow component
Law of Vibrating Atomolic Substances
Sympathetic Flows
Sympathetic Neutral Flow
sympathetic outflow
Sympathetic Polar Flows
sympathetic polar negative flow
Third Element
Triple Flows
Triple Triplet Flows
triune polar flows
Vibratory Sympathetic and Polar Flows

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday October 26, 2018 08:07:07 MDT by Dale Pond.