

Paul Brunton (1898-1981) is that rarest of humans: a sage. Born in London, his mystical and occult sensitivity soon led him East, first to India and Egypt, and then around the world. Blending his own inner inquiry with ancient traditions and contemporary teachings, PB developed a philosophy designed to suit the 21st century yet steeped in the greatest wisdom and love provided to humankind - the Wisdom of Pure Mind and the Love of our own Higher Self.

A lifetime of both inner and outer research enabled Paul Brunton to bring the secret teachings of the East to the West and to make them understandable to the heart, mind, and soul. PB, as he liked to be called, uncovered the spiritual truths flowing through all religions and philosophies. His writings provide spiritual seekers of all faiths, as well as independent thinkers, a guide full of beauty and grace that will carry them forward in their quests to reach that greatest of all treasures, their own Higher Self, soul or Overself.

Paul Brunton web site http://www.paulbrunton.org/

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday November 17, 2017 03:41:55 MST by Dale Pond.