
pinacyanole bromide

"Using pinacyanole bromide screens or goggles and a method developed by the writer, it may be seen by anyone that there is a definite emanation from any substance viewed by this method. Any physical object, made of any substance will be seen to be surrounded by a pale, fine, luminous radiance that is distinctly fluidic in appearance and behaviour. The method of bringing such things under observation cannot be fully explained within these space limitations; yet it must be stressed that the means of observing this strange, ghostly emanation is physical and repeatable and requires not the slightest metaphysical knowledge."

"Just as there is a difference between the corpse and the living human, so is there a difference observable by these means between living things and mineral substances. Everything living has an etheric double, a duplicate of itself extending approximately 1/32 of an inch from the physical structure, and being pale grey in appearance. The "double" is not normally perceived by the unaided eye. Nor are bacteria. Bacteria have been brought into scientific ken by the microscope's ability to remove man's optical limitations. Pinacyanole bromide, like the microscope, also removes an optical limitation." https://borderlandsciences.org/journal/vol/17/n01/Constable_on_Ruth_Drown_I.html

"Under ordinary circumstances, auras are only visible to certain people with special psychic power. However, with a little bit of training, or with a special set of Aura Goggles with "pinacyanole bromide" filters (available at your local New Age Head Shop), anyone can see auras." http://skepdic.com/auras.html

"The molecules consist of whirling particles of electricity. This motion produces a definite emanation from all physical substances, which may be brought under direct observation through the specialized use of pinacyanole bromide filters and screens."

See Also


Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday January 31, 2017 07:43:41 MST by Dale Pond.