

Long life.

"Disturbance of equilibrium is the prime mover, aggregator and disperser of all forces that exist in nature. The force of the mind on matter is a grand illustration of the power of the finer over the crude, of the etheric over the molecular. If the differential forces of the brain could become equated, eternal perpetuity would be the result. Under such a condition the physical would remain free of disintegration or decomposition.

"But the law, laid out by the Great Master, which governs the disturbance of equilibrium, making the crude forms of matter, subservient to the finer or higher forms, forbidding anything molecular or terrestrial to assimilate with the high etheric, the law that has fixed the planets in their places, is an unknown law to the finite mind, comprehended only by the Infinite One." [True Science]

"The ordinary conclusions of the activity of gold, when assimilated, is incorrect - for these feed directly to the tissue of the brain itself, and - given properly - Silver and Gold may almost lengthen life to its double, of its present endurance." [Cayce (120-5)]

(Q) How can I best prepare for old age?
(A) By preparing for the present. Let age only ripen you. For a person is always just as young as their heart and their purpose. Stay sweet. Stay friendly. Stay loving, if you want to stay young." [Cayce (3420-1)]

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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday July 13, 2021 04:26:36 MDT by Dale Pond.