

Finite or split mind of the ego. The thinking mind as opposed to the knowing mind. Intellect is a subset of the Whole Mind, Consciousness or Awareness. The unspiritualized (Newtonian) mentality or objective man-created consciousness comprised mostly of memories and sense-based illusions. The intellect, based in (materialism), is shown as a deceiving intelligence which persuades mankind to embrace false values and beliefs of what is wonderful and miraculous in the world. To set up discriminations against those who retain their spiritual values. A belief in self's observable (sensed effects) determinations over and above non-observable (scalar) cause or spiritual insight; i.e., sixth sense or higher mind (heart) functions of feeling, knowing and being. See Ego

"In theorizing on the philosophy of planetary suspension Mr. Keely writes:- "As regards planetary volume, we would ask in a scientific point of view - How can the immense difference of volume in the planets exist without disorganizing the harmonious action that has always characterized them? I can only answer this question properly by entering into a progressive synthesis, starting on the rotating etheric centres that were fixed by the Creator with their attractive or accumulative power. If you ask what power it is that gives to each etheric atom its inconceivable velocity of rotation or introductory impulse, I must answer that no finite mind will ever be able to conceive what it is. "The philosophy of accumulation", assimilation, Macvicar calls it, "is the only proof that such a power has been given. The area, if we can so speak of such an atom, presents to the attractive or magnetic, the elective or propulsive, all the receptive force and all the antagonistic force that characterizes a planet of the largest magnitude; consequently, as the accumulation goes on, the perfect equation remains the same. When this minute centre has once been fixed; the power to rend it from its position would necessarily have to be as great as to displace the most immense planet that exists. When this atomic neutral center is displaced, the planet must go with it. The neutral center carries the full load of any accumulation from the start, and remains the same, for ever balanced in the eternal space.''" [More Science]

"These instruments are carefully concealed by wise masters from all persons save the few who are already prepared to study their potency with the exclusive end in view of aiding the real scientific progress of humanity; and, furthermore, it may be truly stated that a ferocious sensualist, however powerful his intellect, would be utterly unable to either comprehend or operate one of these marvelous constructions." [Keely, See Dashed Against the Rock]

"and goes within this range, with its wondrous infoldings which so charm the ear, and which symbolise so many spiritual mysteries. These twelve major keys with their twelve minors are the musical world, and motion in the operation of 3 is not much hampered by rest controlling it in the operation of 2; and what is lost of so-called "perfect intonation" is far more than made up for in the beautiful system within system, which musical science, when fairly and fully brought into view, presents for our contemplation, and the intellect feasts along with the ear." [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 40]

It is my firm belief that, if a powerful intellect takes up the radical idea contained in the following pages, it will be found to be the directing force or general key-note which will gradually disentangle intricacies in all the natural [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Introduction1 - Harmonies, page 9]

In a few remarks on "Tones and Colours," inserted in the Athenæum of February 24, 1877, I alluded to the great loss I had sustained by the sudden death of Dr. Gauntlett. I often retrace with grateful remembrance the kind manner in which he examined this scheme when it was but crude and imperfect; with a very capacious intellect, he had a warm and generous heart, causing him to think over with candour any new ideas placed before him. He was of the greatest use to me, by corroborating the points which I had gained. I remarked to him one day, "I find that, of the double tones, F# is a key-note and G? a root." He replied, "You must have a right foundation to work upon, or you would never have ascertained the necessity of the two poles; you have gained the double tones correctly, and the development of harmonies without limit. On this point I have always felt the failure of the laws followed by the musician." [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Dr. Gauntletts Remarks1, page 13]

Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"I must impress on you that meditation should be - eventually - as simple as slipping into slumber. The purpose of meditation is to enable your entire consciousness to move beyond the boundaries of intellect and reason. There are teachers who will tell you to 'imagine' ... whatever you are told to imagine, you can rest assured you are not being assisted to go anywhere except into new imaginative realms of your own thought processes. [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Christ Letters - Letter 8, pages 23]

Part of your growth is to understand that if the technology that man develops offends or contradicts the Laws of Nature or the Universe, the Universe herself will make it right. So, along with technology, a chain reaction of events is established. If the thinking of the head alone is used to develop methods to meet challenges, the Universe is not being duly consulted, thus the implications rest upon the individual. There is Nature to answer to. If one uses the more harmonious thinking of the Heart in conjunction with the mental faculties, one becomes sensitized to far-reaching effects more keenly, thus avoiding typically unseen pitfalls. Until you feel that you can offer assurance that your technologic advances will not be misused and create more pain, you need to consult your Heart as a guide. By using your head, you engage in a realm of exercise that is an invitation to be altered by another’s thinking and perception of “need”. Are you willing to take on this responsibility? You must be more clever than I, if you answered in the affirmative. [Jesus, Good Heart]

In closing, I hope I have communicated to you how the well-being of Earth and Humans rest in your able hands. The hands need to be directed by the Heart and Head. If you choose the logical dictates of the head to direct your research and living, you reduce your existence to mental and material amassing. By including the Heart in your work and life you expand your possibilities for abundance and joy to nurture many more in a safer and more harmonious manner. Besides, consultation with your Heart and Spirit signals an invitation to your spiritual family to assist you in your quest. Now, isn’t that more appealing than thinking your way out of a challenge all alone? [Jesus, Good Heart]

"In the interpretation of the universe, we find that time and space are concepts of the mental mind." [Cayce, 1747-5]

"This becomes hard to conceive in the finite mind; as does the finite mind fail to grasp the lack of or NO time. Yet out of Time, Space, Patience, is it possible for the consciousness of the finite to KNOW the infinite." [Cayce 262-115]

Hazrat Inayat Khan
"Intellect is the knowledge obtained by experience of names and forms; wisdom is the knowledge which manifests only from the inner being; to acquire intellect one must delve into studies, but to obtain wisdom, nothing but the flow of Divine mercy is needed; it is as natural as the instinct of swimming to the fish, or of flying to the bird. Intellect is the sight which enables one to see through the external world, but the light of wisdom enables one to see through the external into the internal world.” [Hazrat Inayat Khan]

Manly Palmer Hall
"Certain Rosicrucian scholars have given special appellations to these three phases of the sun: the spiritual sun they called Vulcan; the soular and intellectual sun, Christ and Lucifer respectively; and the material sun, the Jewish Demiurgus Jehovah. Lucifer here represents the intellectual mind without the illumination of the spiritual mind; therefore it is "the false light." The false light is finally overcome and redeemed by the true light of the soul, called the Second Logos or "Christ". The secret processes by which the Luciferian intellect is transmuted into the Christly intellect constitute one of the great secrets of alchemy, and are symbolized by the process of transmuting base metals into gold." [Manly Palmer Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages]

Arthur Schopenhauer
“A high degree of intellect tends to make a man unsocial.” [Arthur Schopenhauer]

Albert Einstein
“The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it Intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you and you don't know how or why.” [Albert Einstein]

See Also

analytic process
intellectual perception
Chapter II - The Nature of Mind Power
Christ Consciousness
Cosmic Consciousness
First Intellect
Levels of Consciousness
Mind Power
Natural Man
The Chord-Settings of Life
word of men
18.14 - Mind is the Ultimate Scalar Quantity

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday April 5, 2024 04:29:28 MDT by Dale Pond.