
chord mass

Vibrations of the mass. Usually a chord or collection of discrete frequencies. Spectra or signature.

In all molecular dissociation or disintegration of both simple and compound elements, whether gaseous or solid, a stream of vibratory antagonistic thirds, sixths, or ninths, on their chord mass will compel progressive subdivisions. In the disintegration of water the instrument is set on thirds, sixths, and ninths, to get the best effects. These triple conditions are focalized on the neutral center of said instrument so as to induce perfect harmony or concordance to the chord note of the mass chord of the instruments full combination, after which the diatonic and the enharmonic scale located at the top of the instrument, or ring, is thoroughly harmonized with the scale of ninths which is placed at the base of the vibratory transmitter with the telephone head. The next step is to disturb the harmony on the concentrative thirds, between the transmitter and the disintegrator. This is done by rotating the siren so as to induce a sympathetic communication along the nodal transmitter, or wire, that associates the two instruments. When the note of the siren becomes concordant to the neutral center of the disintegrator, the highest order of sympathetic communication is established. It is now necessary to operate the transferable vibratory negatizer or negative accelerator, which is seated in the center of the diatonic and enharmonic ring, at the top of the disintegrator, and complete disintegration will follow (from the antagonisms induced on the concordants by said adjunct) in triple progression, thus: First thirds: Molecular dissociation resolving the water into a gaseous compound of hydrogen and oxygen. Second: sixths, resolving the hydrogen and oxygen into a new element by second order of dissociation, producing what I call low atomic ether. Third: ninths, the low atomic ether resolved into a new element, which I denominate high or second atomic harmonic. All these transmissions being simultaneous on the disturbance of sympathetic equilibrium by said negative accelerator. [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 4]

"Each molecule of a given mass of matter represents the same harmonic chord or note in its oscillatory motion. The "chord of the mass" is, therefore, the chord of every molecule of the mass. [KEELYS PHYSICAL PHILOSOPHY - Snell]

See Also

atomic mass
Chord of Mass
chord of the mass
Figure 1.1 - Chord Signatures of Brain Convolutions
Figure 16.02 - Electricity Evolves Mass into Spheres
Figure 18.03 - Keely Chart Showing Acoustic Resonance of the Brain Chord
Figure 5.10 - Introductory Degeneration of Mass via Interpenetrating Vortices
Figure 5.8 - Initiatory Generation of Mass via Interpenetrating Vortices Figure 5.9 - Initiatory Generation of Mass and Sphericity
Figure 8.7 - Varying Degrees of Chordal Harmony and Discord
Full Harmonic Chord
law of conservation of mass
Mass Chord
mass number
The Chord-Settings of Life
07 - Chart Showing the Conditions Governing Harmonious Chords
09 - Chart Defining the different Chord Associations
5.7 - Generation of Mass
5.8 - Degeneration of Mass
8.21 - Signature same as Chord
12 - Chart of Differentiation of Setting Chords on Vibratory Bar
12.39 - Mass
14.13 - Full Harmonic Chord
19.02 - Theory of the Induction of Sympathetic Chords to Excite Rotation

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday January 15, 2021 02:51:15 MST by Dale Pond.