
The Nut to Crack

From SVP - Essential Elements
How to converts Scalar Potential into useable Kinetic Motion.


The search for the secret key idea to unlock Free Energy, Alternative Energy and the Source of our Being has been an arduous and long investigation. Is there a key idea that unlocks this mystery? Is there a key concept that rends the veil between ordinary human consciousness and that high level of consciousness obviously held by Keely, Russell and other notables that allowed them to access knowledge surpassing our own?

The premise of this work is Yes, there is a singular concept or idea behind this energy tapping and consciousness process and this idea can be known and used for the benefit of humanity.

Much has been claimed and written about what this storehouse of unlimited energy is and what unlocks it. Thomas Bearden covered it fairly well in his technical engineering book.[1] Keely developed electricity from the vacuum in 1895.[2] Walter Russell developed and operated his Optic-Dynamo Generator in the 1950s.[3] The Alternative Energy literature is filled with stories where others have invented and built other forms of devices that accessed and produced abundant electrical energy.

Did they all avail themselves of the same basic idea? If yes then what is that basic idea?

The Nut to Crack

It is well known there is unlimited energy held in or accessed through vacuum.[4] This Source has been called by many names: vacuum[5], scalar potential[6], Universal Consciousness[7], Undifferentiated Mind[8], Stillness[4.1], Equilibrium[9], Latent Force[10] and God[11] just to name a few synonyms. Do all these named sources have common denominators of characteristics? Can they be stripped down to a simple term or set of attributes? [See List of Synonyms for Scalar and List of Synonyms for Polarity or Duality]

In the many studied sources for unlimited energy there are two basic themes. The first is a Source of unobservable yet accessible Potential that has within it unlimited power and energy. The second theme is the observable access and use of that Latent Force or potential as Kinetic Energy or work. There is a third associated concept being the tapping into the non-observable Potential, triggering it and transforming it into observable and useable Kinetic Energy.

Obviously the Source of Potential is a quantum or non-newtonian state - an unobservable static state. The final end use of that Potential is a newtonian, mechanical or electro-mechanical process (including solid state digital mechanisms) - an observable state. This boils the problem down to three significant milestones:

1- Scalar Potential
2- The trigger and 'Bridge' between Potential and Kinetic.
3- Kinetic Application

The first milestone is identify this unobservable Scalar Potential. The term 'vacuum' is often used in the conventional science literature and is a good synonym to Scalar Potential. It is well known in physics the vacuum contains significant quantities of latent energy.[4] Other synonyms such as Stillness[4.1] and Equilibrium[9] will also be used. For purposes of this work the term Undifferentiated Mind[8] will also be employed as it is held to be that which permeates the vacuum and is the ultimate source of Scalar Potential.

The second milestone is a triggering, tapping or Bridging mechanism by and through which the Scalar Potential is accessed, released and or transformed into useable Kinetic Energy.

The third milestone is the simplest in that there already exist numerous well known electro-mechanical devices or processes. This leaves us with the first two milestones as the nuts to be cracked.

This entire three step process constitutes an Open System[12]. It is an Open System in that a newtonian electro-mechanical device derives its motivational energy from a known non-newtonian or quantum non-electro-mechanical source. An electro-mechanical device that derives its motivational energy from a known newtonian source such as batteries is a Closed System.[13]

Can an unobservable scalar source or state be detected and accessed?
By what mechanism can this non-newtonian quantum state be detected?
How is an observable detecting mechanism 'tuned' to the unobservable scalar state or Source?
How is that unobservable latent state converted into observable kinetic energy?
What is the mechanism of conversion?
Supposing useable electrical current is the end goal or product how can seeming nothing (undetectable pure scalar potential) be transformed into a powerful source of electrical current possessing all the usual attributes of electrical current?

An additional "Nut to Crack" is how do we transform our human consciousness such that we can understand and use this new technology? [See Part 24 - Awakening Your Genius]

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[1] The Final Secret of Free Energy; https://www.svpwiki.com/The+Final+Secret+of+Free+Energy
[2] Keely - Electricity from Space
[3] Russells Optic Dynamo-Generator
[4] Energy from Vacuum; https://www.svpwiki.com/Energy+from+Vacuum
[4.1] Stillness; https://www.svpwiki.com/stillness
[5] Vacuum; https://www.svpwiki.com/Vacuum
[6] Scalar Potential; https://www.svpwiki.com/Scalar+Potential
[7] Universal Consciousness; https://www.svpwiki.com/UNIVERSAL+CONSCIOUSNESS
[8] Undifferentiated Mind; https://www.svpwiki.com/Undifferentiated+Mind
[9] Equilibrium; https://www.svpwiki.com/equilibrium
[10] Latent Force; https://www.svpwiki.com/Latent+Force
[11] God; https://www.svpwiki.com/God
[12] Open System; https://www.svpwiki.com/Open+System
[13] Closed System; https://www.svpwiki.com/Closed+System

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday November 28, 2018 10:47:34 MST by Dale Pond.