
Kinetic Alfven Waves

Are these Alfven waves Keely's etheric flows?
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The Connecting Link Between Mind and Matter - Keelys Progress - Part 2
Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter
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Kinetic Alfvén waves have long been suspected to be energy transporters in plasmas—a fundamental state of matter composed of charged particles—throughout the universe. But it wasn't until now, with the help of MMS, that scientists have been able to take a closer look at the microphysics of the waves on the relatively small scales where the energy transfer actually happens.

"This is the first time we've been able to see this energy transfer directly," said Dan Gershman, lead author and MMS scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and the University of Maryland in College Park. "We're seeing a more detailed picture of Alfvén waves than anyone's been able to get before."

The waves could be studied on a small scale for the first time because of the unique design of the MMS spacecraft. MMS's four spacecraft fly in a compact 3-D pyramid formation, with just four miles between them—closer than ever achieved before and small enough to fit between two wave peaks. Having multiple spacecraft allowed the scientists to measure precise details about the wave, such as how fast it moved and in what direction it travelled.

Previous multi-spacecraft missions flew at much larger separations, which didn't allow them to see the small scales—much like trying to measure the thickness of a piece of paper with a yardstick. MMS's tight flying formation, however, allowed the spacecraft to investigate the shorter wavelengths of kinetic Alfvén waves, instead of glossing over the small-scale effects.

"It's only at these small scales that the waves are able to transfer energy, which is why it's so important to study them," Gershman said.

As kinetic Alfvén waves move through a plasma, electrons traveling at the right speed get trapped in the weak spots of the wave's magnetic field. Because the field is stronger on either side of such spots, the electrons bounce back and forth as if bordered by two walls, in what is known as a magnetic mirror in the wave. As a result, the electrons aren't distributed evenly throughout: Some areas have a higher density of electrons, and other pockets are left with fewer electrons. Other electrons, which travel too fast or too slow to ride the wave, end up passing energy back and forth with the wave as they jockey to keep up. https://phys.org/news/2017-03-nasa-reshape-basic-plasma-physics.amp

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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday April 1, 2017 09:21:49 MDT by Dale Pond.