
Chapter 1 - What Is Atomic Energy - IV page 22

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New thinking is very difficult. We will make it easier to comprehend by telling it simply and in easy stages. As a first step in this direction you must know that life in a man's body is exactly the same as life in your car battery. As long as its electrical charge exceeds its discharge it lives and grows with increasing vitality. When its discharge exceeds its charge it loses its vitality and slowly dies. This is as true of a flower as of a man, or atom, or flaming sun.

We again repeat the fact that all things live and grow because of their ability to generate enough heat to charge their bodies with their normal voltage, and no more. Each living body has a normal temperature and pulsation frequency which must be constant in order to live and grow. Death begins with the slightest

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upset of that normalcy. Even one degree of extra heat beyond 98.6° will upset the entire metabolism of man. That one degree of fever is one fifth of his way to death. That is equally true of everything. Our planet already has one degree of fever, caused by radioactivity. That one degree has already upset the earth's metabolism enough to cause many fishes in the seas to migrate into colder waters. It is causing ice caps and glaciers to melt. Ten more degrees of radioactive fever will make of this planet a barren waste.

All things which die and decay do so because of their inability to continue the electric strain of compression sufficiently to preserve their normalcy. All living bodies compress. All dying bodies expand. This should not be a difficult first lesson upon life and death, for compression and expansion are the only two effects of motion and force in all this universe. Also, all things in it are eternally compressing and expanding in alternate sequences, forever. Your heart beat, your breathing, and the pulsations of every cell in your body are continually compressing and expanding in orderly ordained normal rhythms, each unit having its own normalcy of rhythmic frequencies, and each one being not only in balance with the whole, but also in balance with its normal environment.

Consider a living man, in his normal environment of temperatures and pressures, being subjected to an electric pulsation frequency of a 10,000 volt current. That tremendous abnormalcy expands every cell in his body so suddenly that they violently explode. All expanding bodies are always exploding slowly, over long periods of time. We do not use that word for slow expansion, however. We do not say that a decaying tree, which takes fifty years to go back into the ground, is exploding. If you burn it, however, the flame is a series of quick explosions which will do in two hours what Nature intended should take fifty years.

Consider your car battery in the same way. If small wires are used the charge in your battery explodes slowly. You can drive hundreds of miles because of those slow gradual explosions which gradually discharge your battery. If, however, you connect both poles with a large wire and touch the ends together you discharge

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the whole battery instantly. A brilliant flash of intensely hot flame appears from an environment which was cold. That is what radioactivity is. It multiplies the frequencies of slow, invisible radiation to fast visible radioactive fusion.

If, for another example, you wind a tungsten wire with silk, then pass a hundred thousand volt current through it in a vacuum tube, you will see a brilliant white flash of intensely white hot light which lasts for only about one millionth of a second. That light is so hot that it instantly explodes the tungsten. Nothing but helium gas remains in the tube. Also those radioactively multiplied voltage frequencies are so quick that the silk thread has not been even singed.

Fix in your mind the primary fact that flame and radioactivity are one. Flame is quick death always. Coal dies slowly by slow loss of heat while in the ground. It takes thousands of years to radiate itself away, while flame does it in an hour. If you multiply the frequencies of flame you are, likewise, multiplying its power to quicken the death of anything. A sulphur match will not produce a hot flame. It will burn wood slowly but it will not set iron on fire. The hotter flame of the acetylene torch will set iron on fire, however, but it will not set granite or concrete on fire. If you multiply the radioactive power of flame still more, by making an oxyacetylene flame, you can then electrocute granite or concrete. It will burst into flame and slowly disappear.

These great radioactive heat and multiplied frequencies are nothing, however, as compared to the intense heat which nuclear fission produces with plutonium, barium, radium and other radioactively explosive elements. They are a far cry from the flame power produced by the sulphur match. These elements have made a match for man which has produced a heat so great, and so quickly, that it has utterly destroyed millions of tons of rock deep down in an island and vaporized other millions of tons of sea water in a millionth of a second. The heat thus so timelessly generated is greater than the hottest part of our sun. That is what we mean by describing radioactivity as quick death.

If it could be possible to transport a hundred ton lump of the sun to our earth it would drop through it as readily as a bullet

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penetrates the atmosphere. Call it radioactivity, fission, fusion or what you will, its principle in Nature is the release of a frozen body from its imprisonment by releasing its binding tensions. It is the relaxing principle of Nature. It is the restoration of tense matter to its Natural state of equilibrium.

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