
Attraction and Repulsion 130-131

RETURN to Book 02 - Chapter 11 - Attraction and Repulsion

Every chemist is thoroughly aware of the relative ability of one mass to attract another, irrespective of distance.

 Every chemist knows that units of elements, called ions, break away from certain compounds with varying degrees of violence.

 The chemist calls this phenomenon ionization, and thinks of it as a chemical effect, a reaction. [See Chemism]

 Ions are masses. The law for one microscopic ion is the same as for a planet.

 If the chemist would think of all actions as gravitational, and all reactions as radiational effects, he would know that ioniziation is due to the repellent, separative power of magnetic radio-active force to expel these little planetary ions in order that magnetism may carry out its desire to diffuse electrically accumulated masses. [underline added]

 The supposition that atomic motion is an electrical effect and that the atoms of the elements are thereby exempted from obeying the laws of gravitation, misleads the chemist.

 He is also misled by the supposition that all matter is composed of exactly similar negative electrons and positive protons in different quantities arranged differently in each kind of atom.

 The chemist assumes that there is one more electron in mercury than in gold.

 This new theory is now leading him to the expenditure of useless effort in trying to "knock" one electron out of mercury to produce gold.

 One might as well try to "knock" a planet out of our solar system.

 The fact is the reverse of the chemist's assumption.

 If one electron could be "knocked out," and if that act would change mercury, the change would not be to gold. It would be to thallium or to lead. Likewise one electron removed from lead would not produce mercury as hoped. It would result in bismuth.

 If one of our planets could be "knocked out" of our solar system, the event would increase our zodiacal expansion by at least two degrees, and retard our solar evolution by at least eighty-five million years.

 The loss of one electron from the element mercury would be equivalent to a substantial discharge toward negative weakness.

 This discharge would cause the plane of mercury to increase its angle to the plane of lutecium, which would be the opposite effect necessary for the production of gold.

 The only way to change mercury to gold is to increase the contraction pressure of the mercurial atom and thus change its plane to one slightly nearer that of the lutecium atom.

 The chemist recognizes the variable power of substance to attract and repel in that effect which he has termed "valency." Valency is purely an expression of gravitational variation, as ionization is an expression of radiational variation.

 The chemist knows that hydrogen and fluorine atoms, if released in a large room will eagerly find each other.

 He knows also that hydrogen and carbon atoms released within an inch of one another will not find each other.

 On the contrary, they revolve in planes of such wide angles and their relative positive charges are proportionately so unequal, that they have to be forced together under the very high pressure of the arc lamp to make them combine.

 Every chemist knows the variability of pressure in every element at every temperature.

 Every physicist knows that condensation alters the direction of any vapor.

 The physicist tests the law of gravitation by producing a state of vacuum which is nonexistent in nature. In a vacuum, he finds that a feather and a piece of lead are attracted toward the center of the earth with the same velocity.

 This is a universe of varying pressures and the production of an abnormal condition in a tube is not a test of the relative power of substance to attract or to repel substance.

 If a tube large enough to enclose this planet


and long enough to reach the sun's surface could be pumped free of its opposing pressures, the earth would fall to the sun instead of floating in the orbit mapped out for it by the two opposing pressures which determine its position.

 Every physicist knows that the specific gravity of every element, compound or mixture differs from that of any other. That quality in substance which we call "weight" is merely an indication of the apparent relative ability of substance to attract substance in proportion to its relative density and potential.

 Every metallurgist knows that some alloys can be produced very simply because of the willingness of some metals to unite and the great unwillingness of others.

 The metallurgist is accustomed to the use of high pressure in forcing his metals to unite, and the chemist to the use of very low pressures in causing his gases to unite.

 Modern science recognizes the varying power of substance to attract and to repel in that effect termed electro-motive force, but its basic cause is presumed to be electrical. Electricity and gravitation are not yet recognized as identical expressions of the same force.

 Modern science is perfectly familiar with the oscillatory motion of electro magnetic force, and also with the fact that opposed oscillations are opposed forces.

 All of the effects of motion are recorded as dimensions.

 Every dimension has its opposites, and every change in preponderance from one opposite to the other simultaneously changes every other one of the eighteen series of opposites to balance that change.

 The force of attraction, which is electric, and the force of repulsion, which is magnetic, are both opposite pressure dimensions, and they must change their relations as other dimensions change.

 Neither the force of attraction, nor the force of repulsion is in any way an attribute of the One universal substance. r Substance has no power to attract, to repel, to unite or to separate.

 These qualities belong to motion and not to substance.

 If either of these qualities were attributes of substance, the unchanging One substance would then be changeable.

 All mass is accumulated electro-magnetic potential seeking the pressure zone of its potential.

 All mass is either charging, in which case it is flowing in an electric stream of centripetal preponderance, or it is discharging, in which case it is flowing in a magnetic stream of centrifugal preponderance.

 Mass flowing in a stream is conditioned by the current of the stream.

 An electric stream always flows spirally toward the gravitative center of the mass, or systern, or wave of systems, toward the apex of each of their cones of energy.

 Magnetic streams always flow spirally to ward the inertial planes of the mass, or system, or wave of systems, toward the bases of their cones of energy.

 These two streams pass each other going in opposite directions in the same cones of energy and all mass carried by the streams is conditioned by their motion.

 Attraction and repulsion are merely apparent effects of electric action and magnetic reaction.

 Attraction and repulsion are the apparent effects of the opposites of motion.

 One is an effect of revolution, the other of rotation.

 One is an effect of gravitation, the other of radiation.

 One is an effect of contraction, the other of expansion.

 One is an effect of inhalation, the other of exhalation.

 One is an assembling or associating force, an assimilative force of gravity, or growth, which causes mass to draw together, to integrate, to



Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday May 17, 2017 04:23:18 MDT by Dale Pond.