
18.22 - Precognition

(Q) (288): "Please explain how physical conditions may come to pass as dreamed of at times regarding individuals. Are such conditions set at the time dreamed of? Why would one dream of any given condition?" (See detailed dream Cayce 262-83, Par. R1.)

(A) "The law of cause and effect is immutable, by choice in individual experience. Or choice is the factor that alters or changes the effect produced by that which is the builder for every experience of associations of man, in even material experience. Hence as thought and purpose and aim and desire are set in motion by minds, their EFFECT is as a condition that IS. For its end, then, has been set in that He, the Giver of the heavens and the earth and those things therein, has set the END thereof. DREAM is but ATTUNING an individual mind to those individual storehouses of experience that has been set in motion. Hence at times there may be the perfect connection, at others there may be the static of interference by inability of coordinating the own thought to the experience or actuality or fact set in motion. Hence those experiences that are visioned are not only as has been given to some, to be interpreters of the unseen, but to others dreams or as dreamer of dreams, to others as prophecy, to others healing, to others exhortation, to this and that and the other; yet all are of the same spirit. Hence this is the manner as may be seen. This has little reference to BODY-DESTINY, but much with the MIND." Cayce (262-83)

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Created by Trene. Last Modification: Wednesday December 14, 2011 12:35:57 MST by Trene.